Pedilanthus titimaloid - care and reproduction of a houseplant


Indoor flower pedilanthus arrived in Russia from the USA. Its exotic appearance has attracted gardeners for many years. It can grow in the form of shrubs, succulents. Before you bring this unique tropical flower to your home, you should familiarize yourself with its characteristics and figure out how to properly care for it.

Pedilanthus - what kind of flower is it, to which family belongs

Pedilanthus, or pedilanthus, belongs to the succulents of the Euphorbia family. The name of the species is of Greek origin and translates as "flower" and "slipper". When the plant is cut and damaged, a thick white juice appears.

Outdoor Pedilanthus

Brief Description, Origin History

In the natural environment, the species grows in tropical and subtropical climates. The pedilanthus flower can be found in absolutely all states of America. The appearance of the plant directly depends on the region of location.

Variety varieties

If the culture grows in an extremely dry climate, it is a succulent species that does not have leaves on fleshy shoots. A flower can not only accumulate moisture, but also hold it for a long time.

In a humid climate, the culture grows in the form of a shrub that reaches 2 m in height. It was from there that the well-known subspecies - pedilanthus titimaloid - originated. Only breeders could "domesticate" him.

Note! In slightly arid regions, pedilanthus grow in large trees, which can reach 2-3 m in height.

The stems of the plant are thick, can reach 1-2 cm in diameter. The color of the leaves varies from olive to gray. The shape of the leaf plate may be oval or ovoid. Feature - pointed tips and wavy edges.

Varieties of indoor plants with names that look like

Flower Description - Houseplant Types and Varieties

In natural conditions, a huge number of species grows, but in the conditions of the house only a few have taken root.

Large-fruited pedilanthus (Pedilanthus macrocarpus)

The view is not endowed with foliage. Round branches can be green or gray. Color changes depending on growing conditions. An interesting feature of the variety is that shoots can store water in themselves for a long time. Often there are thickenings on the stems.

Pedilanthus macrocarpus

Pedilanthus tithymaloids (Pedilanthus tithymaloides)

The most curious representative of the species. Its flowers have an interesting shape and are somewhat similar to a tiny bird. Leaf plates are not only framed by white threads, but also have white dots in the center.

Variety titymaloid

The variety has another variety - pedigree varigate. A distinctive feature - wavy leaves with small petioles. Zigzag stems, the appearance of each young leaf changes the direction of growth. In October, the species begins to bloom actively.

Pedilanthus Fink (Pedilanthus finkii)

This variety grows in a tropical climate. Loose and light soil is suitable for it. The leaves are zigzag in bright green color. It has another name - pedilanthus variegated.

Pedilanthus Finca

How to care for thymyloid pedilanthus at home

The main reason succulents are so loved by gardeners is the ease of cultivation and care. Pedilanthus is absolutely unpretentious to external factors, but we should not forget about the necessary measures. Thanks to competent care, he will surprise for many years with his appearance. For a pedilanthus plant, home care consists in fulfilling a number of conditions of detention.

Illumination and temperature

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For pedilanthus care consists in choosing the most lit place. Do not recommend direct sunlight. At the peak of solar activity, it is desirable to shade the flower. Even in winter, during dormancy, additional lighting is used for milkweed. Daylight hours should not be shorter than 12 hours.

Additional Information! In winter, it is better to use phytolamps for growing pedilanthus. Conventional cold light halogen lamps are great for illuminating.

Flower placement

In hot weather, fresh air has a beneficial effect on the plant. A great place for this is a balcony or street. During dormancy, increased air temperature leads to a change in the green color of the leaves.

Indoor plant pedilanthus is absolutely indifferent to temperature changes. In summer, the temperature can calmly vary from +20 to +28 ℃, in winter it can drop to +14 ℃.

On a note! A strong drop in temperature can cause the leaves to fall. There is nothing wrong with that, in spring the green mass will grow again.

Watering rules and humidity

Watering is carried out only at the moment when the leaf plates begin to lower. Another guideline for moistening the soil is the drying of the soil to a depth of 2-3 cm. During the dormant period, the species is watered no more than 2 times a month.

For hydration use warm, settled water. Watered directly under the root. When watering, liquid must not be allowed to fall on the leaf plates and the trunk.

The view does not require additional water procedures. It does not need to be sprayed or maintained at a specific humidity level. An adult flower can do without water for a long time. If you keep the succulent for a long time without moisture, it will begin to drop leaves, but will not die.

Additional Information!If a long trip is planned, then an open container of water is placed near the plant. This will allow the flower to absorb the necessary moisture by airborne droplets.

Top dressing and soil quality

For the species, loose and drained soil is used. This allows you to not feed. As necessary, apply liquid preparations intended for cacti or succulent crops. In winter, it is strictly forbidden to make fertilizers.

Note! Pedilanthus are extremely negative about nitrogen fertilizers. Their use can kill the plant.

Flower Tank Size

The pot for pedilanthus can be made of plastic, clay or ceramic. In size, the capacity should correspond to the size of the roots.

It's important to know! Due to the fact that the root processes are small, planting milkweed in too large a container can lead to acidification of the soil.

Young flowers are best planted in small containers. Expanded clay or gravel is laid at the bottom. The addition of charcoal to the drain allows disinfecting the soil.

Pruning and transplanting

After hibernation, the plant is pruned. This allows not only to form a beautiful crown, but also carries sanitary functions. At the time of pruning, shoots leave at least 10 cm, each should have at least 2-3 sleeping buds, which immediately grow.

You can transplant the plant 1-2 times a year. The operation is performed as the roots fill the volume of the pot. The next container should be several centimeters larger than the previous one. It is important to start transplanting at a time when the flower has fully adapted after hibernation.

Transplant actions:

  1. The tank is filled with a drainage layer.
  2. Part of the prepared substrate is poured.
  3. As carefully as possible, the flower is placed in the prepared pot.
  4. The root system is covered with soil.
  5. The top layer is carefully compacted.
  6. Produce strong soil moisture.

Note! After transplanting, the plant is allowed to rest for 2-3 days. To do this, it is placed in a shaded place.

Features of flowering plants

Pedilanthus: home care and methods of reproduction

Compliance with the rules of home care for pedimanthus titimaloid leads to the appearance of beautiful and unusual inflorescences. Not every experienced grower can say how pedilanthus blooms. This is due to the fact that even the slightest violation of the rules of care does not allow the plant to bloom.

Milkweed flowers

Flowering occurs in the period from December to January. Paniculate inflorescences form at the very tips of the branches. The most decorative are bracts, not flowers. Color varies from pink to bright red.

Period of activity and rest

If the period of activity of the plant is too long, this can lead to a lack of flowering. When during the growing season they do not comply with temperature requirements, this leads to "leaf fall". What to do if pedilanthus leaves fall at the moment of maximum activity? First of all, to adjust the temperature at the place where the flower grows.

Additional Information! During rest, it is important to maintain a cool microclimate in the room no more than 13-15 ℃. It is strictly forbidden to fertilize flowers at this time. Watering can be carried out no more than 1 time in 30 days.

Types and shape of flowers

Pedilanthus bloom is plentiful, at the same time on the plant can be from 50 to 60 unusual inflorescences. Pedilanthus flowers have an external resemblance to women's shoes. Because of this feature, the flower is called "Fairy Shoes."

Flower shape

Flower propagation methods

How to propagate pedilanthus at home? There are only two ways to propagate pedilanthus: seeds, cuttings.

Propagation by apical cuttings

For the species pedilanthus propagation by cuttings is carried out in early spring. For this, the strongest and most powerful branches are selected. The procedure is performed in stages:

  • cuttings are cut with the sharpest knife or blade;
  • future seedlings are washed with cold water;
  • the shoot is dried at room temperature for 24 hours;
  • to root pedilanthus, use light soil; the resulting scrap is planted in pearlite mixture or river sand;
  • It is important to maintain soil temperature in the region of 22-25 ℃.

Note! The rooting process takes place within 3 weeks. After that, the flower is transplanted into a suitable container.

Division by cuttings

Often, inexperienced gardeners resort to rooting the pedilanthus with water. If you just place the cuttings in a glass with water, then literally within 2-3 weeks you can see the first roots.

Seed propagation

Pedilanthus is also propagated through seed. Seeds can be collected independently, or can be purchased in a specialized store. Before planting in the soil, planting material is subject to mandatory soaking. For these purposes, a manganese solution has proven itself well. Planting is carried out in neutral soil to a depth of not more than 1 cm. With this breeding method, varietal features of the species are not lost.

Growing problems, diseases and pests

With this type of problem, problems arise only because of a gross violation of the rules for caring for the plant:

  • Shrub does not bloom.
  • The plant discards foliage.
  • The lower leaves dry.
  • Leaf plates change their color.
  • The shape of the shoots changes, the stems lengthen.

The immunity of this species is strong. This is the main reason why almost no disease "sticks" to this plant. Sometimes pedilanthus is affected by fungal infections.

If you do not follow the rules of care, the succulents can be attacked by malicious parasites: spider mites, common worms, flower aphids, and whitefly butterflies.

How to deal with them

Problems are solved with the help of competent adjustment of the conditions of detention: compliance with the rest regime, the availability of light and timely soil moisture.

On a note! In case of pedilanthus disease, first of all, all infected leaves and parts of the stem are removed.

Emergency treatment of the flower with soapy water and insecticides will save the pest from invasion. Also, in the case of the appearance of insects on the plant, all areas damaged by parasites are removed.

Pedilanthus titimaloid


Pedilanthus is not just an unpretentious plant - it is an elegant representative of the Molochaev family. Placing in a well-lit place and creating "tropical" conditions will lead to the abundant flowering of an exquisite flower.
