Scylla or spill in open ground


Scylla (scilla) - bulbous perennial plant. It tolerates cold well and quickly adapts to any conditions. Leaving does not require much time and effort, while the blue snowdrop itself will be an excellent decoration of any garden.

Novice gardeners and people who have not previously been involved in plant cultivation are advised to start with the blueberries, as its landing and maintenance do not require any special knowledge and extensive experience in this field.

Description of Blue Snowdrop

There is a wide variety of species of sprouts, differing from each other by the length of the stem, the shape of the inflorescence and leaves. Typically, Scylla flowers are colored in purple, blue, blue, pink or white.

The fruit looks like a box with black small seeds inside.

Types and varieties of bluebells

Scylla is a flower with a wide variety of varieties (about 90). The following species are most popular among gardeners.

Bell-shapedOn garden plots it is most common. The plant has a short stem (about 30 cm), on which from 5 to 10 bells can be located.
HyacinthIt has a high density of inflorescences. Often this variety is used for decorative purposes.
SiberianThe color scheme is diverse: ovoid flowers can be pinkish, white or blue. The stem height is small, about 10 cm.
GrapeIt is also sometimes called “Peruvian,” a native of the western edges of the Mediterranean Sea. These plants differ in the presence of sufficiently large cone-shaped inflorescences of blue color. The leaves are linear in shape and taper towards the end.
Double leafRelatively low, about 15 cm. The shape of the flowers resembles stars and has a blue, pink or white color.
WoodyIt blooms twice a year: in July and early autumn (from late August to October). Decorated with many small flowers of soft pink color.
AutumnHas 5-6 light purple flowers and a cone-shaped inflorescence. Stem length about 20 cm.
ItalianAn egg-shaped bulb, long, pointed leaves at the ends and a large number of flowers of a pale blue color on a long stem.
LitardierThe inflorescence has an oval shape with many light purple flowers. It blooms in July and, despite its rather attractive appearance, is not as popular as other varieties of bluebell.
Pushkin-likeIt got its name because of its similarity with another flower - Pushkin. It is considered one of the most persistent and undemanding, has a not very long stem (about 15 cm). Leaves are linear, expanding towards the middle. The inflorescence inflorescence has no more than 10 flowers of pale blue color. Flowering occurs in early May.

Outdoor landing

As a rule, the scylla is not planted alone: ​​plants are collected in flower beds or distributed around trees.


Experienced gardeners recommend replacing spring sill in open ground in mid-June, and autumn sill near the end of August.

A place

You can plant flowers both on the sunny and on the shady side. It all depends on the variety and flowering time: spring species prefer warmth and sun, and autumn ones feel better in the shade and coolness.

During rainy or cool days, the leaves of the Scylla are horizontal and almost lie on the ground, while in sunny weather they are upright.


Due to the fact that Scylla is a picky plant, it needs only systematic watering and loosening of the soil. Weeding from weeds is also important.

Morning is considered the most successful time for watering, the main thing is that the flowers should not be flooded with water, otherwise this will badly affect their appearance.

Do not forget that sprouts multiply with a gem, so their testes should be removed if the gardener does not want to spread flowers in places not intended for this.

It is better to fertilize when a particular species blooms, for example, spring plants are fed at the beginning of spring, and autumn plants at the end of August and beginning of September.


For well-being and preservation of decorativeness, the scilla must be transplanted at least once every 3 years. After the bush is dug up, you need to separate the children from the bulb, then immediately plant them to prevent the formation of rot.

Gardeners recommend replanting the forest in late September-early October.


To reproduce, you need seeds or Scylla babies. In addition to the method described above, the plant can be propagated using seeds that must first be prepared.

Collect seed boxes need closer to the end of June, when they become hot and crack. Seeds are taken out of them and immediately planted in a designated place. But since the seeds germinate hard, this method is not the fastest to grow. The first flowers will have to be observed no earlier than after 3 years.

Diseases and pests

With the defeat of the spill by Achelenchoid, the surface of the bulb acquires a brown color. Sick plants not only lose their external attractiveness, but also begin to lag significantly behind in development. Affected bushes are dug up and burned.

On the scylla infected with gray rot, mold appears, which subsequently begins to rot. As the disease progresses, the bushes turn yellow and die. Such plants urgently need to be dug up and burned.

The rot of the bulbs, the plant becomes infected with high humidity. The first signs - the bush turns yellow, and the bulbs begin to become covered with brown spots.

Understanding that the root meadow tick has attacked the plant is very simple. Due to the fact that the pest gnaws on the bottom of the bulb and penetrates inside, sucking the juice from the scilla, it first dries up, then decays and eventually dies.

To get rid of the tick, you need to purchase a special solution in the gardening store and spray the affected bush.

Scylla for the holiday

Due to its beautiful and unusual appearance, the scilla can serve as an excellent gift for the birthday person or become a living decoration of the house. It can be grown not only in the garden, but also on the windowsill, you only need to prepare a pot of 2-3 liters, soil and the bulbs themselves. In such a space, 2-3 flowers can coexist perfectly.


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