Gooseberry non-bearing - characteristics of red and black varieties


Gooseberry is a wonderful plant for growing in the garden. Thanks to advanced features, it became safe to process bushes, and the size and quality of the crop is simply incredible. Gardeners value the culture for its high resistance to disease and adverse weather conditions.

History of species selection

The first gooseberry without thorns was bred selectively back in the 60s of the last century. However, the first version of the culture remained susceptible to diseases and other negative factors.

Gobletless Gooseberry

In an attempt to improve such a "convenient" in the mid-70s, the work yielded tremendous results. It turned out to make the culture hardy, increase productivity and transform taste. From this period, breeders began to breed more and more plant varieties almost every year.

Variety of varieties

Gooseberries without thorns, the varieties of which have become more advanced, are actively used in the gardens of ordinary amateur gardeners. A wide variety of choices allows you to choose a view that is ideal for the individual needs of the gardener.

Characteristics and descriptions of the best representatives of the species

When gooseberries ripen: how to pick ripe berries

Gooseberry-free varieties are enormously diverse. The shrub has a lot of advantages in comparison with prickly ones - it is convenient to cut branches, you can easily harvest without fear of pricking, it is easier to harvest leaves in preparation for winter.

Twig with berries


A distinctive feature of such varieties is precisely the color of the berries. Usually the color of the fruit is as close to black as possible, sometimes it has a red tint. The most popular aronia varieties are:

  • Black Sea. Resistant to frost and most diseases. The bush is not razlogy, but high enough. Belongs to mid-season grades. The berries are not too large, but the yield from one unit can be about 15 kg. Taste rating - 4.3 points.
  • Northern Captain (Consul). Resistant to low temperatures. Bush tall (1.8 m) and razlog. It features fast ripening. The fruits are small, but about 10 kg can be collected from the bush. The taste rating is 4.2.
  • Grushenka The shape of the berries is non-standard. The plant easily tolerates frost, heat, drought. The fruits are large, and the yield can be 6 kg per bush. Taste rating - 4.5 points.

Chokeberry variety


Red gooseberry has the following varieties:

  • Gingerbread Man. Round fruits of red color. The berries are very tasty, therefore they are used for canning, making juice and wine. Ripening dates are July-August. The grade is not frost-resistant.
  • Avenarius. The fruits are large, red. High yields, but not every year. Due to the sharp growth, the skin may crack. Honeycomb does not tolerate frost and is prone to certain diseases.
  • Red Slavic. The berries are large and expressive. The variety does not suffer from fungal diseases and powdery mildew, copes well with frost and drought.


Green varieties

Gooseberries with green fruits are widespread due to their good resistance to negative factors. Completely green berries practically do not occur, since during the ripening process they turn yellow.

Popular varieties of culture:

  • Spring. The color of the berries is emerald yellow. The fruits are large, so the branches can fall under their weight. The variety is resistant to fungal diseases and tolerates low temperatures.
  • Keg The berries are large, light green in color. The taste is sour, but this is offset by barely noticeable musky notes.

Green varieties

The sweetest

Varieties with sweet berries additionally contain many acids and vitamins, which positively affect human immunity. The sweetness of berries in such gooseberries is not sugary, as it is usually balanced by a slight sourness.

Popular varieties:

  • Russian yellow. The taste of the berries is so sweet that they can be eaten even in an unripe form. The variety is very resistant to disease, drought and frost. The fruits are large, elliptical in shape with a barely noticeable strip along the berries.
  • Honey. The taste is bright, sweet. The variety is afraid of frost, it requires periodic trimming and monitoring the composition of the soil.
  • Malachite. Pleasant aroma and taste make this variety very popular in comparison with other representatives of the category.

The most fruitful

These varieties are usually pink. High productivity does not at all impair the taste of gooseberries. Among the champions distinguish the following varieties:

  • Amber. High yields are complemented by excellent resistance to all adverse weather conditions. The taste is a bit sour.
  • Altai license plate. Harvest from the bush can reach more than 18 kg. The variety is afraid of frost and early thaws. The size of the berries is average.
  • Ural. In addition to high productivity, the variety is resistant to frost and drought. The taste of berries is sweet and sour. The size of the bush is average.

Common advantages and disadvantages of studless gooseberries

Black gooseberries - home growing

Like any breeding species, the plant has the best qualities, but also has flaws. Gooseberries without thorns have the following advantages:

  • The bush is convenient to handle, harvesting is not complicated due to the absence of thorns.
  • Basically, all varieties are frost-resistant and immune to standard gooseberry diseases.
  • High yields combined with good taste.

The negative sides of the plant:

  • Gooseberries are not prickly along the branches, but spikes are present on the trunk at the preroot.
  • The shrub requires more careful pruning, since the aerial part is usually quite large and decaying.
  • Berries are not always large.

Drought resistance, frost resistance

Bearless gooseberries, whose varieties are more popular, are resistant to low temperatures. Some of them also tolerate hot, dry weather. If any problems arose due to adverse climatic conditions, with proper care they are quickly resolved.

Productivity and fruiting

Breeding crops provide an excellent crop, which can be from 5 to 15 kg from one average bush. Berries are usually evenly spaced along the branches, can be formed in clusters of 2-3 fruits.


Ripening of each species is determined individually, but usually in the middle of June or early August you can try ripe berries.

Fields of application

Selective gooseberries have a huge scope. Taste and aroma make the berries of the plant universal in any type of processing. Gooseberries are a wonderful combination with any berries and fruits.

Possible ways of eating, cooking and preserving:

  • jam and jam cooking;
  • wine making;
  • fresh use;
  • canning stewed fruit.

Additional Information. Varieties of studless gooseberries are well transported due to the presence of a dense skin. Some species do not crumble for a long period after ripening.

Disease and pest resistance

Gooseberry breeding varieties are immune to many culture-standard diseases and pests:

  • powdery mildew;
  • anthracnose;
  • Septoria;
  • fungal diseases;
  • spider mite;
  • firebox.


This makes the plant more popular among gardeners, since in most cases the crop disappears precisely because of such common diseases.

Gooseberry Planting Rules

Why gooseberries do not bear fruit: what to do and how to make fruit bear

In order for the plant to take root and develop normally in the future, it is worth making a quality planting. There are several basic conditions that must be met when planting a crop.

Gooseberry Planting

Recommended Dates

The best time for planting is the end of September or the beginning of October. Mainly weather-oriented. Particular attention should be paid to early frosts. If this option is possible, it is better to plant bushes in mid-September.

Note! Do not plant in the spring, as the bush can take root for a long time and not take root at all.

Choosing the right place

Choosing a place is a priority for planting gooseberries. It is necessary that the bush is located 50 cm from the fence or other buildings. The site should be well lit. The presence of drafts and shade can affect the development and timing of berry ripening.

Bush planting spot

Selection and preparation of planting material

In order for the plant to bear fruit well in the future and develop well, you need to choose the appropriate planting material. A studless bush must meet the following requirements:

  • The seedling should be intact, the root and its processes - "alive".
  • By trimming, leave no more than 5 branches on the bush.
  • There should be no insects or mechanical damage on the kidneys and trunk.
  • Twigs should be of medium thickness.

Shrub pruning

Landing algorithm

  1. Dig a hole 60 cm deep, with sides 40 cm.
  2. Pour 10 l of humus, mineral fertilizers and 50 g of wood ash into the pit.
  3. Stir the mixture until smooth.
  4. Lower the seedling into the pit, sprinkle with soil, ram the ground around the trunk.
  5. Make a thorough watering.

Additional Information! Filling for the pit can be prepared in a hotel container and then poured into a recess.

Gooseberry Care

Skip-free gooseberries require attention in terms of care. Even increased resistance to some negative factors will not save the culture from death if you leave the bush unattended.

Basic plant care procedures:

  • Perform periodic watering (1 time per week).
  • Loosen the soil around the trunk after each watering.
  • Perform shaping pruning every year.
  • Feed the crop, starting from the age of the bush.

Gooseberry Care

Important! After planting, plant care can only begin in the spring.

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention

The non-bent gooseberry is quite resistant to diseases and pests, but nevertheless, as a prevention, it is worth spraying with special drugs. It is also worth it to properly care for and timely water the culture.

Spiked gooseberries are a popular culture among gardeners. The plant has a lot of positive characteristics that allow you to bring a huge harvest with exceptionally positive taste properties.


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