50 varieties of apples with photos and descriptions


Varietal variety of apples is amazing. According to statistics, they are the most popular fruits. Increased demand contributes to low calorie content and a wide range.

Fruits belonging to different varieties differ in size, taste, aroma, amount of sugar in the composition, ripening time. Focusing on the last criterion, late and early varieties are distinguished.

Varieties of apples that bear fruit in summer

Summer apple trees bear fruit from early July to late August. The fruits are recommended to be consumed and processed immediately after harvest. This is due to their consumer maturity. In case of untimely harvesting, the fruit remains unripe or overripe. This is fraught with a loss of taste and loosening of the pulp. Keep fruits no longer than 1 month. Otherwise, crop damage cannot be avoided.

The positive properties of summer varieties include early fruiting, high yield, large fruits and medium winter resistance. Among the minuses are the susceptibility of scab leaves, and the difficulties encountered in transporting fruits.

Breeders seek to extend the period of keeping time. The result of their work are varieties that can retain their properties from 1.5 to 3 months. To achieve high yields, timely care must be taken. The list of necessary measures includes watering, pruning, dressing, treating diseases and eliminating parasites.

Summer grades include:


Shelf life of about 3 months. Yellow-red fruits have a rich taste, pleasant aroma, dense and crisp pulp.

The mass of one fruit is 200 g. Among the features is good keeping quality. Transportation problems usually do not arise.


The mass of one apple is 200 g.

Among the characteristic features of the sweet and sour taste of the fruit, quick shedding.


The fruits ripen by the middle of the last summer month. The pulp has a dense structure and creamy tint.

Ripe apples are red. On their surface there are whitish spots.


Green fruits ripen by the end of June. The weight of each apple is about 150 g.

Their feature is a combination of wine flavor and sourness.


A variety obtained by domestic breeders. Its features include large yellow fruits with juicy tender flesh.

Apples are recommended to be stored for 10 to 15 days.

Williams Pride

Dark red fruits with a purple tint are distinguished by a flattened shape, a winey flavor and a crispy flesh.

The weight of one fruit is about 160 g. The storage period is 6-8 weeks.


Fruits ripen in the middle of summer. Yellow-green apples with a ruddy side can be kept for 2 weeks.

The advantages of the Canadian variety include resistance to drought and fungus.

Autumn varieties of apples

Their main feature is the mismatch of consumer maturity with the collection period. Experts recommend starting processing only 2 weeks after the harvest is harvested. Shelf life of apples is on average 3 months. Among the shortcomings are high susceptibility to fungal diseases, and fruiting, which occurs only in certain periods.

Most varieties are not precocious. The first crop is usually obtained only 5 years after the planting of seedlings in the ground. The advantages of apples ripening in autumn include bright color, stable-medium size, the possibility of long-term storage. When choosing a variety, consider how the fruit will be used.

Glory to the winners

Of the fruits that are obtained by growing this variety, juices are prepared. They are also consumed fresh. Trees are tall.

Rounded apples should not be kept for longer than 2 months.


It was bred by Sverdlovsk breeders. The taste of apples is sour and viscous. The weight of each does not exceed 60 g. The fruits are decorated with scarlet stripes and a beautiful blush.

Store them in a room with high humidity. Among the advantages are resistance to low temperature and fungal ailments.


Apples were obtained as a result of breeding varieties Welsey. The height of the trees cannot be more than 4 m, there is no risk of scab signs.

The fruits are large in size, sweet and sour taste, resistant to external factors.


Apples are flattened, saturated color, high sugar content.

Autumn striped

The weight of pale pink fruits reaches 130 g.

Bellefleur chinese

Very large apples with a sweet and sour taste.

Tartu Rose (Welsey)

Fruits having a light green hue and an interesting flavor. Fast fruiting is noted.

Bessemyanka Michurinskaya

Universal variety, characterized by early maturity.

The fruits are decorated with scarlet wide stripes.


An early winter variety that produces large brownish-red apples.


The characteristic features of the tree include a spreading crown.

Apples have an interesting candy flavor.


A species bred by Belarusian breeders.

Among the distinguishing features are a slightly elongated shape of the fruit, resistance to harsh climatic conditions and fungal ailments.

Winter apple varieties

Their main difference from other varieties is resistance to harsh climate. Harvest before the onset of severe frosts. Among the characteristic features are rich aroma, good taste, the absence of difficulties with transportation. Winter hardiness is a quality that implies the ability to withstand low temperatures over a long period. Fruits obtained by growing winter apples do not lose their beneficial properties for a long time. Often they are stored until the beginning of the summer months. This makes the taste more saturated, and the aroma is stable.

Varieties that possess this valuable property are no less popular than high-yielding summer and autumn varieties. Experienced gardeners often plant apple trees belonging to different winter varieties. Today, without special difficulties, you can buy seedlings from both domestic and foreign manufacturers.

Golden Delishes, Jonathan, Jonagold and Idared are ranked as imported. The latter was the result of breeding between two main varieties: Wagner and Jonathan. Its fruits are distinguished by a flat-round shape, large size, glossy shimmer of light green color.

In the list of the most popular there are such domestic varieties as:

Antonovka ordinary

Frost-resistant, high, not scab resistant. Begins to bear fruit only for 7-8 years. Ripens at the end of September. It is stored until January.

The fruit is round, flattened, green with yellowness, juicy, sweet and sour taste (about 200 g).

Aurora Ural

The tree grows medium in size. The grade is made for the Volga-Vyatka region. Fruits are oval about 85 g, yellowish with wide ruddy sides, juicy, wine-sweet taste. Not hardy enough, but keeping quality is good (until January).

Medium resistant to scab.


Winter-hardy, scab resistant.

The fruit is medium-sized (125 g), greenish with a rich raspberry blush, sweet and sour.

Bezhin meadow

Skoroplodny, productive, highly resistant to diseases of apple trees.


Drought-resistant, winter-hardy.

Not resistant to powdery mildew. Fruit (150 g), with red stripes and yellowish flesh, juicy, sweet and sour.


It is characterized by high frost resistance, resistance to scab, keeping quality (mid-February).

The disadvantage is that when you are late with cleaning, it quickly crumbles.


It begins to bear fruit already for 3-4 years, winter-hardy.

Not resistant to rot, but resistant to scab. High-yielding, does not crumble, good presentation.


Advantages - fruiting for 4-5 years, scab resistance, storage until March, amazing taste and appearance.

Disadvantages - medium winters, rapid fall of foliage.


Large tree with a drooping crown. Frost-resistant, resistant to scab, lies until May.


Dessert, pink-white color. Matures in early autumn, stored until January.

Medium resistant to frost and disease.


Storage until the beginning of March. Needs pruning, scab resistant.

But can suffer from very low temperatures.


The tree is compact. Immature for 3 years, a good annual yield of 5. Winter hardiness, powdery mildew damage is average, to scab - high.

Subject to other diseases (bacterial burn, bitter fissure). The fruits are large (up to 200 g). Refrigerated until spring.

Winter striped

Advantages - fruiting for 3-4 years, tasty, beautiful fruits, persist until mid-spring.

Disadvantages - not resistant to scab, to severe frosts.


A large tree with a conical crown. Winter-hardy, but easily susceptible to disease. The fruit (about 130 g) is yellow with pink sides, storage until the end of winter.

High yielding variety. When growing winter varieties, it is necessary to take into account several important nuances. To get a good crop, the gardener will have to regularly feed and trim the crown. These events are included in the complex of energy-saving agricultural technology. Thus, the fruit gets more nutrients.

Varieties for the middle strip and Moscow region

The most suitable conditions are in areas characterized by deep groundwater and fertile soil. When selecting, you should pay attention to such varieties as:
Zhigulevskoe is a precocious variety, after planting of which the crop will be received in 4 years. Subject to all the rules, trees bear fruit annually. A powerful root system provides complete nutrition. Reddish-orange apples taste good.


Among the main signs, stunting, branches growing in the horizontal direction are distinguished.

Yellow apples have a sweetish taste, sourness is present. High level of frost resistance.


A semi-dwarf variety ripening in September. The branches are brown, the bark is gray. High yield, medium-sized apples have a reddish tinge and conical shape.

The taste is sweet and sour. Among the hallmarks are resistance to ailments and low temperatures.


Raspberry fruits are decorated with brighter stripes. The safety level is quite high. An adult tree is characterized by impressive parameters.

The crown diameter is 8 m. Instability to ailments is considered a minus.

Varieties for the Volga region

This category includes varieties that are highly adaptable to the type of soil cover and climatic conditions. The list includes:

Red early

Winter-hardy apple trees, characterized by medium height and round shape.

The weight of one flattened fetus does not exceed 70 g.


It was obtained as a result of Canadian selection. Frost resistance of an average level.

Apples are juicy flesh, a wide spread in weight (160-220 g).


Large rounded apples with a flesh of a white-greenish hue, strong aroma, good taste.


It is highly resistant to harsh conditions. Fruiting begins in the fifth year.

The pulp is tender and loose, the shelf life is rather short.


Summer variety, characterized by winter hardiness and high productivity.

The best apple varieties for Siberia and the Urals

Each of the varieties is characterized by winter hardiness, productivity, ripening period, resistance to ailments. The list is quite extensive, it includes the following varieties:

White filling

Sweet apples ripen in late summer.

The only drawback is the short shelf life.


Harvested after 4 years after planting seedlings. The mass of each fruit is about 150 g.

Keep the fruit for three months.


A hybrid variety (crossing of Linda and Golden Delicious), when grown which produces apples. Winter-hardy, disease resistant. Fruits in 3 years. Apples are greenish yellow with red sides. Their weight is about 300 g.

Renate Tatar

It begins to bear fruit for 3-4 years, stored until April. Frost-resistant, high-yielding, medium resistant to scab. Fruits are green-yellow, with raspberry blush. The pulp is white, juicy.

The list is supplemented by such species as Gornist, Antonovka, Anis, Krasa Sverdlovsk, Florina.

The choice of Mr. Summer Resident

Apples are a source of micro and macro elements, vitamins, and minerals. Due to the variety of varieties, each gardener will be able to choose suitable options. Moreover, he must take into account the determining factors listed above. Choosing seedlings, you need to focus on the state of their root system.


This group includes varieties that give the first crop in the first 5 years. A striking example is Beforrest. This variety is characterized by moderate frost resistance and prolonged keeping quality. The last indicator is six months. The first fruits are harvested for 4 years. Papier begins to bear fruit in the same period. The variety is characterized by early ripeness, original taste, short shelf life. Stark Erliest is characterized by delicate flesh, a bright pink tint and a sweet and sour flavor.


When choosing such varieties, there is no need to take measures to form the appearance of the plant.

In the list of common are the following varieties:

  • Arbat - harvested in the second year. Among the characteristic features distinguish long-term keeping quality, resistance to diseases and frost resistance;
  • Gin - the height of the tree is 2 m. Apples have a sweet and sour taste;
  • Barguzin - fruiting begins in the third year. The characteristic features include increased winter hardiness and productivity.

By means of columnar trees it is possible not only to increase the number of harvested apples, but also to decorate a garden plot.

The sweetest

Such palatability is due to the high concentration of fructose and sucrose. It should be noted that this value does not affect the color. The varieties characterized by sweetness include:

  • Jonathan - apple trees that are characterized by medium growth, high productivity. Yellow-green fruits have a winey flavor;
  • Fuji is a variety that produces crops in winter and autumn. Fruits are characterized by large size, long shelf life;
  • Gala is a variety that is characterized by early winter or late autumn ripening. Harvest begins to be harvested 6-7 years after planting seedlings in the ground. Fruits are large in size, the weight of any of them is about 250 g. Also a pleasant astringent aftertaste and crispy tender flesh are considered to be special features.

Harvested apples should be kept in a cool and dark place. To ensure freshness, use clean sand.

By regularly consuming fruits, you can cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. By including these fruits in the diet, they are removed in the stomach, stabilize the state of the nervous system, and strengthen immunity. Fruits must be included in a diet designed for a child. In winter, they are the most affordable fruit. Domestic manufacturers supply the market with a wide variety of varieties. Therefore, difficulties with the selection of apples usually do not arise.

Selection principles

To set up a garden, you need to purchase seedlings.The selection of suitable varieties is carried out, focusing on personal preferences, type of soil cover, climatic conditions and the most suitable ripening dates. Experts recommend planting apple trees belonging to different varieties on one site. In this case, the need for pollination of trees should be taken into account.

An examination is carried out to identify the variety. In this case, special attention is paid to the following points:

  • The structure of the vegetative parts of the plant.
  • Organoleptic type indicators.
  • Color and consistency of pulp.
  • The structure of the peel.
  • Determination of the shape of the fruit.
  • Size of fruits (average).

Large-fruited apples are more popular than small-fruited. An exception to the rule can be considered ranets. Their flesh is hard.


Watch the video: The 50 Dollar Apple (October 2024).