Plumeria - growing and care at home, photo species


A photo

Plumeria frangipani - flowering decorative foliage shrub from the Kutrov family. Many manage to grow a bush at home. Frangipani grows quickly, even indoors, its height can exceed 2 m, if the top is not cut in time. The perennial tall plant is characterized by leathery dark green leaves and large flowers, the diameter of which can reach 0.1 m.

Flowering of domestic plumeria begins in the first half of July and lasts until mid-October, in nature it blooms for almost a year. In the natural environment, the bush is found in the Lesser Antilles, in Thailand, India, Puerto Rico, and the birthplace of the plumeria is North America.

The plant received a name in honor of the famous French biologist Charles Plumier, who studied the conditions of plant vegetation.

See also how to grow indoor allamanda and diplomacy.

High growth rate. Up to 40 cm per year.
The frangipani plant can bloom year-round, but the main flowering occurs in late summer to mid-autumn.
The average difficulty of growing.

Useful properties of frangipani

Plumeria photo

The shrub, like many representatives of the kutra family, is poisonous. The juice of the plant, upon contact with the skin, causes severe irritation. Therefore, you need to work with the bush with gloves on. But the appearance of plumeria causes a sea of ​​positive emotions.

By cleansing the surrounding air and maintaining a joyful mood, the plant brings undoubted benefits. In Thailand, the tree is credited with magical properties. It is believed that the plant used to perform rituals, attracts luck and happiness, gives immortality.

Features of growing at home. Briefly

To grow healthy and beautiful plumeria at home, you need to be patient and create an atmosphere around the plant that resembles the tropics as much as possible.

Temperature modeIn winter - not lower than + 16 ° C; in summer - up to + 30 ° C.
Air humidityIncreased, it is necessary to spray the leaves.
LightingBright throughout the year.
WateringRarely watered in winter, but do not allow drying of the substrate; in the summer - plentifully.
PrimingUniversal substrate for ornamental plants; a mixture of two parts of the land of turf and humus, leaf land, peat, taken in one part.
Fertilizer and fertilizerIn spring and summer - with liquid complex fertilizer diluted in half.
Plumeria transplantYoung bushes - annually; adults - every 2.5 years.
BreedingSeeds and cuttings.
Growing FeaturesIn winter, the bush must have a rest. In the spring, he is accustomed to natural bright light gradually; form a beautiful, well-groomed crown with cropping. In summer, the plant is taken out onto the street.

Care for plumeria at home. In detail

Only an experienced florist can grow it, able to create optimal conditions for the plant.


The mistress is always pleased to see flowering plants on her windowsill. Indoor plumeria becomes a bright decoration of the interior. Plumeria blooms in early July and lasts until mid-October. At this time, large dense five-petalled flowers appear on young shoots. They are so beautiful and the same that their beauty seems man-made.

Delicate flowers can be snow-white, cream, pink, yellow or have a motley color. The transitions of one tone to another are made so smoothly and clearly that it seems as if a skilled craftswoman worked on them. Flowers, like all coutra flowers, smell pleasantly of almonds. After flowering, dark seed pods are formed.

Why does not plumeria bloom

Frangipani does not live up to expectations and does not start to bloom if:

  • I didn’t rest in the winter or the winter was too hot;
  • the plant develops in uncomfortable conditions: cold or little light;
  • during transplantation, the “growth point" was deepened;
  • the bush was grown from a seed taken from a hybrid variety.

If you change the conditions of detention, the plant will bloom.

Temperature mode

Very thermophilic. It is fundamentally important to observe the temperature regime so that the plant is comfortable. In summer, the bush is pleasant to be at + 27 - 30 ° C, but in this case you need to ventilate the room more often, not forgetting that home plumeria does not tolerate drafts and placement near the air conditioner.

In the fall, the temperature gradually decreases, by winter it should drop to + 16 - 18 ° C, then the wintering will take place in normal conditions.


Tropical plants have a hard time indoors, especially in winter, during the heating season. High humidity is required. To create a favorable environment at home, you often need to spray.

The procedure is carried out by filtered tepid water.. Leaves and air around the bush are carefully sprayed from the spray gun, avoiding contact with the flowers. After the procedure, the plant is shaded so that there are no sunburns. It is also useful to place a pot of plumeria on a pallet with wet pebbles and place an open container of water next to it. In cold and cloudy weather you can not spray.


Properly organized lighting is a prerequisite for long beautiful flowering and proper plant vegetation. Loves bright sunlight. Only with full lighting during the year will it bloom brightly. A flowerpot with a bush is placed in the southern part of the house, but is shaded at noon.

In winter and autumn, when the daylight hours are reduced, you need to turn on additional lighting. Observance of this condition will help the plant to lay new buds in winter, and in summer - to impress everyone with bright flowering.


Watering hygrophilous plants must be treated very carefully. Knowing that the flower likes to drink, many housewives try to water it as often as possible. This can lead to the death of the plant. Watering of the plumeria should be carried out when the soil surface dries.

In summer, this happens more often. The bush is watered abundantly. In winter it is rarely and sparingly watered, but the earth in the pot must not be allowed to completely dry. Watering is reduced in cold weather so as not to cause root decay.

Excess water spilled from the drainage holes into the drain pan must be drained. For irrigation take well-defended lukewarm water. To keep moisture in the soil longer, do not forget about mulching.


The plant has a well-developed rhizome, so choose a tall pot for plumeria. During the transplant, it is changed to a new one, which has a volume of 2 times more: the older and higher the plant, the higher the pot should be. It is imperative that it is stable and tight enough so that the tightness stimulates the flowering of the bush.


To prepare the soil mixture ourselves, take 2 servings of turf land and a portion of humus, leaf land, peat. In the store you can buy soil for ornamental plants.

To increase the drainage properties of the substrate, brick crumb, foam balls, vermiculite are added to it.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

From spring to the end of summer, when there is an active growth of shrubs, plumeria is fertilized and fertilized. A complex mineral fertilizer is used, which contains a large amount of potassium and phosphorus: these elements are necessary for the full development and lush flowering of the plant.

Nitrogen is also needed, but in much smaller quantities. Excess nitrogen will lead to the death of the bush. It is better to apply liquid fertilizer, diluting it with twice the settled water. Root and foliar top dressing is carried out after evening watering, once every 12 days. After the procedure, the plant is shaded. In autumn and winter, the bush is not fed.


In plant life, transplantation is a very important stage, which is carried out in due time. Young bushes are replanted every year, and sometimes several times a year, when the roots begin to peek out from the drainage holes. Transplantation of mature plumeria is carried out once every 2.5 years. Usually it is during this time that the powerful roots of the plant completely cover the earth.

The shrub is transplanted into a tall pot of larger diameter, simultaneously strengthening the drainage layer, replacing the substrate with a more nutritious and loose. It is not necessary to transplant adult plants: it is difficult to do this without damaging the roots. In this case, only the topsoil is refreshed.

After the transplant, the plant is watered and shaded for several days. Do not feed for 21 days.

How to crop

To tidy up the crown of the plant, you need pruning. At the end of February, thinned and damaged branches, blackened leaves, are cut. To suspend growth, prune the top of the tree. Pruning plumeria does not stimulate branching of shoots, but only adjusts the size.

To cause the formation of new branches, apply a special breeding paste. Long-term restrained pruning leads to the formation of a beautiful thick crown.

Dwarf species cannot be trimmed.

Rest period

After flowering ends, the dormant period begins. The lower leaves of the plant fall off, all life processes are suspended. The tree is kept at a temperature of + 14 - 16 ° C. Humidity is left at the same level. They make sure that the substrate does not dry out in the pot and there is no stagnation of moisture, otherwise the plumeria will die.

At the end of February, they begin to slowly remove the plant from hibernation: it is often watered, feeding is renewed, the temperature of the content is raised, and gradually accustomed to natural light.


Home breeding is possible in two ways.

Growing plumeria from seeds

A popular option for obtaining a tree. It is convenient to plant large seeds, the main thing is to put the wings up in the ground. Immediately planted in separate cups. Cover with a film and keep warm. When sprouting two real leaves, the shelter is removed. A few days before transplanting mature seedlings into large pots, they are fed with nitrogen fertilizer. Transplanted neatly without disturbing the earthen lump.

Propagation of plumeria by cuttings

Use when pruning is performed. Cuttings are cut from cut branches, the length of which is not more than 0.2 m. The upper cut is made straight, the lower is oblique. Leaflets are removed. With a cotton swab, droplets of juice that protrude on the slices are removed and dried in air. Planted in moist soil and covered with a film. Root in a warm place for about 2.5 months. Appearing leaves will show that rooting has occurred.

Plants formed from cuttings will bloom in two years, and seeded after about five years.

Diseases and Pests

Improper irresponsible care leads to the appearance of diseases, and pests attack a weak plant more often. You can find out about troubles by symptoms:

  • buds are not opened - the plant is cold (rearrange in a warmer place; in winter you can warm the roots with a soft warm towel);
  • stretches out - poor lighting (rearrange in a bright place);
  • leaves fall plumeria - preparing the plant for hibernation, a natural physiological process;
  • slowly growing, fading - moisture deficit (water abundantly, correct watering);
  • rot roots - moisture stagnation during heavy watering (cut off damaged roots, sprinkle healthy areas with coal powder, transplant a bush into new soil, adjust watering).

Sometimes plumeria is affected by a spider mite, scab, mealybug.

Types of Plumeria home with photos and names

At home, two types have gained popularity:

Plumeria red (Plumeria rubra)

A tall tree with rich green ovoid leaves. Flowers have a pronounced aroma. Their diameter is not less than 50 mm. The severity of the red hue depends on the age of the plumeria and the air temperature in the room. In a mature plant, the color is less bright. In a warm place, the saturation of the tone increases.

White Plumeria (Plumeria alba)

Tall tree with dense emerald leaves and large snow-white flowers. Velvety flowers exude a pleasant almond flavor.

Tender beauty in need of attention. If the tree feels the care of the owners, it will immediately respond to it with a bright long flowering and exquisite aroma.

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Watch the video: PLUMERIA CHAMPA: Types, Plumeria Care Tips. Plumeria Cuttings (October 2024).