Why the imperial grouse does not bloom, some leaves


The imperial grouse is one of the brightest plants in any flower bed: its bright and colorful flowers attract attention, and the pubescence with green leaves at the very top resembles a tuft of a tropical bird. And it's a shame when such beauty does not manage to be seen. In such cases, it is important to find out the causes and eliminate them.

The main reasons for the lack of flowering in hazel grouse

Despite the unpretentiousness of the plant, good growth in conditions of central Russia and the simplicity of cultivation, like other plants, hazel grouse is susceptible to attack by pests and diseases. In addition, the problem may be hidden in landing conditions, in conditions of care, and even in ambient temperature.

Grouse Imperial - a beautiful and bright flower

Pests and plant diseases

Royal, or imperial, hazel grouse - one of the most resistant to plant pests. Often they are planted around various crops to protect plantings from various insects and even mice. But even such flowers with unique properties have their weaknesses. These include two types of insects: lily beetles and rattles. Such pests are dangerous with their larvae, which are happy to eat leaves.

Getting rid of them occurs in three stages:

  1. first, all adult individuals seen on the plant gather;
  2. then all leaves with larvae are removed;
  3. at the end, the plant is treated by any means against leaf-eating pests.

The diseases of these plants can be attributed only to rot, which settles on the grouse tubers. One of the reasons for its appearance is excessive soil moisture and stagnation of water. External signs are weakness, weakness and poor development of the plant - if you dig up the bulb, you can notice the foci of rot on it. In this case, the affected areas are carefully cut out of the bulb, the cut is treated, and then the plant is carefully dried.

A fungicide or a solution of manganese is well suited for processing, and then it is necessary to sprinkle the place of the cut with ash.

Important! After drying, the plant can be re-planted, but it is better to choose other places for planting in order to reduce the risk of reinfestation.

Grouse pests - lily beetles

Small size bulbs imperial grouse

One of the main reasons why the imperial grouse does not bloom is the small size of the bulb. Their optimal size for good growth, development and flowering of the plant is not less than 5 cm. If the bulbs are smaller, then the hazel grouse will simply grow, gaining their mass and without wasting effort on releasing flowers until the tuber is the right size. Therefore, planting small bulbs, do not count on their early flowering - most likely you will have to wait a year or even two.

Incorrect onion care

Another reason why the hazel grouse does not bloom is improper care of the bulbs. Some gardeners grow this type of flower in one place from year to year, without digging and replanting. Because of this, over time (after about 2-4 years) the bulbs begin to grow smaller, multiply, and the flowers do not appear.

To avoid this, the bulbs of the plant are dug up immediately after their stem dries - this is approximately the end of July or the beginning of August. Bulbs are carefully inspected, removing dry parts and places with foci of decay, then washed in a weak manganese solution, and then dried in the shade for 10-14 days. After that, the bulbs are moved to a warm and dry room.

Important! It is necessary to periodically check the bulbs during storage, as they are prone to decay.

Long-term storage should be carried out in crates laid with straw in dry rooms without temperature fluctuations. But even despite this, the bulbs can begin to rot, so you need to inspect them often enough. But in fact, long-term storage is not the best solution for this plant, so the bulbs are planted after a month or two in a temperate climate.

The optimum temperature for the flower bud of the imperial grouse

Grouse flower: planting and care after flowering

Most species of hazel grouse tolerate low temperatures and wintering, so they begin to hatch from under the ground already in late April. Even frosts, which are not uncommon during this period, practically do not harm the plant - cooling to -5 degrees is easily tolerated by the first shoots.

Flower buds themselves appear at higher temperatures - from +15 degrees. Of course, one of the reasons why the imperial hazel grouse did not bloom could be the sudden frost hit with lower temperatures. Then the growing plant freezes strongly and, most likely, will bloom only the next year.

Planting Bulbs of the Imperial Grouse

Incorrect landing of the imperial grouse

In order for this beautiful flower to please with its bright inflorescences, it is necessary to choose the right place in the garden and plant the bulbs correctly. Otherwise, the results will be unsatisfactory. It is important to consider the condition of the soil, light exposure, the distance between plants, as well as the size of the bulbs and the depth of planting. It just seems complicated, but you should not neglect these nuances.

Wrong landing place

Grouse imperial: planting and care in the open ground

The plant loves sunny areas, grows well in partial shade, so you can choose the southern and southwestern sides, places under the shade of shrubs and trees for planting.

It is also necessary to take into account the composition of the soil: it must be fertile, well-drained and loose, without the possibility of stagnation of water and not with surface groundwater. Sandy soils are good, but clay soils will be destructive.

Important! Lowlands and wetlands will only destroy the plant, so it is better to plant it on elevations.

Incorrect landing depth

Good large bulbs are optimally planted to a depth of 30-35 cm, however, the finer the bulbs, the smaller the depth you need to choose. So, it is better to plant medium-sized bulbs in pits with a depth of 20-25 cm, and small ones - at a depth of 10-15 cm.

What is the danger of choosing the wrong depth? First of all, this will affect the germination of plants - too deep planting will slow them down, and too superficial is fraught with winter or spring freezing of the bulb.

Properly planted grouse delight with its beauty

Improper planting and watering techniques

Hazel grouse will grow well if all planting techniques are performed optimally. To do this, observe the following important points:

  • Wells with plants are placed at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other so that each flower has enough light and fertilizer.
  • At the bottom of the holes, ordinary sand is poured - it will also serve as additional drainage, and will improve the development of plants, especially if the soil is not sandy.
  • Add ash for better grouse growth.
  • On top of the onion sprinkled with sand, then soil.
  • Mulch the landing site well.

In winter, it is good to plant bulbs in open ground in late August and early September.

Important! You need to plant only those bulbs in which the first roots have already appeared.

The most important point is watering the plants. If the soil is well mulled, then imperial hazel grouse should be watered only in arid or hot weather, otherwise - as needed, without flooding the soil and preventing its drying out.

One of the most common reasons why the grouse turned yellow before flowering in the spring is an excess of moisture. This can be caused by either an abundance of rain or a large amount of thawed snow, or there may be a reason in artificial irrigation.

The Importance of Care for Flowering

Timely dressing will also allow for magnificent flowering. Immediately after the end of spring frosts, it is necessary to fertilize the entire area of ​​flowers with a mixture of humus, nitrophosphate and complex fertilizer for flowers in a ratio of 10 liters: 1 tbsp. l.: 1 tbsp. l Such a mixture is laid out with a layer of at least 3 cm.

Grouse chess: landing and care in the open ground

When hazel grouse enter a time of flowering, potash fertilizers and ash are introduced into the soil. After the plant ceases to bloom, superphosphate and potassium sulfate are added. Such saturation with nutrients allows not only to provide good flowering, growth and development of flowers, but also to prepare the bulbs for further transplantation.

With a well-chosen growing location, quality care, timely transplantation and watering of bulbs, the question of why the imperial hazel grouse turns yellow or does not bloom does not even arise.

Important! However, if the plant still does not look good or does not please bloom, the standard watering and care should be reviewed, and the appearance of pests or diseases should be excluded.

This unpretentious plant, resistant to temperatures and most standard troubles, is the most optimal for growing in central Russia. Observing simple rules, you can enjoy its bright flowering for many years.
