Border roses - what kind of variety is it?


Roses are one of the most beautiful plants according to many gardeners. That is why they are very popular when it comes to landscape design. Often in the gardens of people you can meet exactly the border roses, exquisitely framing the planting.

What are border roses

Border roses are a type of shrubs that are used to create a plant frame in the landscape, which is the reason for their name. They are distinguished by a long period of beautiful flowering, which is why they found their purpose in decorating the territory.

Border roses

Border roses - flowers, care and cultivation of which are not difficult. After landing, they usually quickly take root in a new place, for a long time they delight the owners of the site.

Shrubs are well experienced in lowering temperatures.

The benefits of border roses for use in landscape design

Border rose bushes are stunted or medium-tall - their height does not exceed 60 - 65 cm, which is why they favorably emphasize the edges in small areas.

Petals with a terry base, and the buds can be completely different colors: from white to yellow. Flowers go well with other plants of various species and varieties.

Attention! Some varieties can change the shade of their petals during the flowering period, which is also convenient when creating a landscape design.

Popular varieties of border roses for open ground

Rosa Patio - what kind of variety is it?

On the market there is a wide variety of pink curbs. However, there are varieties to which gardening experts give particular preference.


Pink shrubs of the Eleanor variety are upright plants, whose height reaches 35 - 45 cm. Due to the compactness of the border roses of this variety, they can also be grown at home in a pot.

Petals pink-orange, coral, terry. Inflorescences can contain 15 flowers.

Eleanor has a pleasant bright aroma

White bouquet

This variety can reach the maximum height for border roses - 60 - 65 cm. The shrub grows very spreading.

White or milky petals are harmoniously framed by green foliage with a terry surface. The plant has good resistance to various diseases.

White Bouquet is characterized by a long flowering period


Madey conquered many gardeners with her bright blood red color. Petals on the back of a silver-white hue.

Pink shrubs are densely covered with leaves of a dark green tone. Flowering continues until the onset of the first cold weather.


Clementine flowers of light apricot hue with terry petals. The height of the bush usually does not exceed 50 cm.

Glossy foliage of bright green color. Additional attention should be paid to the forming pruning of the bush, which enhances the ability of the plant to bloom.

For reference! The variety has excellent immunity against pests and diseases.

The curb rose has lush flowers collected in inflorescences.


Lydia has a delicate pink color petals. The height of the bush can reach a maximum height of 60 - 65 cm for the curb.

Flowering occurs abundantly and for a long time, almost without interruption. Resistance to pest attacks and mid-level diseases.

Lydia flowers collected in large inflorescences


Debut variety petals are painted in dark red. These shrubs are characterized by high cold resistance and resistance to insect pests and diseases. Plants can be called truly dwarf, since its height rarely exceeds 40 cm.

At the base, rose petals are cream colored

Growing border roses

In order for the plant to please the gardener with beautiful flowering, it is necessary to pay a lot of attention to its proper planting. To do this, you should adhere to some rules during the landing process.

How to plant roses in the open ground in summer

The most common is planting seedlings. It is better to give preference to such planting material, which has a strong root system without damage, with a light yellow cut and at least 2 lignified shoots. The nature of the root system does not affect the quality of the seedling.

You need to plant the plant at such a time that it has time to take root and strengthen. Landing in the southern regions can be carried out in autumn, and in the northern or middle latitudes it is worth waiting for the spring period. This will help the bushes to avoid the threat of frost and contribute to the rooting of the plant.

Attention! If the rose is planted in the cold season, it can become sick for a long time.

Location selection

For undersized varieties of roses for the border, you should choose a place where there are no drafts or strong winds that would prevent the absorption of moisture.

In addition, rose bushes should be in a well-lit place so that their decorativeness does not suffer from a lack of sunlight. In this case, the rays should not fall in a straight line. For planting, the place where other representatives of the Rosaceae family previously grew would not be suitable.

Border roses are not demanding on the soil. For such plants, it is enough to choose not swampy, not too dense or heavy and not dry soil. Loam is perfect.

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

Before planting border roses, the soil is dug up and enriched with manure, humus or a mixture of peat and manure with a calculation of up to 20 kg per 1 m² of territory.

Shrub shoots should be cut to 3-4 buds. The roots are also shortened to 25-30 cm. After the seedlings are immersed in a mixture of clay, manure and water in a ratio of 3: 3: 10 with the addition of root growth stimulants, if necessary.

Landing procedure step by step

The description of the landing process is as follows:

  1. It is worth digging a hole of such dimensions that the root system lies freely in the recess. Usually a depth of 40 cm and a diameter of 30 cm is sufficient.
  2. A bush is placed in the pit so that the grafting site is above the soil surface, and the root neck is 4 cm deep. The roots are straightened.
  3. The rose is covered with earth, carefully compacting it.
  4. After watering and laying a layer of mulch. If necessary, organize shelter against frost in the spring.

Placing a rose bush in a pit

Plant care

Even a beginner in gardening knows that breeding roses requires certain rules for caring for them. Border roses are considered unpretentious bushes, but they should not be left without attention.

Watering rules and humidity

Types of daisies - flowering border perennials

Watering undersized roses for a border should be frequent and regular, but not plentiful. The best time for irrigation is evening.

Important!Do not allow excessive or insufficient soil moisture.

For the irrigation process, it is worth using sun-protected water. In addition, the liquid must be poured under the root of the bush so as not to wet the aerial part of the rose, which is dangerous for it.

Top dressing and soil quality

For rose bushes, timely top dressing is important.

In the spring and autumn, compost is applied to the soil so that about 5 kg of fertilizer is applied per 1 m².

In addition, every 20 days you can feed border shrubs with mineral fertilizers, infusions of herbs or mullein.

Cropping and shaping

The pruning process is also an important part of caring for a rose border.

Work with roses should be a disinfected tool

Damaged shoots are cut from the top between 2 to 3 leaves.

Important! In grafted rose bushes, wild growth must be removed. This should be done at the root of the neck to avoid the appearance of a new "wild".

At the beginning of the cultivation of roses, the formation of the correct form of the bush should be ensured. To do this, pinch the shoots after 4 to 6 leaves, as well as removing the buds. In older bushes, side stems are shortened.

Before wintering, reduce the length of overgrown branches and cut off the buds that did not have time to form and bloom.

It is customary to transplant in early spring or autumn, because there is a chance that the plant will not have time to take root. At the same time, it is also worth trimming shoots to 45 - 50 cm, old stems are removed altogether.

Features of wintering a flower

Before preparing the plant for winter, it must be disposed of from old stems and foliage. Shelter is carried out in case of danger of severe frost, focusing on the stability of a particular variety.

In the beginning, it is necessary to spud no more than 15 - 20 cm. After around the flower, lay branches of conifers, spruce or pine, and shoots are pressed to the prepared surface. Then the shelter is covered with dry foliage.

Note! It is possible to prepare the shrub for the winter period by means of a frame made of a film or roofing material.

Shelter begins to be removed during the March thaw.

Flowering roses

Flowering of border roses is a bewitching moment that will certainly please the owner of the site. In order for the plant to bloom abundantly in the following seasons, proper care is required during and after flowering, which includes regular watering and top dressing.

The ideal watering is to make 5-15 l of liquid under the rose bush 1-3 times every 7 days in the morning or in the evening. Water should be settled, heated under the sun.

The use of complex fertilizer gives good results - 1 liter of mullein per bucket of liquid. When the first buds appear in the morning or in the evening, you can also feed. To do this, use calcium nitrate with a calculation of 1 tbsp. l on a bucket of liquid.

Important! With this fertilizer, it is necessary to pre-water the bushes to prevent burns.

To contribute to the process of growth and flowering of a border rose, pruning of its shoots is carried out during the season. The branches are cut off in a place that is 5 to 10 ml above a healthy kidney. This type of pruning can be carried out throughout the flowering time.

What to do if it does not bloom, possible causes

The reasons for the lack of flowering are many. The main ones include:

  • the bush has been planted recently - in the first year of cultivation, the border rose may not have time to ripen before the flowering process, which is considered normal;
  • the wrong place for cultivation was chosen - because of their origin, border roses are thermophilic and love open spaces without drafts;
  • improper care of the plant is carried out - with excessive pruning, as well as insufficient feeding, the rose may also not bloom, therefore care must be taken for the curb rose in accordance with all the rules;
  • the shrub has been planted for a very long time - old wood does not conduct nutrients well, which can cause difficulties during the flowering process, therefore, pruning should remove old stems;
  • there is a bacterial burn that can occur after an unsuccessful wintering - the affected plant should be removed.

Propagation of the curb variety of rose bushes

To propagate roses for the border, you can use various methods. The most effective gardeners consider cuttings, propagation using seedlings and seeds.


Cuttings begin to be carried out after the first mild frosts. Usually this time coincides with the beginning of the last autumn month.

Cuttings of roses

With this method, you should choose healthy stems whose slice thickness is about 5 mm and on which there are 3-5 kidneys. These shoots are cut so that the top cut is at a right angle, and the bottom is oblique.

Next, the planting material is treated with a rooting agent. Pre-prepared pits with a depth of about 30 - 35 cm are filled with grass and compost. Cuttings are placed in the recess at an angle of 45 °, while leaving 1 to 2 buds above the soil surface.

At the end of propagation, cuttings carry out plentiful watering. For the winter, future bushes are covered with cans with holes, covered with leaves and covered with non-woven material.


Propagation of roses by seedlings repeats the process of planting. So that the plant does not upset during cultivation, it is worth picking bushes with a developed and healthy root system.

Also, a lot of attention must be paid to the choice of the landing site - it should be well lit, but not be exposed to direct sunlight, drafts and strong winds.


Reproduction by seeds is carried out before the onset of the first cold weather. Seeds can be obtained in two ways: purchase in the appropriate store or self-collection.

When buying seeds, there can be a lot of difficulties associated with the quality of planting material. Therefore, most gardeners prefer an independent collection, which is usually carried out at the end of summer. The fruits are removed before they ripen completely, until the seed coat has hardened, cut and the seeds are separated from the soft part.

Important! Future planting material should be washed and disinfected with a hydrogen peroxide solution.

Next, the seeds are planted in the soil: compost and peat are placed in the beds, making furrows 1.5 cm deep, the material for planting is treated with a growth stimulator and sown every 10 cm.The crops should be mulched and covered with hay, a covering sheet or leaves. In April, the first shoots should appear when removing the shelter.

Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

The most common diseases of border shrubs can be called:

Powdery mildew - the name of the disease is due to the similarity of spots with flour

  • Black spotting - the foliage of the bush is covered with black and brown spots, from which the use of fungicides and the removal of infected areas of the plant will save.
  • Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that manifests itself in the form of grayish spots of a powdery structure and against which fungicides are used.
  • Rust - a disease in which the appearance on the foliage and shoots of outgrowths is brick-colored. The leaves quickly weaken and tarnish. The plant is treated by spraying with Topaz, Bordeaux mixture or a solution of copper sulfate.

With a spider mite, the plant quickly depletes


Border roses can be attacked by the following pests:

  • spider mite - the leaves become lighter, the insect weaves a web from the underside, acaricides are used against such a pest;
  • green rose aphids - green insects that feed on the juice of plant foliage and against which it is necessary to clean and spray insecticides;
  • rose leaflet - a pest eating leaves of a bush, you can defeat Actara;
  • rosette - an insect that eats the flesh of leaves and lays larvae in the inner part of the shoot; when this pest attacks, yellowing of the leaves is observed, their drying or falling off, and Aktara is used.

Border roses are a great option for planting frames. They are easy to grow both in open ground and in a pot. They are considered unpretentious plants, which nevertheless delight gardeners with their beauty during flowering, which earned the love of a considerable number of people.


Watch the video: Planting Pink Double Knockout Roses Part 2: Using Landscape Bricks As Borders Or Wall For Garden Bed (October 2024).