Fuchsia at home and pruning


Fuchsia is a bright plant with a lush beautiful crown, quite unpretentious. It is for these qualities that flower growers loved it. It is grown by both experienced flower lovers and beginners. Many believe that fuchsia is an exclusively domestic plant, but it is not. In regions with a milder and warmer climate, it is very popular as a street plant, whose bushes reach a height of 1 m.

The formation of fuchsia at home

The main feature of the plant is its flowers. They combine several shades at once and have a very unusual shape. During the flowering period, several thinner stems are formed on each branch, on each of them, in turn, 3-4 inflorescences are formed, due to which fuchsia during the flowering period looks simply fantastic.

Home fuchsia

How fuchsia grows

How fuchsia grows is a question that many beginner growers ask themselves. And this moment is really very important, since how it forms fuchsia at home depends on it. There are several types of flower, depending on the direction of growth of the bush:

  • ampelous. Very spectacular plants, suitable for growing on balconies and summer verandas. Since their stems are very long and flexible, under the weight of their leaves and flowers they always bend down. To grow them, hanging pots are needed;
  • semi-ampel. This type can be grown both as ampelous and as standing. It all depends on the desire of the grower. To get a straight bush, you just need to tie the main stems of the plant to a standing support;
  • bush. Shoots of fuchsia of this type stretch exclusively upward even without additional support.

Important! Regardless of the type, it is necessary to pinch fuchsia to give it the opportunity to fully grow and develop.

Ampelic home fuchsia

Do I need to pinch fuchsia

The formation of fuchsia at home is a rather fascinating and interesting process, since almost any shape can be given to the crown of a plant. There is only one way to do this - by pinching. And this process is mandatory, because it is thanks to it that additional side shoots are formed with buds located on them, which bloom as a result. This simple procedure helps the plant to grow even more and acquire more lush flowering stems.

Thuja hedge - pruning and shaping

If it became noticeable that the plant was crushed, additional shoots did not appear on it, pinching fuchsia must be done. Due to the procedure, the flower will come to life, it will have more incentive to grow, and after a short period of time a much larger number of buds will appear on it than before.

Important! Many varieties of fuchsia are not prone to independent branching and grow on the principle of a flower on a stick. And only pinching can cause the plant to grow and help the formation of new lateral shoots with buds.

How to pinch fuchsia at home

To carry out the procedure, usually choose one of two main ways. The classic version of pinching fuchsia:

  • with each procedure, the growth point is removed from the flower, this helps to double the size of the plant, and with it the number of flowers;
  • for the first time for fuchsia, the cultivation of which begins from the cuttings, it is necessary to carry out three pinching procedures. This will be enough;
  • the formation of the crown of fuchsia may take time - 2-3 months;
  • flowering will occur after the establishment of a long daylight hours in the apartment, not earlier than 2 months after the last pinching procedure.

The second option how to pinch fuchsia at home is K. Dave's method. It is based on the property of the plant itself to double the number of new shoots without new internodes. With its help, a lush plant is formed in a relatively short time. Since the number of growing shoots is large enough, it should be used with caution, there is a risk that the stems will break under the weight of the flowers.

You can pinch the plant at any time of the year, it is especially important to do this in the winter to avoid stretching the stems during the rest. If you figure out how to pinch fuchsia, everything will work out.

Important! There is no single rule on how to pinch plants. There is no right or wrong process of crown formation, it all depends on what effect you want to get in the end.

Crown formation

To form the crown of a standard tree, it is easiest to use upright varieties. At the first stage, it is recommended that they be attached to a solid base until the shoots become more stable. You can use ampelous varieties, the effect will be amazing, but for this you will have to make more efforts. The main stem must be tied to a peg in several places. As soon as the plant reaches the desired length, you need to pinch the growth point to form lateral shoots. So the crown will be formed. After completing this process, you can remove the support peg.

The formation of ampelous fuchsia consists in the removal of growth points for the formation of new lateral shoots. Initially, you need to let the main stem grow to the desired length, and then begin pinching.

Formed crown of ampelous fuchsia

Fuchsia pruning

Most often, in mid-autumn, due to the reduction in daylight hours, fuchsia discards not only flowers, but also leaves. This suggests that she needs peace. At this time, it is best to send it to a cool room with a temperature of about 10 ° C. Another option is also possible - wintering in a bright, humid room with a temperature of about 18 ° C. And after the end of the dormant period (end of winter - beginning of spring), fuchsia is trimmed.

Fuchsia cultivation and care at home

The conduct and degree of trimming depends on the type of fuchsia. Erect, stacked forms require more time, but after correctly cropping, they look more impressive than ampelous ones. If this stage of flower development is left to chance, then in the summer the shape will change, long, thinner and elongated stems will grow.

How to crop fuchsia in spring

First of all, you need to carefully examine the plant and remove all dry, weak, elongated, growing in the wrong direction shoots. Next, it is necessary to trim the strong branches by about half the length, to form the desired shape of the crown. You can prune the branches harder, leaving only 2-3 axillary buds. You can, on the contrary, cut off only 1/3 of the length.

Important! In addition to the pruning process in the spring, it is also advisable to transplant the plant into a new pot with new soil.

Trimming Fuchsia in Spring

What kind of land does fuchsia love

How to grow fuchsia from seeds at home

The land for fuchsia needs fertile, it should include a large amount of humus. Also, it should hold water well, since soil should not be allowed to dry out, it should be constantly moistened.

What soil is needed

The easiest option is a slightly acidic soil for flowering plants, which can easily be bought at any flower or horticultural store. If there is time and desire, then you can prepare a mixture for planting and growing on your own.

There are several options:

  • two parts of peat, three parts of deciduous land, one part of sand;
  • two parts of greenhouse land, three parts of clay-grain land, one part of sand. A great addition to this combination will be a small amount of peat;
  • an equal combination of the following components: humus, peat, sand, leaf and sod land.

All these options will give the necessary weak level of acidity, close to neutral, the level of friability. They will not allow water to stagnate, but also will not allow its lack (with proper watering).

Planting and caring for fuchsia

Initially, fuchsia does not need to be planted in a large pot, the optimal diameter for planting the cuttings is 10 cm. Only after the plant is fully strengthened, its roots will completely braid with an earthen lump, it can be transplanted into a larger pot. It is most correct to carry out this process simultaneously with pruning in February-March. The fuchsia pot should be completely filled with earth, which in no case can be rammed by hand. You just need to carefully monitor its quantity.

Coconut Flower Primer

It is not difficult to care for fuchsia, most importantly, do not forget about some of the main factors:

  • temperature. In summer, the most optimal temperature will be no higher than 25 ° C, but no lower than 18 ° C. If a plant has to go beyond this framework for a long period, it will quickly lose its decorative effect: the flowers will become smaller or completely fall off;
  • location The best option would be the east and west sides. Thanks to this arrangement, the plant will not be affected by direct sunlight;
  • watering. It is much more important for plants than top dressing. It must be carried out regularly as the topsoil dries, but it is also not worth pouring too abundantly. Water must not stagnate in the sump. In summer, the interval between irrigation should be no more than three days, in the fall - 1-2 times a week, in winter - 1 time per month.

Important! During the flowering period, fuchsia can not be deployed or transferred from place to place, otherwise it can simply drop flowers.

Shoots of fuchsia


Fuchsia in the house is beautiful. No wonder she is often called a ballerina and even a flower of elves. It is simple and easy to care for and reproduction, does not require special costs: neither financial nor time. Several simple rules should be followed, and she will thank the owner of the lush and bright flowering.
