Bulbous flowers for the garden and indoor plants


Bulbous flowers are plants that have a thickened underground part of the stem. It looks like an onion, hence the name. Such a thickening contains all the substances necessary for nutrition. To grow such plants, moderately moist and well-drained soil is required. Some of these flowers are resistant to the winter climate of central Russia, so they can be grown in summer cottages. There are many onion indoor plants.

There are a huge number of bulbous and tuberous flowers, which can be divided into many categories.

Hemanthus - a beautiful bulbous plant

Interesting. If you want to get acquainted with almost the entire range, then you can go to Keukenhof - the largest garden of bulb flowers of all existing.


The snow is just beginning to melt, primroses are appearing - bulbous flowers that begin to capture their beauty before anyone else.

Scilla - a beautiful blue bulb flower

Usually primroses appear in March, so each area should be decorated with them.

Here are some onion primroses:

  1. Spring tree or erantis. A plant with bright yellow flowers that can appear even when the snow has not had time to melt. Especially beautiful glade will look if you plant flowers nearby. Such a lawn will give the impression of being bathed in the sun.
  2. Muscari. These are small flowers of a very saturated blue color. They can be grown on their own or combined with other plants. In addition, Muscari is very unpretentious in care and grow quickly. Begin to bloom in April.
  3. Iridodictium - miniature bulbous irises. Combined with rock gardens and rockeries, the grass as a background for these flowers looks very worthy. The beginning of flowering in the flowerbed is the end of March, in the room they begin to delight with their beauty even earlier.
  4. Hionodox. If you literally translate the name, you get two words: "glory" and "snow." This is the name of the flower, because it feels great during a time when the snow has not yet melted. You need to grow it in a sunny area. Then he will begin to please with blue-violet flowers before everyone else.
  5. Pushkinia. A flower with such an interesting name has white or blue flowers. The buds begin to open in April. Flowering continues until the beginning of summer. The most attractive in landscape design will be forest-like and hyacinth species. The first flowers look like bells, the second have buds with blue veins. Regardless of the choice, these plants will create an incredible look in the garden or cottage.
  6. Bulbokodium spring. One of the earliest flowers that in the temperate climate zone can bloom in February.
  7. Scilla. Incredibly beautiful flowers of sky blue on a very thin stem. You do not need to look after them at all. Just plant, and in March the plant will show its beauty.
  8. Tigridia. Originally a flower from South and Central America, but was able to adapt to the climate of other continents, while maintaining an exotic texture. It also does not require special attention.
  9. Anemone If many primroses are white or blue, then the anemone has a bright red tint. Her flowers can be ordinary or double. However, they can bloom even in the fall.

Important! Do not forget about the more classic early bulbous garden flowers: tulips and crocuses. They are first of all remembered by a person who will be told about primroses. All these bulbous perennials wintering in the open ground will be able to please the eye of the summer resident when other plants have not yet opened buds.

Narrow leaf flowers

Plants with narrow leaves are good because the whole eye falls on the flowers.

Here are some varieties of onions of this type:

  1. Zephyranthes. This is a herbaceous plant with narrow leaflets of a belt-shaped form. Flowering resembles a crocus. The hue varies depending on the variety of marshmallows and is white, red or pink. Some varieties are bicolor. Usually the plant blooms all year. Only 10 varieties can be grown at home, but only five of them are usually used. Every year, the flower needs to be replanted, the plant propagates by daughter bulbs.
  2. Hippeastrum. This genus includes 90 species of plants. It is a close relative of amaryllis, but grows in the subtropical and tropical regions of America, while amaryllis grows in Africa. It has huge red flowers. Feels optimal at a temperature of 17-25 degrees, blooms in August. Has a round or conical bulb. It is good to grow a flower on the windowsill with good access to diffused sunlight.
  3. Albuque is spiral. The plant is a relative of representatives of the family Asparagus. It has interesting foliage-shaped leaves. Its characteristic feature is the ability to eject a peduncle with white flowers. The bulb is painted white, its diameter is 5 centimeters. Leaf height - no more than 15 centimeters. If they are straightened, they can reach 35 centimeters in length. During extreme heat, the plant curls up to avoid fluid loss. Flowers have a pale green or pale yellow color and a bell-shaped shape.
  4. Krinium. Another representative of the Amaryllis, whose leaves are narrow due to the fact that they are bent. Feels great in the subtropical climate zone, so it is good to grow it in the south. The bulbs are very long - up to 90 centimeters, the leaves can grow up to one and a half meters in length. It stands out with its inflorescences in the shape of an umbrella. Flowers are white or pink. A fruit is a box with seeds that have a sufficient supply of water for independent germination of a new flower. Therefore, it is not difficult to propagate the plant; water from outside is not needed. A plant is a wonderful decoration for any room or garden. Moreover, krinium can be grown in an aquarium.
  5. Ifeon. A plant with flowers resembling six-pointed stars in blue. Belongs to the Liliaceae family. Originally from the subtropics and tropics, it is therefore not suitable for wintering in open ground. Even if Onepheon survives one winter, it will not bloom as it should. The plant can bloom in blue, purple, white or pink flowers. The main flowering period in the natural environment occurs in the spring, in the autumn young shoots grow. Therefore, it is better to save the purchase of bulbs for growing at the end of summer. If you purchase them at the beginning, then they can dry before the time of disembarkation.
  6. Rhodofiale. A very rare plant that has beautiful red flowers. Also belongs to the Amaryllis family. Only a few of the 30 species can be grown at home. Despite the fact that the plant comes from arid countries, it is able to withstand even frost. Growing flowers is not easy. They need to be kept cool when the plant is not blooming. When an active period occurs, good lighting must be provided. It is better to grow a plant in a continental climate, when the difference between day and night temperatures can reach 15 degrees.
  7. Iris Dutch onion. Planting and care are basic. These are tall plants, reaching 60 centimeters in height.

There are many more bulbous plants with narrow leaves. The above are very beautiful and have characteristic advantages over the others (for example, the same frost resistance).

Flowers with wide leaves

One of the most popular representatives of bulbous plants with wide leaves is dreamiopsis. The leaves resemble those of the lily of the valley. Moreover, they have an interesting texture in the form of interspersed throughout the area. From a distance, the flower looks like a lily of the valley, but, unlike it, blooms with asterisks, not bells. Color changes over time. Dreamiopsis at the beginning of flowering has white "stars", which then turn green.

Dreamiopsis - flower with spotty leaves

Important! A characteristic feature of dreamiopsis is the ability to withstand almost any condition. It can be looked after as an ordinary plant, requiring abundant watering, and as a succulent, which needs water much less.

Another representative of bulbous plants with wide leaves is zantedesia. In total there are 6 species of this flower. Representatives of this kind are madly in love with moisture. Even in Africa, where these flowers come from, they grow near ponds or swamps, the plant is partially located in the water.

Suitable for early spring planting

All the primroses described above can be grown in early spring.

Here are some more interesting representatives:

  1. Galanthus. The more common name is snowdrop. This plant begins to bloom long before the snow melts. People are used to the fact that snowdrops have a beautiful white color, but there are, for example, white-green species.
  2. Spring crocus. Another popular name for this flower is saffron. The flowering time in the middle lane is March-April. Bloom in white, yellow, purple and violet flowers.
  3. Golden crocus. Another type of saffron, which, compared with the previous one, is much smaller. At the same time, the plant is characterized by a larger selection of colors, although orange-yellow tones are most common. There may also be purple and violet colors.
  4. Hionodox Lucia. This plant grows well in the shade. It can not be planted in the sun. Moreover, it is winter-hardy, so the bulbs do not need to be removed from the soil every season. For the first time, this bulbous perennial begins to bloom in high quality only a few seasons after planting. But he will please the owner of the garden with a beautiful carpet.
  5. Lilies In vivo found in Eurasia and North America. In addition to external attractiveness, lilies have medicinal qualities. You need to plant in the autumn. In the care of lilies are undemanding, but with a certain frequency you need to fertilize the soil. Feed the flower for the first time in spring, at the time when the shoots appear. For this, phosphorus-potassium fertilizer is used.

Many bulbous flowers can decorate the garden in early spring.

Indoor plants and beautiful home flowers

All the flowers listed in the "narrow leaf flowers" list are suitable for growing at home.

Here are some more bulbous indoor flowers:

  1. Hemanthus. Another representative of the Amaryllis family. The genus of Hemanthus includes more than 40 species of plants with flowers of rich red, white-orange colors. The flowering period of hemanthus occurs in July-August. It is better to grow it in bright diffused light, but partial shade is also suitable. The optimum temperature is 18-22 degrees. Therefore, it is necessary to install an air conditioner, as well as make sure that the batteries warm normally in the winter.
  2. Kislitsa. This name the plant got to the taste of foliage. About 800 species of this flower are common in nature. At home, the plant has been grown since the 17th century, it can be cultivated in open ground. In Russia, the popular name for sour - "rabbit cabbage." The characteristic advantages of the plant are undemanding care and attractive appearance. In Ireland, this plant is considered a national symbol and is attributed to St. Patrick. At the same time, acid is common in subtropical and tropical climates. It has beautiful pink and white flowers and dark brown leaves. Flowers can also be painted in a lilac tone.
  3. Veltheim. It is a perennial bulbous plant that is native to South Africa. It has interesting pink flowers in the form of narrow bells or fireworks. The optimum temperature of cultivation is 10-14 degrees. Therefore, it is well suited for rooms in which a cold temperature regime is maintained, or balconies.

What an acidic plant, with interesting purple flowers


You can bring a huge number of bulbous home flowers. Many of them can be grown in open ground, but only at certain times, then dig out from the depths of the earth for wintering.

Indoor flowers and flowering plants with names

Onions are pale yellow, dark orange and white. Therefore, any flowers with such colors can be considered bulbous in color. A typical example is yellow tulips, which do not always perfectly resemble a bulb in hue, but are close in color to it.

Tulips - an example of bulbous flowers of a bulbous color


Tulips can also have a white color. Many of the colors described above also have bulbous shades.

There are a lot of bulb flowers for the garden or apartment, all of them are able to please the owner with their appearance. You can buy several different species and enjoy flowering almost all year round.

Curly Indoor Plants and Hanging Vines
