

Photo of nephrolepis in a pot

Nephrolepis (Nephrolepis) - an ancient, herbaceous, perennial plant of the genus ferns, widely cultivated in indoor floriculture from the first half of the 19th century, as a decorative leafy culture. The birthplace of nephrolepis is humid South Asian tropics and subtropics. It is growing actively throughout the year, can double the volume of green mass during the year, with virtually no dormant period.

It has a well-developed root system, over which a powerful rosette of complex, pinnate, short petiolate leaves up to 70 cm long is formed. Various types of nephrolepis fern have different degrees and shapes of dissection of segments of leaf blades and a height of 50 cm to one meter or more.

Growing fast. In one year it can increase by 2-3 times.
Nephrolepis does not bloom.
Easy to grow plant

Useful properties of nephrolepis

Nefrolepis fern is valued for its beautiful appearance and beneficial effect on the microclimate of residential and industrial premises:

  • absorbs formaldehydes, toluene, which release polymeric materials in the finish;
  • detrimental to microbes, has phytoncidal and antibacterial properties;
  • increases immunity and human performance, normalizes the psychological state and level of blood pressure;
  • reduces noise level;
  • increases air humidity.

People believe that nephrolepis has tremendous power, able to harmonize the energy of the external world and the internal state of a person, extinguishes negative energy. It awakens the latent forces of the body, stimulates the disclosure of abilities, improves family relationships.

Features of care for nephrolepis at home. Briefly

TemperatureThe optimum level is from +18 to + 25 ° С without drafts.
Air humidityPrefers humidity from 60% and above.
LightingIt tolerates weak shading, but with a significant lack of light loses its attractiveness.
WateringIt is required to maintain moderate soil moisture by adjusting the amount of watering depending on the season.
PrimingFor nephrolepis, it must have a neutral or slightly acid reaction and a light, loose structure.
Fertilizer and fertilizerDuring the period of active growth, they feed at least two weeks later.
TransferIt is difficult to tolerate, but needs at least less than 2-3 years later.
BreedingNephrolepis is propagated at home more often by dividing the bush, rooting the shoots, less often by tubers and spores.
Growing FeaturesFerns are placed in well-fixed flowerpots, on stable supports and shelves. In the summer they take out to fresh air in shaded places.

Nephrolepis: home care. In detail

In order for the plant to always have a healthy appearance, you need to make some efforts.


Many species of fern are known, all of them reproduce by spores and not one of them blooms.

A fern flower blooming for an instant once a year is a beautiful folk legend.

Temperature mode

The plant feels good at a wide temperature range, but you should not allow a decrease below + 12 ° C, so as not to provoke the development of diseases.

Temperature from + 25 ° С to + 30 ° С is quite favorable for development at optimum humidity. Regularly carry out airing.


The optimal conditions under which home-made nephrolepis has an attractive appearance is heat and high humidity. Spraying allows not only to maintain humidity, but also cleans dust and improves breathing. In hot weather, the procedure is often, almost daily. At low air temperatures, spraying is reduced.

Nephrolepis Lighting

Different types impose certain requirements on lighting conditions. For nephrolepis at home, slight shading is better than bright sun when leaves can be damaged.

The most favorable locations for nephrolepis are in the depths of well-lit rooms, from the side of the windows, on the northern windowsills.

In winter, with a lack of natural light, the pots are rearranged closer to the windows or use additional artificial light.

It is advisable to periodically turn the pot towards the light on different sides to form a uniform bush.

Watering Nephrolepis

It is necessary to constantly keep the soil moist. Nefrolepis fern in room conditions is watered under the root, poured water into a pan or put a pot in it.

At the same time, soil moisture and the condition of the sump are constantly monitored, avoiding excess water. The number of irrigations varies from 2-3 times a week in hot weather, up to 1 time - in cold weather.

Watering and spraying of ferns with cold, not settled water is not allowed.

Nephrolepis Hygiene

Caring for nephrolepis at home involves periodic spraying under the shower of the entire bush, preventing water from entering the pot. The procedure allows you to clean the leaves of dust, improve breathing, saturate the shoots with moisture.

Nephrolepis pot

The pot is better to choose wide, but not very deep, since the root system has a surface occurrence. The size of the container must match the volume of the root system. A prerequisite is the presence of a drainage hole.

Plastic pots retain moisture better, while ceramic pots improve air exchange. Both are suitable for growing ferns.

Nephrolepis soil

Light, loose soils with a pH of 5.0-6.0 (neutral) are preferred, providing good air and water metabolism. For the soil composition, peat, garden and coniferous land can be mixed in equal parts. Or take deciduous land, sand and peat in a ratio of 4: 1: 1.

Pure peat is also suitable. For 1 kg of substrate, it is recommended to add 5 g of bone meal and some charcoal.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

As a top dressing, use solutions of organic or mineral fertilizers for ornamental deciduous plants in a low concentration (2.0 - 2.5 g per 1 liter of water). They feed from early spring to autumn in 12-14 days. Between December and February, top dressing is not recommended.

Nephrolepis transplant

In order to develop the root system and improve nutrition, young plants are transplanted annually, adults - after 2 - 3 years. It is best to carry out the work in early spring, but if the condition of the plant worsens, you can transplant it in another period.

The capacity volume is increased in proportion to the growth of the root system. Homemade nephrolepis reacts rather painfully to transplantation and may lose several leaves.

When planting in the soil, the root neck is not buried.


The plant is regularly inspected, damaged, dried and showing signs of disease leaves and shoots are removed.

If on vacation

Nephrolepis will last quite two or even three weeks without daily care, if the preparation is carried out correctly. A well-watered fern is placed in a tray with moist expanded clay, and it is also poured on the surface of the soil. Leave the pot in a bright place without access to the sun. In order not to create stressful situations for the plant, it is better to bring neighbors or friends to the care.

Growing Nephrolepis from Spores

Spore propagation is a lengthy process that is more often used in breeding work. Spores are scraped off from the underside of the sheet and dried. The miniteplice is organized as follows:

  • a brick is placed in a container of a suitable size;
  • wet peat is poured over the brick;
  • distilled water (about 5 cm) is poured into the container;
  • sow spores;
  • cover with glass or film.

Prior to germination, they are maintained at a favorable humidity and temperature not lower than + 20 ° C, constantly maintaining the water level. Transplanted seedlings that have reached a height of 5 cm.

Propagation of nephrolepis by shoots-offspring

Leafless shoots are used for rooting. A pot of soil is placed next to the mother bush. A leafless, pubescent shoot is brought to him, pinned to the ground and pressed with a hairpin or wire. They monitor the soil moisture until the cuttings take root and grow, and then cut off the shoot from an adult bush.

Propagation of nephrolepis by division of the bush

The overgrown rhizome is carefully divided into parts, leaving a growth point for each. For engraftment, the separated part is planted in a prepared container, a shelter is made of polyethylene. They are kept in a bright, warm place until the seedling starts to grow.

For heart nephrolepis, a method for propagating tubers is suitable. Young tubers or stolons are covered with numerous white or silver scales and quickly germinate after planting.

Diseases and Pests

Violation of growing conditions, watering, temperature, lighting, immediately affects the condition of the fern and can lead to its death:

  • Leaves or leaf tips nephrolepis dry out - insufficient humidity of air and soil.
  • Leaves nephrolepis twist and fall with damage to aphids, insufficient watering and low temperature.
  • Leaf bases turn yellow and die with a disease of the root system or high temperature.
  • Brown spots at the ends of the leaves nephrolepis is a consequence of anthracnose caused by excess moisture or low temperature, when affected by scale insects.
  • Turns yellow and resets segments with natural aging, excessive watering or the presence of pests.
  • Nephrolepis became pale and not growing - nutritional deficiencies, low soil volume or root nematode disease.
  • Leaves become faded and lethargic. - excess sunlight.

Fern is damaged by white fools, mealy root mealybug, spider mite, aphids, thrips.

Types of home nephrolepis with photos and names

Nephrolepis elevated (Nephrolepis exaltata)

Has a rosette of long (70 cm or more), large, short-leaved leaves. Segments, like the leaves themselves, have a lanceolate, feathery shape. The color is light green. The structure of the leaves is pinnate, they are curved to the bottom. The leaves are wrinkled, serrated. The edges of the segments are covered by two rows of rounded sows, in which spores mature. From the rhizome grow long scaly shoots that do not have leaves, capable of rooting. Needs good lighting.

The species is the ancestor of varieties having leaves of various complex shapes:


Has shorter, wider, erect vayi. Dwarf variety. Segments up to 7 cm long and more than 1 cm wide. Leaves strongly dissected, wavy at the edges.

Teddy Junior

The variety is distinguished by lush, wavy leaves of complex shape. Very beautiful decorative variety.


An adult plant has wide, not long vai, the segments are directed on different sides.

Heart Nephrolepis (Nephrolepis cordifolia)

It has a dense arrangement of segments that overlap and have a characteristic seal. The leaves practically do not bend, look vertically upward and have a rounded shape. Underground stolons have tuberous growths that store water and are used for reproduction. It tolerates dry indoor air and weak shading.

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Watch the video: Boston fern care - Nephrolepis exaltata care (October 2024).