Cherry Turgenevskaya (Turgenevka): features of the variety and tips for gardeners


Cherries take pride of place in gardens and recreational areas. Sweet, juicy berry is very healthy. Variety Turgenevka is one of the most beloved gardeners and one of the most common in the countries of the former union. The variety is notable for many aspects: selection, planting, care, growing, etc. Like other varieties of cherries, Turgenevskaya has characteristic pros and cons. Let's get to know this variety better.

Grade description

Back in 1979, the Turgenevskaya variety of cherries, or Turgenevka in a different way, was bred. For several years, breeders of the Oryol region have been working to achieve a good result and introduce a new variety with improved qualities to the market. By the way, their work was highly appreciated, since Turgenevka very quickly gained popularity among gardeners. The variety is excellent for the Central region of Russia, Central Black Earth and North Caucasus.

Turgenevka often gives a very rich harvest, the tree is almost covered with berries

The tree near the Turgenevskaya cherry is medium-sized (about 3 meters, no more), the crown extended to the top (pyramidal), spreading. Cherry grows mainly medium thick with straight branches of gray-brown or brown color, like the trunk itself. In old trees, a thin white coating on the bark is noticeable. The sheet plates are pointed, elongated, the edge is serrated. Turgenevka gives an early July crop, as it begins to bloom early: in mid-May. Inflorescences are dense, mainly four flowers in each.

The bright aroma of flowers strongly attracts bees, so this cherry is considered an excellent honey plant.

Turgenevka blooms profusely and beautifully


Turgenevka berries are quite large in size and incredible juiciness, the average weight of the fruit is 4.5 grams, with a diameter of about 18-20 mm. The stone of this cherry is small, easily separated from the pulp. The berry is very fragrant, sugar-sweet with sourness and a long-lasting aftertaste. In the state register, the taste is marked as "satisfactory".

So that the cherry gives a good harvest

Fruiting Turgenevka begins in the fifth year of life. Surprisingly, cherries can grow well and yield up to 25 years! Given the proper and timely care, care. Young Turgenev cherry in the middle gives 10-12 kg, in adulthood - up to 25-27 kg from one tree.

Turgenevka cherry fruits have a large number of useful properties, including strengthening the heart and reducing pressure

The beneficial properties of cherries

Cherry Turgenevka is characterized by a high content of B, A, K, and C vitamins, dietary fiber, pectin, and elements vital for a person: magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, chromium, manganese, copper, anthocyanin, and others. Fruits are excellent at excessively high blood coagulability, since coumarin, which is part of the berries, helps reduce thrombosis. If you want to have a healthy and strong heart, eat more Turgene cherries. This is the prevention of dysentery (the berry has antimicrobial and bactericidal properties), anemia, inflammatory processes, joint diseases, pressure surges (cherry juice lowers blood pressure).

Berries of this variety have excellent transportation qualities, suitable for freezing. But it is best to eat them fresh, juices, desserts. You can cook canned food from the fruits of Turgenevka, for example, winter compote, jam, jams, etc. The berry itself contains a little natural sugar, so Turgenevka’s preparations will not significantly reduce your costs for sweeteners. But the berry of this variety is perfect for making sweet and sour sauces or even spicy meat.

The closest relative to the cherry is the cherry, so there are similarities both externally and in composition

Inflorescences and fruits of Turgenevka cherry tolerate relatively low temperatures, which is why this variety was so fond of gardeners in central Russia. The bark of the tree is especially resistant to cold, but the flower buds are already medium resistant to frost.

A brief overview of the young Turgenevka tree

Planting Turgenevka cherries

It is worth noting that the Turgenevka cherry variety is unpretentious and does not need careful care. However, like any representative of the flora, he needs to provide some conditions.

Cherry seedlings are best to choose annuals, as older adults can hardly take root in a new place.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. When landing, be sure to focus on sunlight. If you want to get a high-quality plentiful harvest, do not plant cherries in the shade. Although Turgenevka is considered shade-resistant, this is reflected in the fruits not for the better. The tree does not tolerate draft and stagnation of water, so it is best to choose the southern slopes for planting.

    To be happy with the harvest, you need to choose sunny warm places on the southern or southwest slopes for planting a tree

  2. Find out in advance what composition your soil is in the place where you are going to plant the tree. Neutral, and best of all, sandy loam soil is perfect for this cherry. If there is a lot of clay - be sure to add sand.

    Before planting, you need to analyze: what land is in the place where the tree will grow, because the cherry loves sandy or neutral soils

  3. Prepare nutrient soil in advance in order to lay it in the landing pit. Mix 4-5 kg ​​of humus, 500 g of pure wood ash and 80 g of superphosphate. For shrubs and trees, you can add a little nitrate, but only within a small norm (carefully read the instructions on the package). With proper use, nitrate will help the seedling to take root well, grow intensively, but with excess, you can simply burn the roots of the plant.

    Prepare a nutrient mixture for planting cherry seedlings Turgenevka

  4. Dig a hole about 0.5 meters deep and wide. You can’t immediately plant a tree in a freshly prepared pit, since the prepared soil should sit for at least a week, and preferably three. If you have not an annual seedling, but rather tall, biennial for example, then it is more advisable to dig a hole wider and deeper. You can make 0.7-0.8 meters in depth and diameter.

    It is best to plant Turgenevka in the spring so that the plant takes well, but it is possible in the autumn period too - then the cherry adapts perfectly to the climate of the territorial strip

  5. Remember that it is important to observe the distance between the seedlings of Turgenevka or between it and other trees. It should be 2-3 meters. This will allow you to grow a healthy tree with enough sun, space for branches, and also this is done for the convenience of pruning, harvesting.

    If you have plans to plant a whole cherry orchard, then observe the distance between the trees, it should be at least 2 meters

  6. In order for the seedling to take root well, the roots must be deliberately lowered for several hours in clean water. When the hole, prepared in advance, is filled to a third with nutrient soil, also prepared in advance - you can begin to land. Put a peg or a strong stick so that you can then tie up a weak seedling for the time being. When filling the bush with earth, do not forget about the root neck (lower bud on the trunk of a seedling) - it cannot be buried.

    You can not deepen the lower kidney on the trunk, this is the root neck, which should remain about 2-4 cm above the ground

  7. Be sure to mulch the pericardium so that moisture does not evaporate. Watering must be done very carefully so as not to erode the soil. After planting, you need to pour the tree with warm water in the amount of 1-2 buckets (12-liter), depending on the age of the seedling.

    After planting the seedling, tamp the soil well and generously water the new tree.

Proper planting of cherries from A to Z

Features of cultivation and subtleties of care

Care for a variety of cherries Turgenevka is a system of simple, even one can say for granted, actions that any amateur gardener can and knows how to perform.

Care for cherries Turgenevka is very simple and does not require special knowledge and extensive experience

  • Firstly, timely watering, preferably with warm water at the rate of 2-3 buckets per bush. Like any tree, Turgenevka needs a recharge of autumn watering several times increased in volume from the usual. Except the first fall. Waterlogging should not be allowed, so pour water gently, if there is an excess in the form of stagnation - drain through a small groove.
  • Secondly, for the winter, the cherry needs to be closed from freezing the first three years after planting. In addition, it is better to pour mulch again in the winter: peat or rotted sawdust, you can use fallen needles. Do not mulch with old foliage and plant debris, as they may contain pathogenic bacteria or parasite larvae. In contrast, needles have bactericidal properties and therefore are safe as mulch.
  • Mineral fertilizers are applied once a spring in the spring season each year and organic fertilizers once every 2-3 years into the tree surrounding the tree. From mineral, you can choose a balanced complex for fruit plants, for example Emerald, Bloom Complex or Ryazanochka. The latter is good because it does not contain chlorine, ideal for berry crops. In the form of organic fertilizers, you can use mullein, an infusion of chicken manure. But remember that organics decompose more than one season, you do not need to fill the bush excessively. A bucket of mullein or litter diluted with water is enough (3 parts of water per 1 part of organics). In addition, excess can adversely affect the taste of the fruit.
  • Pruning is done on a wintering tree, of course, the spring months are excellent for this. At the end of March or April, remove dry or damaged branches. As well as those parts, them evenly. From the ground, leave only those branches that are above half a meter. Remove those that protrude too much, that is, long (more than 0, 5 meters).
  • If the cherry is no longer young and bears fruit for more than one year, you need to trim the lateral thick stems. Thus, you stimulate the development and growth of new shoots.

A growing cherry tree needs to be helped to "develop" the territory. That is, it is necessary to constantly loosen and expand the trunk circle as the cherry grows.

As you grow, you need to gradually expand the earthen circle near the trunk in order to accurately irrigate, top-dress and, thereby, provide the roots with everything you need

How to and when to cut a cherry

Diseases, pests and control measures

Turgenev cherry has its own characteristic diseases, as well as pests, which more than others “love” this variety.

Disease table and control measures

Diseases and PestsSymptomsControl measuresPreventive measures
Coccomycosis - a fungal diseaseTurgenevka is average resistant to coccomycosis. However, it is still affected by the fungus. In the summer, cherry leaves begin to turn red, turn yellow, become covered with maroon spots. Then fall or dry on the branches, the fruits are also damagedProcessing Bordeaux mixture at the rate of 50 grams per liter of waterTo clean and burn the fallen leaves, to process the trunk of the tree with lime, to loosen the earth at the trunk circle
Kleasterosporiosis - a fungal diseaseExtensive brown spots appear on leaf blades. Leaves die and fall over time. The fruits also have a gray-brown spot, which leads to deformation and decay of the berry. A bright yellow liquid, gum, appears on the cortex.Treatment with Topsin (20 g per 5 L of water) and Spore (20 g per 10 L of water), the affected areas are destroyed, cut off. The bark is smeared with garden var at the lesion sites. You can use a 1% solution of copper sulfate (100 grams are diluted in 10 liters of water)Processing with a lime solution of a tree trunk, cleaning and burning fallen leaves, spraying in the spring with an antifungal drug such as Topsin or copper sulphate before cherry blossoms
Moniliosis - a fungal diseaseA gray crust appears on the leaves, fruits and branches, which affects the tissues. Over time, the tree diesSimilar to combating clastosporiosisSimilar to prophylaxis with clastosporiosis
Anthracnose - a fungal diseaseIt manifests itself mainly on a fruit-bearing tree, manifests itself in the faded color of the fruit. Soon on the berries you can find pink fungal growths.Treatment with the fungicidal preparation Polyram per 100 g of granules per 50 liters of water. Not toxic to honey insects. Spraying is carried out at the beginning of the growing season of the plant. Only 4 treatments with an interval of 10 daysUse the drug Polyram as a preventive measure once a spring season
Rust - a fungal diseaseA very common disease in the form of rust spots on leaf plates.Treatment with Bordeaux liquid or copper chloride (100 g per 10 l of water). Spraying twice: before flowering and after. Pruning and burning affected leaves will save the treeCleaning and destruction of fallen leaves, spraying with drugs for treatment (Bordeaux mixture and copper chloride) once before budding
Gum detectionUnfortunately, this disease can kill a tree, although many see the symptoms as simply leaking tar. With a careful examination, you can notice an excessive allocation of yellow-brown liquid - gumTreatment with copper sulphate (100 g per 10 l of water) and garden var at the outflowIn case of mechanical damage to the tree, immediately cover with garden varnish, whitewashing of the trunk also helps.

The main diseases of the Turgenevka variety

Pest table and control measures

PestsSymptomsControl measuresPrevention
Cherry aphidTwisting of leaves, the appearance of red or burgundy spots on them with tuberosity, when the leaf is unfolded, you can notice small insects of green, white or black color, as well as their larvaeTreatment with the drug insecticide Fufanon in the calculation of 10 l of water per 10 ml of the drug in ampoules, per bush up to 1.5 l of solution;
The drug Iskra (50 g per 5 liters), is good because it contains potassium, so necessary to a weakened plant;
Fitoverm - per 100 g per 10 liters of water
On the site, it is necessary to get rid of all anthills, since ants are carriers of aphids. It is also good to use sticky belts on a tree trunk (from paper coated with sticky fluid), as aphids and ants rise to the leaves from below along the trunk.
Fitoverm (preparation) is perfect as a prophylaxis, it is organic and does not cause any harm to humans and beneficial insects
Cherry flySmall black dots on the fruits of the cherry, the berries rot over timeTreatment with Actellik at a rate of 20 g per 10 l of water or Fitoverm (1 ampoule per 10 water)Spraying Fitovermom in early spring
Cherry slimy sawflyBlack larvae can be seen on the leaves, later an adult appears, which damages the leaves, shootsProcessing with Confidorm (1-2 g per 100 ml of water), it is a strong insecticide, working volume of 10 litersDigging and loosening the soil near a tree trunk (eliminates sawfly larvae and pupae), as well as with the mass appearance of larvae, spraying with insecticides
Cherry shoot mothDamage to young leaves, shoots do not developSimilar to cherry fly control measuresBurning old fallen leaves, loosening the trunk circle

The main pests of the Turgenevka variety

Why does the cherry dry?

Reviews about the cherry variety Turgenevskaya

We have the first year several berries on Turgenevka - planted in the spring of 2009, the winter of 09-10g transferred without freezing, this one too. Her foliage is similar to cherry - large, and large berries hang.



I read about cocomycosis or moniliosis, cherries of the Turgenevka, Shokoladnitsa variety, the least susceptible to this disease. These varieties were planted with me.

Anna Kalininskaya


It grows with a neighbor. The neighbor left and left the garden under my supervision. I tried the cherry and was really delighted. The most delicious cherry I've tried in my life.



I have two Turgenevka trees. For the third year it bears fruit in full. And she began to bear fruit in the fifth year. We are not overjoyed by this cherry. Winter-hardy, quite resistant to coccomycosis and moniliosis, although we do not leave it without treatments. Large, aromatic fruits of a dark cherry color. Great jam, wonderful compotes, perfect for freezing for winter use. Dumplings pies - the highest class. And how fruitful she is! If near Turgenevka there is a good pollinator, and this can be any sweet cherry, or Lyubskaya cherry, then the harvest at Turgenevka is such that the branches lie on the ground. She has the characteristic of blooming and harvesting with garlands. The branch is literally covered with cherries. Even this year, after last year’s incredibly extreme summer, the harvest on Turgenevka is very good. Yes, here she is, though it is still not quite a ripe year 2008.



The advantage of Turgenevka cherry can certainly be considered its high yield (up to 50 kg per bush), the sweetness of the berries and their large size. There is a drawback, cherries are only partially self-fertile. That is, at a distance of 30-40 meters from the tree, other pollinating varieties must be planted, for example Molodezhnaya or Favorit. You can also plant these varieties on a branch. Of the significant drawbacks and instability to fungal diseases, gumming. But, in general, the variety is very good, because it is not without reason that it is so popular. However, Turgenevka, having frost-resistant qualities, is still not suitable for cultivation in Siberia or in the north of Russia, since it cannot withstand a temperature drop below -30 degrees.
