Interesting Articles 2024



Smilacin is an unpretentious stunted perennial with oval or elongated leaves. Belongs to the lily of the valley family and has more than 25 varieties. Used for landscaping the garden. Many varieties quickly form a solid green carpet. It coexists well with other herbaceous plants and shrubs, so it can be used in the preparation of complex compositions on the flowerbed.

Cycas flower - how to care for a sago palm

Tsikas (flower) can often be found in apartments and houses. This palm tree is an adornment of offices and various premises. When growing, it is important to observe some features. There are different types of this plant, which differ in characteristic features. The flower of cicadas - what is the sago palm? The second name of the flower is "Cycas" or "Sago palm".

Hydrangea Magical Moonligh - Description

Hydrangea attracts attention with its unusual flowers, which can be admired throughout the summer. Hydrangea Magic Moonlight belongs to panicled and affects the density of the brush and the unusual color of the petals. No wonder its name translates as Magic moonlight. Appearance This shrub grows up to 2 meters in height and 1.5 meters in width.

4 healthy exotic vegetables that you should try to plant in 2020

In every summer resident there is a desire for experimentation, the search for new and rare, a passion for discoveries. Growing familiar plants on your favorite six hundredths, you can and should experiment to discover original and new tastes. We’ll tell you what exotic vegetables you can plant on your site this year to diversify your harvest.

Pachypodium: description, types, features of care

Pachypodium is a succulent that is part of the Kutrovy family. Distribution area - Madagascar island and arid zones of South America. Features of the pachypodium The shrub plant has thick trunks that can store moisture in case of drought. The form is different - from bottle-shaped to cactus-like.

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Examples of the use of small architectural forms in the garden and in the country

A summer cottage is a territory intended not only for gardening, but also for relaxation. I want her to be beautiful in all respects - luxurious, well-groomed plants and decor, forming with the site a single whole and pleasing to the eye. A gazebo, a bench, a bridge on the site will help to create a special atmosphere, small architectural forms of wood, metal, concrete create special zones in the garden that resemble a fairy kingdom.

Do-it-yourself hedge at the cottage: rules for planting, growing and caring

It just so happened that we are all trying to create our own little “world”, protecting private land from manifestations of the outside world - neighbors and curious passers-by, wind and noise, exhaust gases and the hum of cars. However, not all of us are happy with the prospect of constantly resting our eyes on a slightly unsightly two-meter fence that outlines the boundaries of our possessions.

Why hydrangeas have small inflorescences - causes and solutions to the problem

Hydrangea is an ornamental shrub that does not require special care. However, in some cases, the plant blooms poorly and produces small buds. To find out why hydrangeas have small inflorescences, it is necessary to carefully examine the bush and identify possible causes of the problem. Why hydrangeas have small inflorescences Proper plant care allows you to enjoy attractive flowering.

King of the North F1 - Eggplant for Cold Climate

Eggplant is not the easiest vegetable to grow, especially in the middle lane and the Siberian region. He needs a long and warm summer, fertile soil, and simply increased attention. The appearance of the hybrid King of the North F1 partially solved the problem: it is characterized by cold resistance, unpretentiousness and the ability to bear fruit well not in the most favorable weather conditions.


Anthurium (Anthurium) (male happiness) is an epiphytic or semi-epiphytic perennial plant of the Aroid family. The birthplace of Anthurium is South and Central America. This perennial flower has, according to various sources, from 500 to 900 species. In height reaches 50-70 cm, grows slowly. The leaves are leathery, depending on the type, they can have a different shape and size: heart-shaped, spade-shaped, broad-lanceolate, elongated, rounded, whole or dissected.

How to prune an apple tree and form a crown

It is necessary to form the crown of an apple tree from the first year after planting, otherwise the tree will grow too tall, the lower branches will be brittle and thin, since they will not receive enough nutrients. Proper pruning can increase tree productivity and prevent the development of diseases.

Cherish Chermashnaya - a very early yellow fruit variety

Cherry has long been considered a southern fruit, but in recent decades many varieties have been bred for cultivation in regions with a relatively cold climate. The assortment is rich: there are varieties with fruits of different colors and different ripening periods. Before most others, the fruits of the yellow cherry Chermashnaya ripen.

Petunia dries and fades: causes, methods of treatment

Petunia is often used to decorate houses, apartments, offices and other premises. She is also a permanent resident of flower beds and flower beds in suburban areas. This is not surprising since she is not capricious, does not cause difficulties in growing. At the same time, it attracts attention with beautiful flowers and a pleasant aroma.

Alocasia home. Cultivation and care

Photo Alocasia (Alocasia) - a grassy evergreen plant from the Aroid family. Comes from Southeast Asia. It is found in nature in moist Ceylon forests, tropics of Malaysia, Indonesia. In a natural environment, where it is warm, humid and spacious, it grows up to 4 m. The height of domestic species ranges from 0.4 to 2 m, the leaves grow from 0.3 to 1 m.

Pruning jasmine after flowering and to form a bush

Jasmine (Chubushnik) is a beautiful plant that has a pronounced pleasant aroma. The shrub is unpretentious and can be grown in indoor and garden conditions. To maintain decorativeness, the plant should be properly looked after. Pruning jasmine after flowering is an important part of care.

Diplomacy - cultivation and care at home, reproduction, photo species

Dipladenia is a winding perennial plant of the kutra family. These are evergreen creepers with smooth saturated green leaves and inflorescences of tubular flowers 10 cm in diameter. On one liana-like specimen, up to 50 inflorescences with a pleasant aroma can bloom simultaneously. The homeland of diplomacy is South America, Argentina.

How to crop Dracaena at home

Dracaena, or, as it is also called, a false palm, will grow well and develop only when the owner knows how to trim the crown. The procedure should be carried out regularly. Due to this, the deciduous part of the plant is constantly rejuvenated. In addition, pruning prevents the occurrence of diseases.