Orchid care: examples of growing a flower at home


There is a huge variety of species and varieties of orchids that are artificially bred. In order for the plant to please with beautiful flowers and does not require resuscitation, it is necessary to properly water it, feed the soil, set the correct temperature regime. In general, orchid care is to provide basic conditions for indoor flowers.

Orchid Description

Shrub variant is extremely rare, in the market they offer stem and leano-shaped ones. Everyone is accustomed to the fact that an orchid is an indoor flower that has a unique structure of leaves, a stem and blooms beautifully, throwing a long arrow. In nature, the plant is sticky, which is located on tree trunks.

Blooming orchid

There are two groups of orchids - epiphytes and lithophytes. A distinctive feature is the presence of underground tubers or roots, which perform many functions, ensuring the normal functioning of the plant.

Reproduction is carried out by planting children who can form on the peduncle, at the root, on the stem.

For your information! In place of flowers, boxes appear in which several million seeds are placed.

Scientific name

Buying a beautiful flowerpot with a flower, not many people think about how to: archidea or orchid, what scientific name has a flower. If you study the literature on botany, you can find a completely unknown for a wide circle of plant name - phalaenopsis.

Sometimes there is a common name that sounds completely new even for experienced flower growers, namely dendrobium. This name option defines the Orchid family, which belong to the genus of herbaceous plants.

The appearance of orchids

What does an orchid look like?

Many are sure that they know and will be able to describe exactly what an orchid looks like. But in fact, there are several variations of this plant, which at first glance completely contradict the appearance presented in pots on the windowsills of flower growers.

External data of one of the varieties

Distinctive features of the appearance of the flower:

  • the length and shape of the stem can be different - short, long, straight, leanoid;
  • leaves may have an oval or slightly elongated shape. They are dense, fleshy, painted in emerald or green;
  • orchid flowers have a complex structure. The bud consists of several petals of an irregular shape. In addition, the color may be the most diverse;
  • flowering can occur spike, singly or with a brush with the arrangement of several buds along the peduncle;
  • the root system is no less spectacular. The processes are thick, usually green or gray-green. They remind crooked tubes.

The orchid flower looks aesthetically attractive on the windowsill, especially during the flowering period. Thanks to the unique combination of diverse flowers and leaves, it is difficult to even imagine what kind of orchids are.

The main types of orchids

Cymbidium orchid: options for growing and caring at home

There are completely diverse types of orchids in appearance, which belong to different families. Each species has several varieties. In the process of choosing a plant, it is worthwhile to carefully study the characteristics of the specimen in order not to buy a harmful indoor flower.

Varieties and types of orchids

Note! The most detailed classification was proposed by R. L. Dressler; he suggested that it is more convenient to divide orchids into five subfamilies.

Orchid varieties differ from each other in the shape and size of the flower, the type of flowering, and the appearance of the trunk itself. The selection can be made even according to visual preference.

The most popular flower varieties:

Orchid chisis

The chisis species is a plant that has bright green leaves with a sharp tip. Flowering lasts about six months - from April to October. During this period, a flower stalk grows, on which there are about seven buds.

The color scheme is as close as possible to yellow, orange. Less common are purple buds. Petals are decorated with dark spots and stripes.

Monza Orchid

Growing a Monza variety is a pleasure. The flower is large and can reach a diameter of more than 10 cm, the edges of the petals slightly darker than the bud itself. The bud itself has a muted coral color. The leaves are dark green oval in shape with a dense texture.

What does Monza orchid look like

Diamond king

The most popular variety is Diamond King, which is a dark and bright bard butterfly. Sometimes it has a bud with a black rim or a dark core. Leaves are dense and large emerald color.

Orchid Andorra

The name of the fine variety corresponds to the appearance of the bud. On the peduncle, many flowers are formed, which bloom one after another. The shape of the flower is close to the appearance of a large butterfly. Petals are purple or lilac. And on them are specks or stripes of a darker color.

Jewel Orchid

Jewel buds of dark purple or lilac color are located along the peduncle. Flowering lasts more than six months. The castings are dense, have a deep dark green color. Buds of medium size.

Grade Jewel

Varieties of orchids are so common in a breeding farm that it is almost impossible to determine which has become the basis. Different types of buds that resemble butterflies, hummingbirds, insects, can be combined with diverse leaves.

For your information! There are about 150 varieties of breeding orchids.

Home Care Options

Fertilizer for orchids: examples of fertilizing at home

Inexperienced flower growers often wonder how to grow an orchid at home. It is important to create the right conditions for the growth and development of the flower.

Important! Care must be carried out in accordance with the recommendations that are attached to the plant variety.

There are several basic nuances that relate to temperature, watering, lighting, soil and fertilizers.

Temperature mode

Growing healthy and full-fledged specimens is possible only in artificial tropical conditions. At home, you can also establish such a temperature regime. The secret is to fully hydrate the place where the orchid grows. You can put a glass of water next to it.

Note! At rest, that is, in winter, the interval from 15 ° C to 18 ° C will become normal temperature. The temperature should not vary within seven degrees.


The plant does not tolerate direct sunlight, as burns can remain on the leaves. As a result, the stem and other parts begin to wither, and then completely dry. It is advisable to install a flowerpot in a partial shade or on a windowsill that faces southwest.

Degree of illumination

In the cold season, light and heat may, on the contrary, not be enough, therefore, special fluorescent lamps can be used as an artificial source.

Soil and fertilizing

In the process of transplants, you need to choose the right soil. This is usually a mixture of finely chopped dry bark with pieces of moss. Components are taken in equal proportions. Additionally, a drainage layer for the bottom of the pot is selected.

The appearance of the soil for orchids

The correct feeding regimen is also important for the normal growth and flowering of orchids. Organic and inorganic fertilizers can be used. You can fertilize once a month, but the dose should be several times smaller than the standard.

Watering regularity

The root of the plant is very sensitive to moisture. It is important not to fill it in and not to let it dry. Be sure to choose the right pot with transparent walls and holes to remove excess fluid.

The principle of proper watering

Important! The flowerpot should be placed in a bowl with water for 10 minutes, and then let the excess moisture drain. Pouring water into the pot on the roots is not recommended.

Watering is carried out in accordance with the need of the flower, since the drying of the substrate depends on several external fluorines of the location of the pot. Watering is usually done once every 1-2 weeks.

Orchid bloom

Phalaenopsis breeding at home: examples of children and cuttings

The orchid has a whimsical character regarding flowering. Many specimens never bloom. There are several ways to make an orchid blossom. It is necessary to create a stressful situation for the plant:

  • make sudden changes in temperature;
  • stop watering for a week, and then put in warm water;
  • increase the dose of fertilizers at the time of feeding.

Features of flowering orchids


But the conditions of care at the time of flowering and after it are different.

Flowering care

If you properly care for a flowering plant, then this period will last a long time. It is necessary to water the flower in time, remove dried and sluggish buds. It is necessary to feed the plant at least 1 time in 2 weeks.

Orchid care at home after flowering

After flowering, you need to transfer the flower to the dormant stage, as well as:

  • remove the peduncle, cutting it with a sharp secateurs;
  • leaves that have fallen or dried out must also be removed;
  • It is advisable to stop frequent watering and reduce the number of fertilizers.

In order for the flower regime to stop and resume the next year, the plant should have a good rest in the winter.

Decorate the house with a blooming orchid of the selected variety, if you properly care for the flower. Previously, it is worth exploring all the features of the species and choosing the right place in the house for it.
