Stefanotis - home care, photo. Is it possible to keep at home


A photo

Stephanotis (Stephanotis) - evergreen beautifully flowering liana from the family Dovnovnye. Perennial plant appeared on the island of Madagascar. In the wild, found in the rainforests of China, Malaysia. Stefanotis grows rapidly, each year increasing the length of curly shoots by 60 cm. In nature, they can reach 6 m, at home grow no more than 1 m. The plant blooms in May, and umbrella-like inflorescences of snow-white stand out against the background of dark green leathery leaves all summer. flowers. Sometimes flowering is repeated in September.

The stamen tube of the flower is crowned like a crown with 5 petals. Each of them resembles a pig’s ear in shape. Comparison with the animal gave the main name of the flower. The word stefanotis has Greek roots and translates as "crown of ears." The delicate aroma and star-shaped shape of the flowers resemble jasmine. Associations with it and the origin of the plant influenced the emergence of another name for stefanotis - Madagascar jasmine.

Average growth rate, up to 60 cm per year.
It blooms from late spring to early autumn, against the background of dark green leathery leaves, umbrella-like inflorescences of snow-white flowers stand out
The plant is grown with little difficulty.

Signs if stefanotis is at home

Stefanotis photo in the interior

Stefanotis is a plant that causes conflicting signs. It is believed that if in the house where the girl lives, put a flower, she will never marry. At the same time, many brides, walking down the aisle, decorate the hairstyle with stephanotis and include it in their elegant bouquet. Relieves internal tension, improves the situation in the house, bringing peace and harmony into it. A fragrant flower evokes positive emotions, makes closed people more open.

Features of growing at home. Briefly

Keeping stefanotis at home is not always easy, but you need to try to make the plant comfortable at home. The optimal conditions of existence are:

TemperatureIn winter, + 14 - 16 ° C, in summer - + 16 - 25 ° C.
Air humidityHigh; in the summer they spray up to 4 times a week, place in a pan with moistened pebbles.
LightingA well-lit place, ideally on the east window; with bright direct rays of the sun they shade; on the north window turn on the backlight.
WateringIn summer - up to 3 times in 7 days, and in winter - once in 1, 5 weeks; use the settled lukewarm water.
PrimingUniversal soil for flowers or they themselves are prepared from turf land, sand, peat (1 part each) and 2 parts of leafy soil.
Fertilizer and fertilizerFrom the beginning of March, up to 3 times a month, liquid mineral fertilizer for home flowers, diluted 2 times, is used.
TransferYoung plants (up to 2 years old) are transplanted 2 times during the year, adults - from 2-5 years old - every year in spring, in older ones only the topsoil is changed.
BreedingSowing seeds or rooting last year’s lateral apical cuttings.

When deciding to get a flower, one must take into account the peculiarities of growing stefanotis. To cause abundant flowering, in winter, when new buds are laid, the plant is placed in a cool place and rarely watered. By spring, the temperature of the content is gradually increased. The room is regularly ventilated, but keep away from drafts.

The flower is grown on a reliable support or as an ampel plant in a hanging basket. Trimming of weak shoots is carried out regularly, elongated lateral branches are shortened by 1/3. After the formation of buds, the plant is treated with special care, do not rearrange it, otherwise the buds will fall off.

Care for stefanotis at home. In detail

It is not easy to grow a stefanotis flower at home. A tropical plant planted in a pot is trying to adapt to dry air and low light conditions in the room. This does not always succeed. The florist should know the preferences of the flower and create optimal conditions for it, then it will show itself in all its glory.


The flowering of stephanotis is a continuous phenomenon. If the plant spent the winter in a cool room, watering was moderate, it can bloom for a long time, spreading a pleasant aroma throughout the apartment. Usually, homemade stefanotis blooms in May and blooms throughout the summer. With good care, a second wave of flowering is observed in September.

Stellate small flowers forming umbrella inflorescences can be white, cream, violet, yellow. Five-petalled funnel-shaped corollas cause a resemblance to jasmine flowers. It blooms only when its roots completely cover the earthen fodder, in a spacious container the plant may not bloom.

Temperature mode

Observing the temperature regime is important for the well-being of the plant and its flowering. In winter, stefanotis at home is kept at a temperature of + 14 - 16 ° C. At this time, new flower buds are laid, if the temperature is higher, flowering may not occur.

Indoor jasmine is set aside from batteries or heat shields are installed on them. In summer, the plant is comfortable at + 16 - 25 ° C, he does not like overheating. On hot days and during the heating season, it is important to monitor the humidity in the room. She must be tall.

The plant is protected from draft and a sharp temperature drop.


Home stephanotis does not tolerate low humidity. Spraying helps the plant survive in the heat. In summer, the flower is sprayed up to 4 times a week. You can alternate spraying the plant and the space around it during the day.

A flower pot is placed in a pan with moistened pebbles. Use humidifiers. An open jar of water is placed next to the plant. In winter, you can do without spraying or spend it less often.


In order for stephanotis to flourish and feel good, home care recommends paying great attention to the lighting of the room. A tropical plant loves bright diffused lighting. Lack of light affects its appearance, growth and flowering. On the windows facing north, the liana will receive little light.

To make up for its shortcoming, you need a backlight. On the south side, the flower will have to be shaded in order to protect it from aggressive sunlight. The plant will receive the optimal amount of light on a window facing east or west. In cloudy weather, in winter and autumn, it is worth including phytolamps.


The plant is hygrophilous, but watering should be moderate. In spring and summer, it is watered up to 3 times a week, in autumn and winter - 1 time in 1, 5 weeks. Between watering, the top layer of the substrate should dry out a little. Excess moisture will lead to root rot, the death of the flower. From its lack, the leaves will begin to dry, pests will appear.

Stefanotis is demanding on water quality. Like other plants, prefers well-defended warm water. But you can’t water it with fresh water all the time: it inhibits growth, lowers the tone of the plant, which immediately affects its appearance. Therefore, once a month, water for irrigation is acidified with citric acid or juice (0, 2 g or 3-5 drops per liter of water).


When the vine is propagated, the rooted shoots are planted in small pots, the diameter of which is 5 cm. In the future, the pot is selected, taking into account the size of the flower. The diameter of each new pot is increased by about 2 cm compared to the diameter of the previous one.

Adult plants are planted in pots with a diameter of 15 to 20 cm. When buying a pot for stephanotis, we must remember that in a too spacious pot the plant may not bloom.

There must be a drainage hole at the bottom of the pot.


Soil for stefanotis can be bought or made by yourself. The main thing - the soil must be moisture- and breathable. An important indicator of soil quality is its friability, neutral or weak acidity.

To prepare the soil mixture ourselves, take sod, deciduous and humus soil in equal parts. The mixture is improved with sand or perlite, crushed moss, brick chips are added.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

Fertilizing and fertilizing are useful for the growth and flowering of plants. They begin to feed from the very beginning of March, when the rest period ends. Up to three times a month use universal liquid fertilizer for home flowering plants, diluted 2 times.

When the first buds appear, the dose of nitrogen fertilizers is reduced, while potash and phosphorus fertilizers are increased.

Stefanotis is fed until mid-October, after which he begins to prepare for hibernation.


Stefanotis transplantation is carried out regularly. The frequency of transplants depends on the age of the flower. Young plants - up to 2 years of age - are transplanted twice a year; adults - every year. An instance that is more than 5 years old is not transplanted; only the topsoil is replaced. When transplanting, they try not to damage the earthen lump.

Therefore, in order to protect the plant from additional stress, it is carefully transferred to a new pot. If the roots are accidentally damaged, reduce the amount of watering, and a root stimulant is added to the water. Damaged flower is sprayed more often. A transplanted plant with new soil receives a supply of nutrients, which will be used up in 2 - 3 weeks.

At this time, feeding is not carried out; Stefanotis is not transplanted during flowering. The juice of the plant causes allergies, so you need to work with it carefully, wearing gloves.


In early spring, when the dormant period ends, pruning is carried out. Pruning helps rejuvenate the plant, change its shape, maintain its decorative effect. The main stem is not disturbed, only the side shoots are cut - 1/3 of their length.

If you do not calculate and trim more, it will hurt for a long time. Weak and elongated branches are removed. If the pruning is done qualitatively, lush inflorescences will appear on the updated shoots.

Stephanotis decoration

Stefanotis is a beautifully flowering vine. In the natural environment, a plant fully develops only when its long shoots stretch upward, creeping into powerful neighbors - trees, shrubs. Trustingly braiding nearby plants, stefanotis feels good, which is confirmed by strong leafy shoots and lush flowering. If there is no support nearby, the shoots droop lifelessly, turn yellow and die.

Having bought a plant, the flower grower must take care of a stable vertical support, along which it will tend upward. The most acceptable option is a beautifully curved frame made of wire or a thin metal rod. It is good if the support is high and three-dimensional.

The design is placed in a container with a flower, deepened as much as possible so that it stands steadily. Then, neatly and beautifully, they wrap themselves around the vine, arranging the shoots to your liking. “Playing” with the form of a support, you can create decorative floral compositions, especially interesting during the flowering of the plant.

Rest period

In stephanotis, the rest period lasts from mid-November to mid-February. The plant at this time is kept at + 14 - 16 ° C and moderate humidity to prepare for good flowering.

Top dressing from mid-October is suspended so as not to drain the flower. In the second half of February, feeding is gradually resumed, the plant is gradually accustomed to brighter light and warmth.


Reproduction of stefanotis in room conditions is carried out by a vegetative method (cuttings) and sowing seeds.

Growing stefanotis from seeds

Perhaps, if you buy seeds in a store, they rarely ripen at home.

  • After processing in a solution of potassium permanganate, seeds are sown in a sand-peat mixture to a depth of 1 cm.
  • Water from a spray bottle.
  • Sprinkle with soil and leave under glass at + 21 ° C to germinate.
  • After 14 days, when friendly shoots appear, the glass is removed.
  • When 2 true leaves appear, the plants are transplanted into separate pots.

Propagation of stefanotis by cuttings

They are used more often, because this method is not only effective, but also fast.

  • For rooting, take apical cuttings having 3 to 4 leaves.
  • After holding for several hours in a solution of the stimulator the formation of roots, the stalk is placed in a mixture of sand and peat, deepening by 2 cm.
  • The seedling is covered with a film or a plastic glass, making several holes so that the plant "breathes".
  • After about 30 days, the roots will appear.
  • A few days later, when the cuttings take root, they are planted in the ground.
  • While the plant will take root, it is kept in a shaded place.

Stefanotis is always propagated in early spring, regardless of the chosen method. When propagated by cuttings, it will be possible to preserve the varietal characteristics of the plant.

Diseases and Pests

With careful care, the plant grows healthy, but sometimes diseases and pests fall on stefanotis. This is noticeable in external symptoms that spoil the appearance of the plant:

  • petals and buds crumble - little light, droplets of water when spraying, drying out the soil, moving the pot during flowering (relocate to a bright place; carefully water and spray; pour plenty of water; do not change the position of the pot during flowering);
  • leaves wilt and darken - the plant is cold (rearrange in a warm place);
  • slowly growing - lack of nutrients (feed);
  • leaves stefanotis turn yellow - watering with hard water, little light, cold to the plant, stagnation of moisture in the pot (water for irrigation to defend, add 0.2 g of citric acid or 3-5 drops of lemon juice in 0.5 l of water; rearrange in a warm bright place; make a few drainage plants at the bottom of the pot);
  • flower buds twist - insufficient watering (water abundantly, then adjust watering);
  • yellow-brown stains on the leaves - excess of bright light (shade the midday rays or rearrange in a less lighted place);
  • pale spots on the leaves - little light (rearrange in a brighter place);

Many gardeners care about stefanotis. does not bloom. This may be due to various reasons:

  • improperly organized period of rest - in winter it was warm, a lot of light, the flower was fed and plentifully or often watered;
  • flowers and buds are dumped - during flowering, the stephanotis was rearranged, turned to the light on the other side;
  • poor flowering - little light or nutrients;
  • transplantation during flowering - double stress for the plant;
  • spacious pot - for flowering, the roots should completely cover the earth.

Pests include aphids, spider mites, scale insects, mealybugs. The affected plant is treated with an insecticide.

Types of home stephanotis with photos and names

15 species are known. Only one species is fully cultivated - stefanotis is abundantly flowering.

Stephanotis flowering (Stephanotis floribunda)

Also called a waxed flower. Evergreen vine growing up to 5 meters or more. Large (can reach the size of a human palm). dense glossy leaves are colored green. It blooms magnificently with fragrant white or cream tubular flowers. Corollas consist of 5 petals, can reach 5 cm in diameter. Flowers are gathered in loose bunches. On one shoot, up to 7 buds can grow.

Stephanotis plentifully flowering variegated (Stephanotis floribunda variegate)

A variety of stefanotis abundantly flowering. The tips of the green leaves seem smooth. Light green, yellow, white spots and stripes stand out against the green background of the leaf plate.

Stefanotis is still rarely found in apartments: when choosing a plant, gardeners are restrained by its capricious character. But all the difficulties of growing and troubles will pay off with luxurious flowering and sophisticated aroma of a guest from the tropics.

Now reading:

  • Jasmine - growing and care at home, photo
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