How to choose a pea variety


Due to its unpretentiousness, peas are grown almost everywhere in Russia. Grains are not only tasty, but also very useful, so almost every garden has at least a small garden. There are several varieties of culture that differ markedly from each other. You need to familiarize yourself with their description in advance in order to choose the variety or hybrid that will perform best in the given climatic and weather conditions.

How to choose a variety for a specific region

Pea is an extremely unpretentious plant and one of the most cold-resistant garden crops. Such features make it possible to grow it in most of the territory of Russia, with the exception of regions with an arctic and subarctic climate. Nevertheless, when choosing a variety for a particular region, it is desirable to give preference to zoned varieties and hybrids adapted to the peculiarities and whims of local weather.

Varieties of peas for a particular area must be chosen taking into account the local climate

The climate of Siberia, the Far East and the Urals is not very suitable for gardening. However, peas are successfully taking root in these territories. As a rule, low-growing varieties of early or mid-early ripening are selected for cultivation in household plots. They have a very good yield, peas are perfect for fresh consumption, cooking all kinds of culinary dishes and preservation.

Gardeners in the European part of Russia have been familiar with the plant for a long time and well. Before the appearance of potatoes, peas were the main agricultural crop here. For themselves, they choose varieties, focusing on the size of the peas, their taste, yield. The appearance of plants for them is not of particular importance. However, it is important to have immunity to diseases typical of culture.

The right choice of variety is the key to a plentiful pea crop in the future

In Ukraine and Belarus, peas are widely grown not only in personal household plots, but also on an industrial scale. The most popular are modern varieties and hybrids, characterized by good productivity. They have other advantages - high protein content, suitability for mechanized cleaning, the presence of a large number of antennae that prevent lodging. Preferred peeling peas, suitable for processing for cereals.

Varieties of Vegetable Peas

Pea varieties grown by gardeners in personal plots can be divided into three varieties.


At peeling peas, only grains are consumed. The pods themselves are inedible due to the hard "parchment" layer from the inside. The same variety goes for the preparation of dried peas, which are then sold in stores.

Petit Provence

A variety of French breeding, one of the shortest (bush height does not exceed 40-45 cm). Support does not require. Belongs to the category of early ripening, the crop ripens 55-60 days after emergence. Grains are characterized by a high protein content (more than 25%), which means greater nutritional value.

Thanks to its high protein content, peas from the Petite Provence variety may well replace meat with vegetarians.

Pods of saturated green color, pointed, reach a length of 8 cm. Peas are small, very juicy. Fruiting friendly.


A variety from the late-ripening category, which is easy to identify by the almost complete absence of leaves. They transformed into a mustache, woven into a dense "mesh" supporting the bush. Therefore, he does not need support. The height of the plant is about 50-55 cm. The undoubted advantage is the "innate" immunity to powdery mildew.

Peas Aphyllus still has leaves, but very few of them

Pods are deep green, slightly flattened. In each of 6-9 peas, very juicy and sweetish in taste. Harvest should be collected regularly - this stimulates the formation of new ovaries, thereby prolonging the period of fruiting.


Variety from Holland. In Russia, it is recognized as the most suitable for cultivation in the North Caucasus and Western Siberia. According to the ripening dates, it belongs to mid-ripening, it gives the crop en masse. Grains reach full maturity for 46-60 days. The variety is suitable for mechanized harvesting.

Pea Abador is appreciated for the massive fruiting

Pods with a slight bend, saturated green. The average length is 8-10 cm, the diameter is about 1 cm. The peas are rather small, salad-colored, sometimes with a slightly wrinkled skin. Taste is excellent.


Suitable for cultivation throughout the European part of Russia, as well as in the Urals and Eastern Siberia. Bred in the Crimea almost 30 years ago. By ripening mid-ripening. Harvest ripens in 68-73 days after mass shoots. Stem height - 70-80 cm, leaves, unlike antennae, a little. The variety shows good resistance to powdery mildew and ascochitosis, but is not completely immune from infection.

Peas Adagum for almost 30 years of cultivation proved that he has much more advantages than disadvantages

The pods are almost straight, with a pointed tip, bright green. The length does not exceed 7 cm. Each contains 6-9 peas of lime shade. Taste is excellent both fresh and canned.


One of the recent achievements of Russian breeders. Recommended for cultivation in the Central region. Harvest ripens en masse, in 56-57 days after germination. Stem height - not more than 60-70 cm. The variety is immune to ascochitosis and fusarium wilt. Seedlings withstand temperature drops to -6 ° C.

Even young shoots of pea Gloriosa show very high frost resistance

The pods of salad green color, with a more or less pronounced bend and a pointed tip, resemble a saber in shape. The average length is 7-8 cm, each with 7-9 grains. The peas are small, greenish, slightly wrinkled. Productivity is very good - 0.9-1.3 kg / m².


The variety is native to Germany, in terms of ripening refers to medium-late. Valued for productivity, tolerates drought very well, ripened pods do not crumble. Of the diseases, ascochitosis and root rot are the most dangerous for him. Suitable for mechanized cleaning. Demanding on lighting, proper watering required.

To achieve the highest possible yield, Madonna needs regular watering and enough sunlight.

The height of the stem varies from 53 to 95 cm. The beans are slightly curved, the tip is blunt. In each of 6-7 peas. The protein content is high - 22.5-23.7%.


Very popular mid-late variety. Harvest ripens in 68-85 days. Stem height reaches 1 m. It is appreciated for the ability to endure heat and drought, and high immunity without much damage to itself. Not prone to lodging. It can become infected with root rot and ascochitosis.

Pea Pharaoh does not pay much attention to heat and prolonged drought

There are practically no leaves. Flowers, which is not typical for peas, are collected in inflorescences of three. The pods are slightly curved, bright green in color, 8–9 cm long. Each contains 6–8 rounded or slightly flattened peas.


Variety recommended for cultivation in the Volga region and Stavropol Territory. Middle late peas, ready for use in 74-88 days. The variety tolerates drought well, practically does not crumble, ripening. The height of the stem varies from 45 to 88 cm. The weak point of this pea is fungal diseases. Ascochitosis and root rot are the most dangerous; somewhat less often, it suffers from powdery mildew, rust and anthracnose.

A significant disadvantage of Fokor peas is their susceptibility to infection by pathogenic fungi

The pods are slightly curved, with a blunt apex. In each of 4-10 peas, shaped like an egg. They are painted in an unusual yellowish color with a pinkish tint. The skin is smooth, matte.


A variety of Dutch breeding, very common in Europe. In Russia, it is best suited for cultivation in the North Caucasus. Belongs to the category of early. Harvest ripens in just 45-55 days, in bulk. The variety does not suffer from Fusarium wilt and the mosaic virus. Resistant to lodging. It tolerates heat well.

Prelado - one of the most common pea varieties in Europe

The pods are almost straight, short (6-7 cm), flattened, dark green in color. In each of seven fairly small peas. The taste qualities of both fresh and canned peas deserve only rave reviews.


The new variety is from Denmark. In Europe, it is already considered the best of production. Ripens in 65-81 days. In Russia it is recommended for cultivation in the Central region. Stem height - 46-86 cm. Leaves are practically absent. The variety shows excellent resistance to lodging and shedding. Of the diseases, it is most often affected by ascochitosis. It does not tolerate drought too well.

Jackpot peas are widely grown commercially

Beans are straight or almost straight, the tip is blunt. Peas are almost regular spherical in shape, yellowish on the cut. The protein content is very high - more than 27%.


The variety is almost leafless, appreciated for its high productivity. Recommended for cultivation in central Russia and the Black Sea region. Matures in 68-96 days. The height of the stem varies from 60 to 95 cm. This variety can be sown earlier than the rest; springtime frosts do not harm seedlings. Peas are relatively rarely affected by gray rot and ascochitosis, but for some reason pea kernels have a special love for it. It tolerates drought somewhat worse than other varieties.

Spring peas do not harm peas Rocket

Pods with an almost imperceptible bend, the tip is blunt. Peas of irregular rounded angular shape. The protein content is relatively low - 20.9-22.1%.


A variety of German breeding, recommended for cultivation in the Black Sea. Peas ripen in 70-90 days. Appreciated for lodging resistance, suitable for early boarding and mechanized cleaning. The height of the stem is 55-90 cm. There are very few leaves. Of the diseases, rust, ascochitosis, and powdery mildew are the most dangerous; of pests, pea kernels.

Pea weevil can cause the greatest harm to Belmondo

Pods up to 10 cm long, almost round on a section. In each of 7-8 large oval-shaped peas.


Suitable for growing throughout Russia. The variety is early, the crop ripens in 46-53 days. Plant height does not exceed 50-55 cm. This pea shows good resistance to Fusarium and Ascochitosis.

Pea Alpha rarely suffers from Fusarium and Ascochitosis

The bend of the pod is more or less pronounced, the tip is pointed. The average length is 7–9 cm, the diameter is 1.2–1.4 cm. Each has 5–9 peas. Cube-shaped grains with rounded edges, greenish yellow. In calories, this pea is 1.5-2 times superior to other varieties.


The name of this group of varieties is due to the wrinkled pea skin. Compared to other varieties, cereal peas have a lower starch content. Thanks to this, the taste is improved, the sweetness is felt more strongly. Peas acquire a characteristic “folding” closer to the end of the growing season or during the heat treatment. It is brain peas that are used for canning on an industrial scale.

Early 301

A time-tested variety, it has been in the State Register for more than 60 years. It is advised to cultivate in central Russia and in Western Siberia. A variety from the early category. Grains reach technical maturity in 60-64 days, complete - in 68-75 days. The height of the stem is about 70 cm. Of the diseases for the variety, the greatest danger is powdery mildew and ascochitosis.

Peas Early 301 tested by several generations of gardeners and still has not lost popularity

The pods are straight or with a slightly pronounced bend, with a blunt apex, densely green in color. The average length is 6-8 cm, the diameter is 1.2-1.4 cm. Each has 5-7 peas, similar to a cube with rounded edges. Harvest ripens en masse.

Voronezh green

Recommended for cultivation in central Russia and in the Black Sea region. The variety is very early, the crop ripens en masse, in 42-54 days. The stem is 70-90 cm high. It is advisable to use supports. Fusarium is the most dangerous for this pea; it is somewhat better resistant to ascochitosis and white rot.

Green peas Voronezh can seriously suffer from Fusarium

Beans with a weak bend and a pointed tip, bright green. Peas are rounded, yellowish, with a white hem. Productivity is not bad - 0.9-1.3 kg / m².


Variety from Germany. In Russia, it is recognized as suitable for cultivation in the Northwest region. Harvest ripens in 53-70 days. The height of the stem is about 95 cm. The variety is immune to Fusarium, but is susceptible to infection by powdery mildew and the mosaic virus. Of the pests, the most dangerous pea moth.

The pea moth has a special love for the variety of Ding.

The bend of the pod is almost invisible, the tip is pointed. The average length is 11 cm, the diameter is 1.2-1.3 cm. Each contains 9-10 matte peas of a salad color.


The variety is advised to cultivate in the Black Sea region and in the North-West region. It belongs to the category of early ripening. Harvest ripens amicably, on average for 55-60 days, mechanized harvesting is possible. The variety has good immunity against diseases typical of the culture.

Premium peas are suitable for mechanized harvesting, this makes the variety interesting for professional farmers

Beans with a noticeable bend, dark green, blunt apex. The average length is 8 cm, the diameter is 1.35 cm. Each has 9 peas. The average yield is 0.3-0.6 kg / m².


The variety is recognized as suitable for cultivation in the Black Sea. Belongs to the category of early, peas reach technical maturity in 44-48 days. The height of the stem does not exceed 45-50 cm. The variety resists root rot, ascochitosis, and fusariosis quite well. Of the pests, the most dangerous are the pea moth and tuberous weevil.

Pea Tropar has a good immunity against most diseases typical for culture

The pods are almost straight, with a blunt apex, 6–7 cm long. Each contains 6–7 pale green peas of irregular, rounded-angular shape. The average yield is 0.2-0.6 kg / m².

Belladonna 136

The variety is late ripe, well (even for peas) tolerates frosts. This applies to seedlings and adult plants. It has a good drought tolerance. Valued for its high immunity.

Belladonna 136 peas are very easy to identify thanks to the unusual color of the pods

Pods up to 10 cm long, with a slight bend, ink-lilac. Each of them has 7-9 peas of an unusual bluish-green color. The taste is excellent, sweet.


It differs from other varieties in that not only the grains themselves, but also the pods can be eaten. They are deprived of a hard "parchment" layer. The taste of peas, as the name suggests, is sweetish.

Kelvedon miracle

Also found under the name "The Miracle of Kelvedon." A very common variety, one of the most popular varieties of sugar peas. It is appreciated for its high frost resistance even against the background of the other varieties. The ripening time is considered to be medium early, the crop can be harvested 60-65 days after emergence. Pods 8-9 cm long, with a slight bend, each with 6-9 fairly large peas. Productivity is very good - 1.2-1.5 kg / m².

Peas Kelvedon Miracle - A Very Popular Sugar Variety

The bush is 50-70 cm high. It grows very interesting, as if it clings to the antennae for itself. Does not need support. He practically does not suffer from diseases, demonstrating good resistance to ascochitosis and all types of rot.


A popular Czech variety in Russia, one of the earliest.Recommended for landing in the Black Sea. Matures in just 42-45 days. Stem no more than 0.5 m high. The variety is resistant to Fusarium, mechanized harvesting is possible. Fruiting friendly.

Oscar is a Czech pea variety that performs very well in Russia

The pods are strongly curved, the tip is pointed. The average length is 9 cm. A parchment layer is present, but very weakly expressed. Peas are bright green, in each pod there are 10-12 pieces.

Sugar Oregon

Also sometimes found under the name of Oregon Suga. The variety is mid-season, the fruiting period is long. The height of the stem is 1-1.2 m. Trellis is desirable.

Peas Sugar Oregon is characterized by a long fruiting period

The pods are slightly curved, almost flat, light green in color, the tip is dull. The average length is 9-10 cm. Each has 5-7 large peas. The yield is very good - 1.55 kg / m².

Sweet friend

Russian relatively new variety. Recommended for cultivation in the Central region. By maturity - medium to medium. It depends on the weather in summer. Harvest ripens in 53-62 days. Fruiting is massive. Stem height - 80 cm or slightly more. The variety is suitable for mechanized harvesting.

The period of ripening peas Sweet friend depends on how the weather is issued in terms of summer

The pods are almost straight, elongated (9-10 cm) and wide, with a pointed tip. In each of 7-8 peas with a smooth skin. Its color and the color on the cut practically do not differ.

Baby sweet

The State Register has three years. It belongs to the category of medium early. A stalk about 95 cm high. Trellis is desirable. The flowers are unusually large.

Sweet peas - one of the recent achievements of breeders

The pods are slightly curved, long and wide, salad color. Small peas, aligned. Productivity is very good - 1-1.5 kg / m².

Friendly family

A variety from the category of early ripening, the crop ripens in 55-57 days. Stem height - 60-70 cm. Productivity is high (0.9-1.3 kg / m²), so plants need support.

Peas A friendly family needs support - the stalk bends and breaks under the weight of the crop

Pods with a slight bend, salad green color. The average length is 8-10 cm. Each has 6-10 peas.


There are no restrictions on the growing region. A variety from the early category. Harvest can be harvested 45-56 days after emergence. The height of the stem is 50-70 cm. The installation of a trellis may be required. Immunity is generally good, with the exception of fusarium.

Peas Ambrosia rarely suffers from fungal diseases, an unpleasant exception is fusarium

The pods are slightly curved, light green in color, the tip is pointed. The average length of 8-10 cm, each with 6-8 grains. Small peas, oval in shape. The skin is green, on the cut they are yellowish. The variety has a very positive attitude to the application of potash and phosphorus fertilizers - the fruiting period is significantly extended, and productivity increases.

Inexhaustible 195

An old variety tested by more than one generation of gardeners. It reaches technical maturity in 45-60 days, complete maturity in 70-90 days. The height of the stem varies from 75 to 115 cm. The flowers are very large, single. Harvest ripens en masse.

Inexhaustible peas 195 stands out for large flowers

The pods are almost straight, salad-colored, with a blunt apex. Often there are "constricts", turning them into something similar to a rosary. The average length is 8-10 cm, the diameter is 1.6-1.8 cm. Each has 6-7 peas. They are noticeably flattened, angular, yellowish-green.

Zhegalova 112

Another pea variety that has been popular for over 70 years. It can be grown everywhere except the Volga region, Eastern Siberia and the Far East. Harvest maturity is medium or late. Pea reaches technical maturity in 50-60 days, complete - in 90-110 days. The stalk is long (1.2-1.8 m), curly. Fruiting friendly.

Peas Zhegalova 112 - a very common medium late variety in Russia

The pods are almost straight, xiphoid, salad-colored, very large. The average length is 10-15 cm, the diameter is 2.3-2.5 cm. Each has 5-8 flattened peas of irregular shape.

Sugar prince

One of the novelties of selection. There are no restrictions on the growing region. Harvest ripens in 65-70 days. The stem is curly, about 70 cm long. It is desirable to have a support.

Pea Sugar Prince is suitable for growing almost throughout Russia

Beans are slightly curved, 12-14 cm long, with a pointed tip. Peas are quite small, dark green, with a slightly wrinkled skin. Productivity is very good - 1.2-1.4 kg / m².


In Russia, this pea can be grown everywhere. A variety from the early category. The stem is very long, 1.5 m or more. The flowers are large, rare red-burgundy.

Refined peas are very easy to identify during flowering.

The pods are almost without bending, very long and wide. The parchment layer is present, but weakly expressed. Small peas. The average yield is 1-1.2 kg / m².

Video: sugar and peeling peas

Forage peas

As the name suggests, it is used to feed livestock. The pods themselves and the green mass go to food. These varieties are characterized by high productivity. You can clean them several times a season. With early mowing, the greens grows pretty quickly again.

The following varieties are most common in Russia:

  • Area Late-ripening variety, recommended for cultivation in the North Caucasus. Ready for harvesting 90-110 days after emergence. The yield of peas is 3.34 tons / ha, green mass - 5.34 tons / ha. The protein content is high, 24-26%.
  • Novosibirets. High-yielding hybrid of average maturity. Suitable for cultivation in Siberia. Green mass receive up to 1.2 tons / ha.
  • Mustachioed stern. Suitable for cultivation in the Caucasus and the Volga region. There are almost no leaves. The variety is late ripe, peas ripen in 91-103 days. Greens can be removed after 63-82 days. The protein content in green mass is 19%, in beans - 25%. It is infected with anthracnose, root rot.

Photo Gallery: Popular Varieties of Feed Peas


Chickpeas are also called chickpeas. It is appreciated by gardeners for health benefits. Pests practically do not pay attention to it. The protein content in it is higher than in ordinary peas - it varies from 20.1 to 32.4%. Accordingly, these grains are more nutritious. They are also rich in essential amino acids - methionine, tryptophan.


A relatively new variety, there are no restrictions on the growing region. Refers to mid-season, the crop ripens in 65-106 days. It manifests itself best in Bashkiria. The bush is upright, 25-54 cm high. The variety tolerates drought well, plants do not lie down, mature pods do not crumble. During the test, no disease was noted.

Chickpea Bonus was not affected by disease during trials

Peas are pale yellow, irregularly rounded and angular in shape, slightly ribbed. The protein content is 22.3-25.8%.


A recent achievement by Ukrainian breeders. In Russia, the variety is recommended for cultivation in the North Caucasus and the Crimea. The bush is quite compact, half-stemmed, its height reaches 55-60 cm. The variety has an average ripening period, peas can be harvested after 94-98 days. It has an "innate" immunity to Fusarium and Ascochitosis. It tolerates heat and drought.

Nut Rosanna - a compact plant that does not suffer much from heat and drought

Pods are large, peas are yellowish-beige, irregular in diamond shape. The skin is very wrinkled. The protein content is 28-30%.


Bred in the 50s of the last century, but is still in demand. A variety of medium ripening. Harvest can be harvested after 90-100 days. The variety is resistant to drought, the pods do not crack. The height of the bush does not exceed 35-45 cm.

Chickpea bushes Yubileiny very compact, stunted

Fresh peas of an unusual pinkish-yellow color, after drying become beige. The protein content is 25-27%. Productivity is very good - 1.5-3 kg / m².


One of the latest breeding novelties, suitable for cultivation in the Black Sea. The bush is quite tall (about 63 cm), upright or slightly nickel. The variety is mid-season, the crop ripens in 95-117 days. It does not tolerate drought as well as other varieties; it is resistant to lodging and cracking. Of the diseases, root rot is the most dangerous.

The Nut Scope cannot boast of very good drought tolerance.

The peas are dark beige, almost smooth or slightly ribbed. Protein content up to 26%. Fruiting friendly, high productivity - more than 3 kg / m².


A new variety suitable for cultivation throughout Russia. The height of the erect bush is 38-62 cm. The ripening period is average - 81-116 days. The variety is resistant to lodging, shedding, and tolerates drought. Most often suffers from root rot.

A significant drawback of Falcon chickpeas is susceptibility to root rot

Peas are amber-beige, irregular in shape, with faint ribs. The protein content is 24.7%.

Video: Chickpea Health Benefits

Peas mash

Also known as "mung bean." This pea is very popular in the cuisine of Southeast Asia, it is loved in India, Pakistan. Grains have a light nutty flavor, a pleasant "herbal" taste. They do not need to be soaked, cooking takes no more than 40 minutes. The protein content is quite high - about 24%. Small peas, oval in shape. They are eaten raw, sprouted, cooked.

Peas mash in Russia is almost unknown, but this culture deserves close attention of gardeners

Starch is used to extract starch from pea mash, which is used to make special “glass” noodles, known in China as fensi, and in the rest of the world under the name funchosa.

Peas mash - raw materials for the preparation of Chinese "glass" noodles, which in Russia are often sold as rice

For Russia, culture is still very unusual and exotic, so there are no varieties of domestic selection. Therefore, those who grow peas mash, identify it by the color of the grains - black, white, yellow, green.

Video: what does pea mash look like

Bush peas

Shrub varieties of peas are appreciated by gardeners for their compactness. They are easier to care for and harvest than the winding varieties. Support is most often not required.


An early variety recommended for cultivation in the Volga region, the Black Sea region, in the North Caucasus. The growing season is 48-63 days. Stem height - 55-65 cm, many antennae. Harvest ripens together. Mechanized cleaning is possible. The variety is resistant to lodging. Askochitosis is the most dangerous of the diseases.

Pea Vera often suffers from ascochitosis

The pods are straight or slightly curved. The average length is 6–9 cm, the diameter is 1.2–1.4 cm. Each has 6–8 peas. The grains are one-dimensional, angular, lime-colored, wrinkled peels. Productivity - 0.3-0.9 kg / m². A variety of universal purpose, but best suited for canning.


The Dutch variety in Russia is cultivated mainly in the North Caucasus. By maturity early. From the appearance of seedlings to technical maturity, 56-57 days pass. Bush height - up to 70 cm. The variety has an "innate" immunity to Fusarium.

Avola peas are not subject to fusarium wilting

Beans are almost straight, with a pronounced parchment layer. Length - about 9 cm. In each of 8 peas. They are one-dimensional, painted dark green.


Another variety from the Netherlands suitable for cultivation in the North Caucasus. Refers to early and peeling. Harvest ripens in an average of 59 days. The height of the bush is about 70 cm. Worse than other varieties, tolerates cold. Does not suffer from fusarium.

Peas Karina cannot boast of high frost resistance

The pods are curved, 7-8 cm long. Each has 6 peas. They are almost the same size, regular shape.


The semi-dwarf variety, almost leafless, is recommended for cultivation in the Black Sea region. The height of the bush is 75-80 cm. It is resistant to drought, does not lie and does not crumble. Suitable for mechanized cleaning.

Peas Tsarevich stands out for the unusual coloring of grains

The pods are almost straight, yellowish, the tip is blunt. Each has 5-6 peas with a smooth skin, painted in an unusual greenish-pink color. The protein content is high - 22-23%.


A variety of medium ripening. Suitable for cultivation in the Volga region. Good results are also shown in the Far East. Harvest can be harvested 75 days after emergence. Stem height about 65 cm. Relatively rarely affected by disease. Resistant to lodging and shedding.

Pea Varis has a very good immunity

The pods are quite short (5-6 cm) and wide (1.3-1.4 cm). In each of 4-7 slightly flattened pinkish peas.

Golden eagle

Best suited for growing in the North Caucasus. The growing season is 63-72 days. A variety from the category of shelling is considered mid-season. Stem height - 70-80 cm. Resistant to lodging. It tolerates drought, does not impose special requirements on soil quality.

Pea Golden Eagle brings a crop when planting in the soil of almost any quality

Pods with a weak bend, long and narrow, dark green in color. Peas are bright green, aligned. The protein content is 22.2-23.8%. Productivity - 0.6-0.9 kg / m².

Curly Varieties

Curly peas are used not only for harvesting, but also for decorative purposes. If you let it on the trellis, the resulting "green walls" look very impressive. They can also play the role of backstage, protecting other cultures from gusts of cold wind.


Also known as Alderman and Tall Phone. It is considered the best tall variety in the world. The length of the stem reaches 1.5 m or more. Necessarily required support. The variety is characterized by abundant fruiting, even in a "poor" substrate. Does not suffer from fusarium.

Peas Alderman - a clone of an old English variety

The pods are very large, thick, saturated green in color, each with 10-14 peas. Harvest must be collected every 2-3 days.


Late variety, stem height - 2 m or more. Belongs to the category of late, the crop ripens in 100-110 days. The fruiting period is extended. Immunity is good, but not absolute.

Peas Telegraph - late tall variety

Pods about 11 cm long, each with 10-12 peas. The grains are large, sweet.

Miracle Shovel

The variety is mid-season, peeling. Harvest ripens in 75-80 days. Stem height - 1.6-1.7 cm. Plants are very powerful and strong. The fruiting is extended, lasting until the first frost.

Pea Miracle shovel brings a crop right up to the first frosts

Pods 10-12 cm long. In each 8-9 large (more than 1 cm in diameter) peas.

Pea is a very popular garden culture among Russians. In addition to all the usual beans, there are more exotic varieties that are not inferior to them in taste and health benefits. There are quite a few varieties and hybrids bred by breeders that differ in the appearance of the plant and pods, the protein content in peas, yield, and so on.


Watch the video: Calvin Lamborn on Pea Breeding (October 2024).