Raspberry Orange miracle - the sun on your beds!


Among various varieties of raspberries, plants with yellow or orange berries look very unusual. Many of them are tasty, but do not tolerate transportation. Raspberry variety Orange miracle, the bright berries of which have sufficient density for transportation, is deprived of this drawback.

Growing history

Large-fruited raspberries The orange miracle is a repair yellow-fruited variety. Is the "brainchild" of the famous breeder I.V. Kazakov and received at the experimental station of the All-Russian Institute of Horticulture in the Bryansk region. The variety is included in the State Register relatively recently - in 2009 - and is recommended for cultivation in all regions of Russia.

Variety description Orange Wonder

Raspberry Orange miracle ripens in the middle - in mid-July (in a cold climate - in mid-August). Compact, not too sprawling bushes are distinguished by great growth power and powerful erect stems. During the growing season, an average number of substitution shoots (usually 5-7) and numerous shoots are formed. Annual shoots are light brown in color, slightly pubescent and covered with a light waxy coating. On the stems there are quite a few green spikes of medium size, concentrated closer to the base of the shoot. Fruiting are lateral branches devoid of thorns and covered with a wax coating. An orange miracle is characterized by the formation of fruit branches at 75% of the length of the stems.

Raspberry Orange Miracle in the photo

Flowering occurs in the first half of June. Then, large berries are formed on fruit branches (weight 5-6 g, maximum - up to 10.2 g), having the shape of an elongated cone with a blunt apex. The small drupes that make up the berry are firmly interlinked, so that the fruit does not crumble. A slightly shining skin with a slight pubescence has a bright orange color. Light orange flesh has a delicate, melting structure, a sour-sweet taste with a caramel tint and a strong aroma. The sugar content is 3.6%, acids - 1.1%, and vitamin C 68 mg per 100 g.

The ripened berries are separated well from the stem.

Raspberry Orange Miracle on video

Variety characteristic Orange Wonder

Orange Miracle has excellent performance, among which:

  • large sizes and unusual, eye-catching color of berries;
  • one-dimensionality of the fruit and the absence of "friability";
  • high productivity - about 3-4 kg from 1 bush, with industrial cultivation - 15 t / ha, and plants freeze up 90-95% of their potential yield before frosts;
  • good taste (the taste of fresh berries is rated 4 points);
  • good resistance to diseases and pests;
  • resistance to transportation and long shelf life.

Of course, varieties also have disadvantages:

  • average resistance to heat and drought, in hot weather the berries are strongly “baked”;
  • strong spiky stems that interfere with the harvest;
  • insufficient frost resistance for cold regions (up to - 24aboutFROM).

Rules for growing raspberries Orange miracle

The success of any gardener depends on the correct planting.

Rules for planting raspberries

Raspberry is photophilous, therefore, to plant it, you need to choose a site well-lit by the sun, as well as take care of protection from cold winds. The southern and southeastern parts of the garden are best suited. In partial shade, raspberries can also be grown, but with strong shading, its yield drops sharply.

Close occurrence of groundwater and stagnation of water are very harmful for raspberries, as they can lead to rotting of the roots. If necessary, drainage should be provided in the raspberry.

If stagnation of moisture regularly occurs on the site, it is necessary to lay a drainage system

By soil conditions, the Orange Miracle is generally unpretentious, but grows best on fertile loam. The main soil requirements are looseness and the ability to absorb moisture well.

Landing can be carried out either in spring or in autumn. In the autumn planting, you need to choose a period so that at least a month is left before the frost - then the plants will have time to take root.

Planting material can be bought or obtained on your own if there are already Orange miracle bushes on your or neighboring site. Plants form a large amount of root growth, which alleviates the problem of reproduction of the Orange miracle. To improve the quality of the shoots, you can remove the central part of a 2-3-year-old bush. In this case, the roots form a more powerful shoot, giving high-quality planting material.

The root shoot is separated along with a sufficient number of roots and a lump of earth

To plant raspberries, pits are prepared (0.3 by 0.3 m) or trenches, the bottom is loosened with a pitchfork and seasoned with a nutrient mixture (3 kg of rotted manure and 15-20 g of superphosphate are covered with a layer of earth). The distance between adjacent plants should be at least 0.7-1 m, and between rows 1.5-2 m. If the site has several different varieties of raspberries, they should be separated by a distance of 4-5m.

Prepared seedlings are lowered into pits, sprinkled with soil, compacted and watered planting at the rate of 1 bucket of water per bush.

Planting repair raspberries on video

Raspberry planting care rules

Raspberry Orange miracle does not require much hassle in growing: it is generally unpretentious, although it quickly responds to good care by increasing productivity.

Due to abundant harvests, the shoots bend under the weight of the fruit, so it is advisable to tie the stems to trellises.

The simplest trellis option is wire or twine stretched in several rows

When growing raspberries, you need to take into account its moisture loving nature. Although raspberries do not tolerate stagnant moisture, it needs constant moderate soil moisture. Watering is carried out every 12-15 days (more often in dry weather) so that the soil gets wet to a depth of 25-35 cm.

In the fall, water-loading irrigation is required (it is not required during rainy autumn) - raspberries are poured with water.

After irrigation, wait until the soil surface is slightly dry, carry out shallow cultivation with the removal of weeds, and then mulch it with humus for long-term preservation of moisture and nutrition of the root system.

Top dressing

Raspberries "love" feeding, therefore, during the growing season, it is necessary to regularly add nutrients.

In early spring, fertilizers are applied: urea (15-20 g / m2) and wood ash (1 m glass2) Instead of nitrogen fertilizers, you can make an infusion of chicken manure.

It is advisable to carry out early spring dressing by scattering dry fertilizers in the snow so that they dissolve in melt water and penetrate to the roots.

In summer, nitrogen fertilizers are not used, as they can cause an increase in green mass and a decrease in the number of flowers and ovaries.

Before flowering, a mixture of mullein and complex fertilizers is introduced - 0.5 l of mullein and 50 g of complex fertilizer are dissolved in a bucket of water and plants are watered (1/5 of the bucket per 1 bush).

Features of caring for yellow-fruited remont raspberry - video

Protection against diseases and pests

The Orange Miracle variety is generally very resistant to diseases and pests. Nevertheless, the possibility of defeat by aphids, raspberries, stalk gall midges is not ruled out. For prevention, early spring treatment with a solution of nitrafen 2% (immediately after snowmelt) or urea 6-7% (before budding) can be carried out. Before flowering, and then after harvesting, you can spray Inta-Vir. If harmful insects nevertheless attacked raspberry, you can use insecticides - Karbofos, Confidor, Actara.

Raspberry Pests - video

To prevent disease, bushes in the spring are treated with a Bordeaux mixture.

Regular weeding, loosening of the soil, ensuring the ventilation of plantings, and the removal of plant debris help prevent diseases and pests.

The author, in the process of growing raspberries for many years, concluded for himself that in order to keep raspberries from "sprawling" in the garden, you can use a very simple way - plant a row of garlic along a raspberry bed. Moreover, garlic should be planted very densely, then it will not allow young shoots of raspberries to spread outside the boundaries of their area. Also, the author would like to share his sad experience: if you neglect the rule for transplanting raspberries, then the berries are noticeably smaller. Therefore, every 6-7 years, raspberries need to be moved to other areas. If any diseases were noticed in the raspberry, it is not worthwhile to receive planting material from old plantings, it is better to purchase and plant new seedlings.

Raspberry pruning

Since the raspberry Orange miracle is a repairing variety, it is able to produce two crops a year - on the shoots of last year (first wave) and on the young stems of the current year (autumn wave of the crop). The second wave of the crop is 55-60% of the total volume. Despite the possibility of double fruiting, the authors of the variety indicate that the technology for cultivating the Orange miracle should include mowing the shoots in the fall. Therefore, after harvesting in late October, the bushes are pruned and covered with sawdust, straw or other warming materials (when grown in cold regions).

Trimming remont raspberries on video

Harvesting, storage and use of crops

The harvest of the Orange Miracle can begin to be harvested in late July - early August (a later date - in cold regions). According to some gardeners, the first summer crop is not very tasty, with watery berries. It is better to use on compote or jam.

More attention is paid to the autumn wave of the crop, whose berries are usually very large and tasty. Raspberries are harvested manually as they ripen (the fruiting period stretches to the first frost). A distinctive feature of the variety is the long-term preservation of fruits on branches without shedding. The berries of the Orange Miracle can be stored for 1-2 days without loss of quality even at room temperature, and in the refrigerator raspberries can last up to 12 days. Transportation Orange Miracle also tolerates well due to the dense structure of berries.

The berries of the Orange miracle are not inferior in taste or size to the red-like varieties of raspberries.

Berries have a universal purpose - they can be eaten fresh, consumed for the preparation of berry pies, compotes, wine. If you freeze raspberries, you can have fresh fruits throughout the winter.

Elegant raspberry branches hung with bright orange fruits can be used to make decorative bouquets.

Gardeners reviews

Loved this variety (OCH) for its pleasant sweet taste. This year is the first fruiting. On well-developed powerful bushes - the berry is large, on the bushes weaker (later moved to growth), the berry is slightly smaller. Sometimes the berry bends to the side, but most berries are smooth and beautiful. It is too early to talk about yields, but judging by the first year, yields will be high.

Gagina Julia


I have an orange miracle. Planted last year. The berries are very yellow. Due to the weather = not very tasty. Now blooms again. But I, probably, will shave it all under the root in the fall. Let there be a crop once, but more.

GLORIA, Serpukhov district


Orange miracle This year I was struck by this variety with productivity, taste and size of berries. Yesterday, the wife collected 1.1 kg from the bush, did not have time to shoot this “fire”, and there are still many green ones, this is the second foray into OCh, the first was a little more modest, but the berry is larger. Now it’s getting colder and the berry is not baking, but somehow he didn’t notice the sores, the bush looks cheerful, maybe there are some (as without the sores), but he didn’t delve deeply, didn’t spray, he only put up the supports and tied up, it was painfully powerful.



Orange Miracle is not a very tasty variety. Compared with the repairman Hercules: as 3.8-4 versus 3 solid (OCH). Hercules is also not so hot, but tastier, more powerful, more productive ...

Sergey-MSC, Kaluga Region


I'm also not happy with the Orange Miracle! I took it in a good nursery, so it’s definitely not a change. The second year bears fruit, no taste, this year I don’t even collect ... I left it until the autumn to cut and cover strawberries with it, and uproot the roots once and for all ...

Lousencia, Orenburg


Well, guys, I don’t know what you have there for the Orange Miracle, which you don’t like so friendly? Firstly, it is not yellow, but naturally orange. I am delighted with her! I bought at the fair in the fall. And I got the last twig - "shibzdik", that I was afraid to breathe on it. The shoot was thin, 30 centimeters, but I planted it like a king, fertilized it well and mulched it with grass. In the spring there was only one shoot; a couple of berries grew on it by the fall. And I foolishly left him, not cut. In summer, the berries on this shoot were watery, sick. But in the fall, on such new young shoots, delicious berries grew that I had never tried !!! Everyone who was allowed to try them was delighted and asked for at least a twig. The berry is sweet, juicy, but at the same time fleshy, and not watery, as in the summer. Very fruitful!

It is not correct to compare with Hercules. Hercules has red berries. But, even if you compare, then the Orange Miracle berries are sweeter, tastier, larger and more productive. Nobody wanted to eat red raspberries (I have three repair varieties), ate in the summer, and the Orange miracle went off with a bang, just bring it.

Tanya, Vitebsk


Raspberry Orange miracle will decorate any garden with its bright, like lanterns, numerous berries. Caring for it does not differ from caring for other varieties of raspberries and with timely watering and top dressing, plants respond to a plentiful harvest.


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