

Solidaster arose as a result of crossing in natural conditions of asters and solidago. Thanks to the miniature flowers, he received the second name "beaded aster". Opened and described in the nurseries of France in 1910.

Grade description

The height of the plant ranges from 30-70 cm. Straight sturdy stems are crowned with small yellow flowers that do not exude any smell. Perennial plant tolerates cold well and is resistant to frost, does not require additional shelter.

Leaves have a lanceolate shape, and flowers form in a panicle. That is, on one stalk several bright heads bloom on separate legs. Flowering begins in July and lasts 6-7 weeks.

Solidaster is well suited for the design of flower beds, borders and paths. Due to the abundance of flowers, the bush looks like a yellow cloud. You can use branches to decorate bouquets; cut flowers retain their presentation for a long time.

Among the cultivars, the following are most popular:

  • Lemone - bright canary flowers on a long stem that reaches 90 cm;
  • Super - stems up to 130 cm tall are dotted with many small inflorescences.

Growing Features

Solidaster is unpretentious, well takes root on loamy soils, requires moderate watering and constant access of air. It’s not afraid of the wind, but in areas and poor ventilation it starts to wither. The plant is sensitive to rot.

Strong stems are stable even in windy regions and do not creep on the ground; they do not need a garter or other method of strengthening. Solidaster requires regular pruning of flowering buds and drying shoots. This procedure will increase the period and flowering.
