Care for dizigoteka at home, useful tables


Dizigoteka - an ornamental plant, belongs to the Araliev family. There are 17 varieties. This evergreen shrub or small tree, its birthplace is the tropics of Australia, Oceania, is located in the shade of trees, reaches a height of 6 meters.

Description of dizigotiki

A dizigoteka (Scheffler or Aralia elegant) is appreciated for unusual foliage. Shiny openwork leaves consist of 4-11 segments 10-30 cm in size with notches. Their palette is copper-red, dark brown, coal, over time they become dark green. Flowers dizigotki not attractive - pale green, small, indoors, it almost does not bloom.

With proper care at home reaches 1.5 m.

Types of dizigotiki

There are many types of plants in nature, but one is used for cultivation.

Elegantissima (graceful) - evergreen, with a weak branching system, grows like a tree with a straight trunk, which gradually hardens. Leaves are linear in shape, with triangular edges. Their number is up to 11 pieces, are located on a long petiole. Flowers collected by an umbrella. Other varieties derived from it have a different color and size of leaves.

GradeLeaf features
Graceful variegatedVariegated speckled.
CastorThe broader of the three short lobes, with rounded denticles and yellow veins.
BiancaDark to five lobes, veins of their purple, cream border.
Gemini (Gemini)With large serrated edges of a burgundy hue, they have five wide oval-shaped lobes.
GracillimaWide wavy, dark green in color, without pronounced veins. Undersized variety.
VeichaWide, short, wavy.
KerkhovaLight shade.

Dizigoteka care at home

When caring for a dizigoteka at home, you should take into account the features of watering, lighting, humidity, fertilize, transplant and trim.

Location, lighting

The plant loves a lot of bright diffused light. The ideal place is at the east and west windows. When placed in the south, the flower should be shaded to avoid burns. In winter, additional lighting is required, daylight hours up to 12 hours. You cannot place a dizigotek near heating devices.

Turn the pot is not worth it, this leads to dropping leaves.


In summer, for a dizigotka, a temperature of + 18 ... +22 ° С is needed, in winter - + 17 ... +18 ° С. The flower does not like temperature changes, drafts, dry air.

The soil

Neutral, with sand - suitable soil for planting, slightly acidic and slightly alkaline. You can buy the finished mixture in the store or prepare it yourself - one part humus with sand, two parts soddy soil. Add charcoal to prevent root rot.

Humidity Watering

The flower prefers high humidity, regular spraying in summer and winter, a warm shower in dry air. A humidifier and a container of water are placed next to it.

The plant is watered in spring and summer immediately after drying of the upper layer, in winter with moderately thawed, settled water at room temperature.

Fertilizers and fertilizers

Fertilize the dizigoteka in spring and summer with mineral mixtures for ornamental plants (Effekton, Agricola), under the root once every 20 days, in winter once a month. Spraying on the sheet (reduce the dose by half) once every two weeks (Bud, urea) is required.

Organic feeding is recommended: mullein with water 1:10.


It is better to transplant a dizigotek immediately after purchase and after 2-3 years in the spring, in fresh soil. This should be done carefully, without touching the fragile roots. The pot should be taken tight. In an adult plant, only change the topsoil, there is no need to transplant.

Shaping and trimming

The plant is cut to form a crown - old, dead branches are removed to prevent excessive growth, they leave 15 cm from the soil. Pruning is done in early spring, then young shoots grow.


A dizigoteka propagates by seeds and cuttings, it is difficult for beginner gardeners to do this.


Seed sown at the end of winter:

  • Soaked with the addition of growth accelerators (Epin, Zircon).
  • The seed is buried in two of its lengths (soil from sand and peat 1: 1).
  • Humidify soil from a spray.
  • Contain at a temperature of + 20 ... + 24 ° C.
  • Dive when 2-3 leaves appear. With the growth of roots, the plant is transplanted into larger dishes.


Cuttings of 10 cm are cut from the top of the shoot. They are cut obliquely with a disinfected tool. The sheets are removed from below. Further:

  • The shoots are dried for several hours. For quick rooting, they are processed in cornerostomy (heteroauxin, Kornevin).
  • Planted in an equal mixture of peat and sand.
  • Cover with a film, put in a bright place. They watch that from below the dishes with cuttings were heated.

Diseases and Pests

The dizigoteka is rarely exposed to diseases, but sometimes it is attacked by pests:

  • Spider mite - treated with laundry soap, infusion of garlic, onion peel or special means - Neoron, Actofit.
  • Thrips - leaves lose their color, there are a lot of black dots on them. Spray with Actara, Mospilan, Intavir.
  • The scabbard is an insect with a wax shell, due to which damaged leaves fade. To process with a solution of laundry soap, then an insecticide (Actara, Decis).

For prevention, it is recommended to wipe the foliage with a soap solution, and if pests are found, immediately treat it with chamomile infusion.

Mr. Dachnik warns: the most common problems when taking care of a dizigoteka

Florists often make mistakes when growing plants.

The problem with leaves, etc.CauseRemedy
Lower fall.Lack of light.Provide diffused, bright lighting.
In some places they turn white, then brown.Direct sunlight enters the plant.Shade or relocate to another location.
Dry up.Moisture deficiency or a lot of sunlight.Move, lower temperature.
Small, the disigote is slowly growing.Few fertilizers.Fertilize or change soil.
The flower is covered with white coating.Watering with hard water.Settle water or add citric acid.
Fall off.The air in the room is too dry, drafts, the flower is located next to the heating appliances.Rearrange the pot, place wet pebbles on the pallet, spray.
Wither and wilt.Abundant watering.Reduce the frequency of watering.

It will take a lot of effort to get a decorative shrub with graceful foliage.

The benefits and harms of dizigoteki

Dizigoteka poisonous, causes skin irritation. Therefore, you need to look after her with gloves. However, the flower purifies and moisturizes the air in the house, improves energy.
