Chrysalidocarpus - slender home palm


Chrysalidocarpus (Areca) is a perennial evergreen plant with beautiful palm-like leaves. However, unlike the usual palm, most indoor species do not have a pronounced trunk. Several grassy stems grow from the soil at the same time, forming dense, but slender thickets. For this feature, chrysalidocarpus is called the "reed palm." The plant belongs to the Palm family and is distributed in Madagascar, as well as in Oceania and Tropical Asia. In room culture, palm is quite common. It’s easy to look after her and maintain a strict look. A variety of species allows you to choose the most interesting plant.

Botanical Description

The genus of chrysalidocarpus combines single-stemmed or bushy plants. In the natural environment, they can grow 6–10 m in height, but indoor specimens do not exceed 50–200 cm. Long vayas have a dense, erect petiole that does not form lateral processes. On each branch there are 40-60 pairs of narrow-lanceolate lobes. The dark green sheet plate has smooth edges and a pointed end. A palm tree develops rather slowly. The annual growth is about 15-30 cm. Moreover, the bush expands annually due to the many root processes.

Flowering occurs in May-June, however, indoor specimens rarely delight with flowers. In leaf sinuses paniculate inflorescences are formed, which consist of small, yellow flowers of both sexes. As a result of self-pollination, the fruits ripen - yellow rounded berries. Each berry contains a seed. Seeds are poisonous, their use leads to the development of peptic ulcer and even cancer of the stomach.

Types of Chrysalidocarpus

Botanists account for up to 20 species of chrysalidocarpus. Here is some of them:

Chrysalidocarpus is yellowish. A highly branched plant from the base allows lateral, rooting shoots. Young stalks with petioles are painted in yellow-green color. They have a smooth, mottled surface. Each leaf grows up to 2 m in length. The width of the waya is 80-90 cm. Up to 60 pairs of leaf blades are located on the arched petiole. The axillary inflorescence is a branched brush with small yellow flowers.

Chrysalidocarpus yellowish

Chrysalidocarpus three-stamen. The plant is a bunch of upright leaves growing from the ground. At home, it is able to reach 3 m in height. Glossy sheet plates are greatly narrowed and elongated. During the flowering period, a rather dense inflorescence with a pleasant lemon aroma blooms.

Chrysalidocarpus three-stamen

Chrysalidocarpus Madagascar. The palm tree has a classic tree shape with a single trunk. The trunk is somewhat widened at the base and is covered with a smooth whitish bark. The height of the tree reaches 9 m in nature. The dense cirrus foliage is painted dark green. The length of the racemose inflorescence is 50-60 cm.

Chrysalidocarpus Madagascar

Chrysalidocarpus catechu (Betel palm). A popular variety with a single massive trunk and long, straight leaves. In nature, the trunk is 20 m long and 50 cm wide. The sprawling cirrus leaves form a symmetrical dense crown of dark green color. The species is often planted in the south in gardens to decorate the area. Flowering and fruiting is very rare.

Chrysalidocarpus catechu

Breeding methods

Chrysalidocarpus propagates by sowing seeds or rooting root processes. Any method is quite simple and gives a good result. Chrysalidocarpus seeds are sown in early spring, when daylight hours begin to increase. Before planting, they should be soaked in warm (30 ° C) water for 2-4 days. Then the seeds are distributed in boxes with moist sand and peat soil to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. Seedlings appear after 3-4 months. They should be kept in a well-lit room at a temperature of + 20 ... + 25 ° C. When the first true leaf appears, the seedlings are transplanted into separate pots with a diameter of up to 12 cm.

In the process of growth of most indoor varieties, root processes are formed. They are connected to the mother plant, but have their own roots. In spring, it is necessary to separate the lateral process with a sharp blade. The cut place is sprinkled with crushed charcoal, after which the young plant is planted in a separate small pot. During the spring and summer, the seedling will grow strong enough and begin to grow new leaves and shoots.

Transplant Rules

Chrysalidocarpus does not like transplants, so they are rarely performed, as the rhizome grows. An earthen coma should be used to avoid damage to thin roots. For planting, choose a pot with drainage holes, on the bottom of which a thick layer of expanded clay is poured. This material absorbs excess moisture during irrigation and will give it away as the earth dries.

The soil of chrysalidocarpus needs nutritious and light, it should contain:

  • turf land (2 parts);
  • humus-sheet earth (2 parts);
  • peat (1 part);
  • rotted manure (1 part);
  • sand (1 part);
  • charcoal (0.5 parts).

After transplanting, it is necessary to water the plant well and leave it in a room with bright diffused light.

Growing Secrets

Chrysalidocarpus is recognized as an unpretentious, easy-to-care plant. However, a little experience will benefit the grower and make caring for a palm tree more pleasant and easier.

Lighting. Chrysalidocarpus needs bright light, direct sunlight is allowed on the crown. In strong heat, it is necessary to shade the crown from the midday sun or to ventilate the room more often. There is no such problem in the fresh air. In winter, you need to rearrange the palm tree in a lighter room, and if necessary, use fluorescent lamps.

Temperature. The optimum air temperature for the plant is + 22 ... + 25 ° C. In winter, you can lower this figure to + 16 ° C, but not lower. It is not necessary to artificially create temperature fluctuations; the chrysalidocarpus does not have a pronounced period of rest.

Humidity. Palm tree needs high humidity (60% or more). It should be sprayed regularly and placed near a water source. In winter, it is worth moving the plant away from heating radiators. In hot weather, the leaves are washed in the shower twice a month. In winter, such a procedure is carried out less often or completely excluded. If bathing is not possible, leaflets should be cleaned from dust with a damp cloth.

Watering. Chrysalidocarpus needs abundant and frequent watering. The earthen lump should dry 2-3 cm, depending on the volume of the pot. In winter, watering is reduced, allowing the soil to dry to half. The water is used soft and well-maintained. Its temperature should be 1-2 degrees above air temperature.

Fertilizer. Chrysalidocarpus nutrition is needed throughout the year. You can use mineral compounds for decorative foliage plants or palm trees. In April-October, diluted fertilizer is applied to the soil twice a month, the rest of the time just one fertilizing per month is enough.

Possible difficulties

Chrysalidocarpus does not tolerate dampness and stagnation of water in the soil. As a result of improper care, root rot or fungal infection on the leaves may develop. At first, small brown spots will gradually increase and infect the entire plant. To defeat the fungus, it is necessary to trim the affected areas and conduct soil and shoot treatment with a fungicide solution.

Sometimes on a palm tree, especially in the open air, spider mites, mealybugs and aphids settle. Parasites can be removed by treatment with an alcohol solution. With a cotton pad dipped in liquid, wipe the entire crown and shoots. A faster and more effective way to combat parasites is chemical insecticides. It is enough to spray the plant and there will be much less insects. To destroy the larvae, spraying is repeated twice more with an interval of 5-7 days.

Sometimes chrysalidocarpus with its appearance shows errors in care:

  • the tips of the leaves dry out - the air in the room is too dry;
  • leaves turn yellow - too bright lighting or insufficient watering;
  • brown spots on leaves and shoots - signs of rot due to stagnation of water in the soil.

Plant use

Chrysalidocarpus fits perfectly into the interior, regardless of the style of its design. Bright greenery and exquisite leaves bring nature closer. It is known that a plant is able to quickly absorb a large amount of water, which later evaporates. Thus, chrysalidocarpus not only pleases with a beautiful appearance, but also improves the air quality in the house. It removes vapors of benzene, formaldehyde, as well as carbon monoxide.

At home, plants use its fruits in folk medicine. Alkaloids and tannins are contained in large quantities. With the help of pulp of berries they fight against worms and diarrhea. However, do not forget about the toxicity of seeds. In order not to make a mistake in the dosage, it is better not to use this drug inside.
