Amaryllis: description, types, care, differences from hippeastrum


Amaryllis is a bulbous flowering plant of the same family. Perennial. Homeland - Valley of the Olyphants River in southern Africa. The distribution area is quite wide. The plant is found in South Africa, Australia, Japan.

The name of the flower is associated with the famous Roman poet Virgil. Amaryllis, a beautiful shepherdess, is found in his works. From the ancient Greek name translates as sparkling.

Amaryllis Description

Dark green smooth long leaves are arranged in two rows. The shape is similar to a narrow belt. Inflorescence of an umbrella species.

The root system is a large round bulb, slightly flattened laterally. Diameter - 5 cm. It is covered with grayish scales, and a dull white rhizome grows from the bottom. The bulb retains its viability for 10-15 years.

The flowering period begins in mid-spring. Duration - 1.5 months. Originally formed fleshy peduncle 0.6 m tall. At the top, an inflorescence resembling an umbrella is formed. The shape of the 6-petal flowers resembles a bell. Coloring - white, cream, pink, yellow, purplish-red. In the center are long stamens, ovary.

After flowering, fruit boxes are formed, in which there are more than 6 seeds. They mature in 30 days.

Distinctive features of amaryllis

Amaryllis and hippeastrum are often confused. Both plants are part of the same biological group. The genus of hippeastrum is more numerous. It has approximately 90 species found in natural conditions.

The differences between them are presented in the table:

Sign of comparisonAmaryllisHippeastrum
BloomAug. Sept.February March.
ScentBrightly manifested.Is absent.
Flower size (diameter in cm)10-126-8
Number of flowers4-6. Occurs 12.2-4. Maximum - 6.
ColorFrom white to burgundy, the existence of shades of pink.Snow-white, lilac, yellow, purple, light green. Variable combination of colors.
The presence of leaves in the flowering phaseAre absent. Resume growth after fertilization.Are present.
Flower stalkDense, without voids. Length 0.4-0.6 m. Has a crimson hue.70 cm long green hollow tube. It makes a slight crack when pressed. It casts in a gray-brown color.
Bulb shapePear-shaped. Covered with gray scales.Round, elongated at the bottom, slightly squeezed on the sides.
HomelandAfrica.South America.

Types and varieties of amaryllis

For a long time, amaryllis was considered the same type of plant. Now two main types of decorative flower are distinguished:

Amaryllis BelladonnaIt develops from elongated, rounded, pear-shaped large bulbs. The green stem is 0.5 m high. It has a pleasant, delicate aroma. In winter, Belladonna blooms, in summer it goes into a state of rest.
Amaryllis ParadisicolaIt differs in the number of inflorescences: there are 21. It has a pungent odor. Pink flowers. The saturation of the shade increases as the buds open. In indoor floriculture distribution is not received.

Based on these species, breeders have bred new varieties. They are distinguished by color, shape, size of flowers:

DurbanIt resembles a bell in shape. Red with a bright spot at the base.
ParkerPink with a yellow middle.
The Snow QueenSnow-white glossy flowers with a beige edge.
VeraLight pink with a pearl coating.
La PazGreen with a red border.
MacarenaTerry purple with a white stripe.
MinervaVariegated striped petals.
GrandiorGradient transition from pale pink to a more saturated shade.

You can get an unusual hybrid yourself. During flowering, pollen is collected from the stamens of one variety, transferred to another species. From the seeds obtained, a new variety is grown that combines parental color.

Amaryllis care at home

Amaryllis is more moody in content than hippeastrum. Breeding depends on the period in which the plant arrives.

ConditionsVegetation phaseDormancy
Flower locationSouth side. Shading from direct sunlight.Dark cool place.
LightingBright stray light 16 hours a day.Not required.
WateringUse the settled water. Watered twice a week. Before flowering, moisten the buds a little. The optimum humidity is 80%.Watering is stopped. Spray the soil. Humidity in the place of detention - 60%. Watering is resumed when the peduncle reaches a height of 12 cm.
VentilationKeep in a well-ventilated room without drafts.
Temperature modeDuring the day + 22 ... +24 ° C, at night +18 ° C. Sudden temperature changes are not permissible.+ 10 ... +12 ° C constantly.
Top dressingOnce a decade. Fertilizers - Emerald, Agricola, Kemira. In the flowering phase, apply every 5 days. Preferred fertilizers with a high content of potassium, phosphorus.Do not use.

Features of planting amaryllis

The first step is choosing a flower pot. For amaryllis, a stable, massive capacity is suitable. The diameter depends on the size of the planting bulb.

Optimum consider a deep pot with a wide bottom tapering up. The next stage is the preparation of soil.

The acquired bulbs for bulb processing are:

  • pour boiling water;
  • put in the freezer for a day.

The substrate for amaryllis is prepared independently. To do this, garden soil, turfy soil, humus, peat, river sand are mixed in equal proportions. A layer of expanded clay, pebble, gravel, and crumb brick drainage is placed at the bottom.

For planting take quality material: bulbs without cracks, dents, signs of fungal diseases, mold, sweet smell. Disinfection is carried out in a solution of hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, Bordeaux liquid, dried for a day.

Prepared substrate is poured up to half the pot. Place the onion, leaving the third part above the ground. Tamp the soil, moisten it abundantly, place it on a sunny window.

Hippeastrum transplantation is carried out after flowering. Interval - 3 years. A week before the planned plant well shed.

The flower, along with a lump of soil, is taken out of the pot. Shake off, inspect the root system, remove rot. Children are separated from the bulb, which are used as an independent planting material. Amaryllis transplant

Long-acting mineral fertilizer is added to the soil. Most often used Agricola. The remaining manipulations are performed, as during landing. 4 cm thick soil layer is removed annually. Fresh substrate is added to the previous level.

Periods of flowering and dormancy

When the natural flower falls, the top of the stem is pruned. There is an accumulation of nutrients in the root system. The flower stalk turns yellow. Then it is removed with a sharp knife. After this treatment, new leaves grow. During this period, the plant is well watered, fed.

At the end of summer, hydration is gradually reduced, they cease to fertilize.

Leaves become soft, yellow. In late autumn, an indoor flower is placed in a darkened place. Cooling term - 75 days. After that, the plant will bloom again.

With the onset of the rest period, the bulb is stored in a dark room at a constant temperature + 10 ... +12 ° C. Before the leaves bloom, the plant is not watered. Feeding is not used.


Culture is propagated in two ways:

  • by seeds;
  • vegetatively.

To obtain seed material cross-pollination is carried out. Make it easy. Pollen is transferred from one flower to another. After opening the fruit boxes, seeds are collected that retain germination for 1.5 months. Seed propagation

Tanks are filled with nutrient soil. The soil is well moistened. Seeds are planted 5 mm deep and covered with polyethylene. When two true leaves appear, the seedlings dive. Color forms after 7 years.

When propagating vegetatively, plants retain varietal qualities. Flowering begins in the third year.

Reproduction methods:

WayCarrying out
Kids departmentPlanting small rooted bulbs. Initially, foliage is not pruned: nutrients are accumulated and retained.
Bulb DivisionThe selected planting material is divided into parts. Slices sprinkled with ash. Parts are placed in sand, incubated for 30 days at a temperature of +27 ° C. With the advent of two true leaves, they are planted in a high-quality substrate.

The poisonous bulb of amaryllis can cause irritation on the skin, so wear protective gloves when working.

Problems When Growing Amaryllis

Unpretentious care of amaryllis can sometimes cause some difficulties:

ProblemRepair methods
Stunted growthCheck the condition of the bulb. The lack of development within 30 days after planting indicates its non-viability.
Lack of floweringSummer vacation, landing on a sunny place.
Premature leaf wiltingThe use of fertilizers.

Diseases, pests

Disease / pestSigns of manifestationElimination
StagonosporosisBurgundy spots on bulbs, roots, leaves.Removing rotten parts, processing with manganese-acid solution, daily drying. Spraying new bulbs with Maxim.
Gray rotBrown specks on the bulb, foliage loses elasticity.Cutting damage, processing with brilliant green, drying for 48 hours, planting in fresh soil.
ThripsDry whitish patches on the leaves.Chemical processing (Fitoverm, Intavir).
Spider miteWithering of leaves covered with thin threads.Spraying with acaricides - Oberon, Neoron, Tick-borne. The use of folk methods: soap solution, ash, onion-garlic infusions.
Amaryllis WormBulb damage. Feces of the pest resemble soot, are located under the scales.The use of insecticides (Akarin, Arrivo).
AphidYellowing leaves.Collection of visible pests. Leaf treatment with soapy foam diluted with alcohol.
ShieldLeaf damage: the appearance of sticky pests.Use a soapy solution.
NailstailThe appearance of small worms on the soil.Replacing old soil with new. Reduced watering.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: amaryllis - a flower that fulfills desires

According to Feng Shui, amaryllis is a vivid representative of the fire element. Such energy is especially evident in plants with red flowers. The best place for him is the kitchen. The divine flower symbolizes pride, inaccessibility, masculinity.

The magical properties of the plant are manifested in the ability to fulfill wishes.

Convenient location, caring care will make it possible to realize dreams of love, travel, self-improvement. Amaryllis brings peace, prosperity and comfort to the house.
