Grape Disease: Signs, Causes, and Treatment


Grapes - a culture that requires increased attention, especially if it is grown not in the south of Russia, but in the middle lane or Siberia. Since the plant is heat-loving, it is quite difficult for him to survive in a cool climate, and the lack of proper care, inappropriate soil and various diseases can destroy not only the crop, but the whole plant, along with leaves, stems and roots.

Grapes, like most other living organisms, are most often infected by infection, which is transmitted from a diseased plant to a healthy one. In this way, various viral diseases, fungi and harmful bacteria pass.

In many cases, weeds and small earthen pests, such as insects and rodents, are carriers of diseases in the vineyards.

For infected bushes, any external factor will affect their growth and development, whether it is soil fertility, its composition, air humidity, regularity of precipitation, etc. For example, during torrential rains, an aching grape will simply rot.

There is a non-infectious type of grape disease - these include various mechanical injuries, such as improper pruning, sunburn of leaves, damage to roots by garden tools.

Fungal diseases of grapes

The most common disease that is familiar to all farmers and winemakers is called mildew (sidium), and in simple words - downy mildew.

This fungus affects grape leaves, shoots and berries, forming yellow and gray spots on them. This symptom can not be ignored, otherwise you can remain not only without a crop, but also generally without culture on the site.

Mushrooms breed in the soil, on fallen leaves and rotten berries and are carried by the wind over large areas of vineyards. Younger leaves and brushes of berries are more prone to damage, old ones are more resistant to this infection.

For prevention, experienced gardeners tie up shoots so that they do not lie on the ground; stepchild and remove extra shoots; They clean it under the vineyards, removing and burning fallen leaves, and spray them with copper-containing preparations 5-6 times per season (1% Bordeaux mixture, copper chloroxide). Processing is completed 3 weeks before harvest.

It is treated with mildew by periodically spraying vines with fungicides. Good results were shown with Zircon. A number of effective tools: Strobi, Polikhom, Rodimol Gold.

Another dangerous fungus is Oidium. It occurs a little less often, but the symptoms are almost the same as the first disease - gray spots on the leaves and berries.

The popular name of the disease is powdery mildew. If you do not take measures to prevent and treat this infection, the crop is in serious danger. First, the berries will begin to burst, and in a few years the culture will completely disappear.

Prevention measures do not differ from those for mildew. The same actions will help protect the plant from infection.

For treatment, it is necessary to use solutions with the addition of sulfur preparations. Sulfur effectively fights infection, and preserves the crop.

For the finished solution, 80 grams of sulfur must be diluted in a bucket of water. In addition, powdered sulfur with the addition of wood resin can be used. Carbis Top, Tiovit, Topaz will also help.

Anthracnose - drying of the vineyard. Leaves and branches are covered with brown heels and dry. It is caused most often by frequent torrential rains.

The treatment is the same as with mildew - chemical treatment and removal of damaged shoots.

If the disease has acquired a chronic form, or has dragged on - you need to use fungicides, such as: Kartotsid, Fundazol, Polycarbacin, Ordan, Previkur, Artserid, Abiga-Peak. Antifungal treatment should be carried out regularly at two-week intervals.

Anthracnose-like disease - Cercosporosis. When infected, the leaves become covered with spots of olive color and dry. For treatment, a Bordeaux mixture is used.

Alternariosis is a spring fungal disease. Its symptoms are as follows: berries are covered with a heterogeneous white coating, and other parts of the plant are grayish or brown. Damaged berries quickly rot. Bordeaux fluid will effectively help in the fight.

Escoriasis (black spotting) - this fungus forms black spots throughout the plant. Leaves, fruits and branches turn black. The infected stalks turn black, dry and fall away, unable to hold the bunch. To save the plant, pruning and burning of damaged branches is necessary, and the plant can also be treated with the antifungal fungicide Medea ME, and this should be done in early spring, when the buds begin to bloom.

Apoplexy. This fungal disease affects the bush in the middle of the season, in hot weather. White plaque forms on the lower leaves. Due to the large number of toxic substances released by the fungus, the plant can die very quickly, but there are times when the disease proceeds in a chronic form for several years. Arsenite helps with this fungus, however, it is toxic and should be used with caution. Gray rot, white rot, black rot

Gray rot - gray fibrous coating that affects any part of the plant. Most often, it appears on the lower bunches of berries. Very dangerous disease, poorly treatable. Recommend means Medea ME, Title 390, Switch, Horus, Antracol. For prophylaxis, you need to raise the stems from the surface of the earth, pinch the plant, remove weeds, do not overdo it with nitrogen fertilizers.

White rot is not very different from her. With this disease, mainly berries rot. White fur coating, like mold, covers the brushes partially or in whole. This disease does not always speak of fungal infections, sometimes it appears when the plant is damaged mechanically. The treatment is the same as with mildew.

Black rot. With this disease, leaves and berries darken. When defeated, they acquire a dark purple or black color. The disease progresses rapidly, spreads to healthy areas, respectively, the area of ​​rot increases. For treatment, Antracol, Topaz and fungicides with a copper content are suitable.

Armillarosis is a fungal disease that affects the roots and leaves of grapes. At first they turn yellow, and in the fall they overgrow with yellow and brown mushrooms. The grapes are treated with fungicides with copper.

Verticillosis is a disease that progresses over five years. During the disease, shoots die and leaves turn yellow. For treatment, spraying bushes with Fundazol is suitable.

Grape Viral Disease

The most dangerous diseases of grapes are viral. Experienced winemakers and farmers know that with a viral infection, the only correct way is to remove the bush, since such diseases are practically incurable. The disease is caused by small harmful bacteria transmitted by young seedlings or insects.

Such ailments are very difficult to determine, since the symptomatology differs little from fungal diseases or the result of external damage to the vine, therefore, it is recommended to take preventive measures such as:

  • Planting only healthy "clean" seedlings
  • Regular and periodic control of gnawing and sucking pests.
  • Digging and disposal of diseased plants completely

The most common viral diseases have the following names: marbling of leaves, chlorosis (infectious), necrosis of leaf veins, vein mosaic, short-knot.

Noncommunicable diseases

The most common disease not caused by infections is chlorosis (iron). It arises as a result of adverse environmental conditions, mainly develops in the cold, and the wrong fertilizer of the soil can also be the cause.

Excessive alkalization and nitrogen fertilizer will also lead to chlorosis. Another common reason is the lack of iron in the soil.

You can diagnose it by the following symptoms: the grapes cease to bloom, the shoots become brittle and brittle, and the leaves become discolored, become very pale with a yellowish tinge.

Chlorosis is treated by spraying the solution with the addition of iron preparations at any time, but direct exposure to sunlight during treatment is excluded. A solution of 10 l is recommended. water and added to it 100-200 grams of iron sulfate. Leaves can be sprayed with iron chelate, it strengthens their structure.

In addition to iron, it is advised to fertilize the soil with vitamins, which include manganese, zinc and boron.

Grape Pests

The danger to grapes is not only diseases, but also a huge number of various pests that weaken the plant and it becomes even more vulnerable. The most dangerous: phylloxera, leaflet, grape motley, spider mite and others.

About 10 pests of grapes, preventive measures and control measures, read on our portal Mr. Summer resident.


Watch the video: Diseases of Grape Vine (October 2024).