Rosyanka: care for round-leaved, Cape and other species


Dewdrop is an insectivorous plant of the family Dewsy. Another name is Drosera, from Latin means "dew". It is found in nature on marshy areas, sandstones, mountains, mainly in Australia, New Zealand. They count 200 species, of which there are winter-resistant under the snow. Others living in the subtropics grow year round.

Life expectancy is 2-10 years. It feeds on mosquitoes, flies, midges, butterflies, bugs. Thanks to this lifestyle, the plant provides itself with nutrition. A flycatcher is also grown at home.

Description of sundew

The sundew plant is a perennial, has a thickened, tuberous stem up to 20 cm. The roots are weak, able to absorb water and keep the plant on the surface. Food gets from its victims - insects.

Leaves look like small plates. Their length is different, depending on the type and habitat: rounded, oblong, petiolate, sessile. Most species are characterized by a basal rosette. Large reddish-colored glandular hairs are located on the edge and on top of the leaf. They are irritated when touched, emit mucus in the form of drops to capture victims. It has paralytic properties, its composition is similar to digestive enzymes. Organic acids are present there, this allows the flycatcher to break down insect proteins. A plant can digest small pieces of cartilage.

Flowering begins in spring and summer. Long stems form from the middle of the outlet. Inflorescences are pink, white or creamy ears. The number of stamens and pistils is the same. Petals from 4-8. Fruits with seeds appear in the summer. Propagated in nature by self-sowing.

On the hairs of leaf traps, “dew” or a sticky substance forms. Insects that have landed on the flower quickly adhere to it. The hairs immediately begin to move so that the prey moves to the middle of the leaf. Then it curls up with a snail, and the insect cannot move, the digestion process begins, which lasts from several minutes to seven days, depending on the type of plant. After a while, the leaves again return to their previous shape and become covered with mucus.

If a raindrop, sand gets on the plant, the earth, the sundew does not respond.

Indoor species of sundew

Round-leaved, English, Intermediate are found in the European part of Russia. The remaining species of predatory plants are tropical.

ViewLeavesFlowers and the period of their formation
CapeNarrow up to 5-6 cm long, covered with reddish cilia for fishing.Small, white. May June.
Round-leaved (Tsarev’s eyes)Round, smooth bottom green, pubescent on top. Cilia are red.July August. Pink or white.
ShovelBroad, spade-shaped.Small, red, 10-15 collected in a brush.
Double (Double)Long, narrow, forked at the end.White.
AliciaBelt-shaped, green-yellow, with red tentacles.Pink-purple blooming in turn.
EnglishLong, narrow, looking up.White, in the middle of summer.
IntermediateArcuate, curved.White, in July - August.
Reverse ovoidLong, pointing up.Small, white, in July - August.
BulbousBroad, pale green, yellow.White, from April to June.
HordeRound, long with hairy petioles.Pink, white, in December - April.
ThreadlikeDirect, linear.White.
HairySpoon-shaped, red in the sun.Pink, in May.
BoormanWedge-shaped, long, quickly capture the victim.White, in turn.
Falconer2 cm long, 3 cm wide, covered with a fluff from below.Pink, in November, December.
RoyalLarge up to 2 m.Dark pink.
FrankincenseOblong to 5 cm.On the edge are snow-white, in the middle - green.

Caring for sundew at home

Indoor conditions for sundew require certain conditions. Pour soil from peat, quartz sand, perlite (3: 2: 1) into the dishes.

FactorSpring SummerAutumn winter
Location / LightingEastern, western window sills, in places where direct sunlight is only in the evening or morning hours.

Bright, scattered 14 hours a day.

Additional artificial lamps.
Temperature+ 25 ... +30 ° С for tropical species. +20 ° C for European.+ 15 ... +18 ° С - growing in a hot climate, + 5 ... +10 ° С - in a moderate.
HumidityHigh, from 60%. They use humidifiers, spray air, and the flower cannot be sprayed.
WateringFrequent, plentiful, distilled water without getting on the plant.Once a week with warm water.
Top dressingOnce a week, they feed on insects. Or they take it outside and the plant itself produces food.During the rest period food is not necessary.

Transplant, soil

After the purchase, the sundew gets used to a new place. The process lasts two weeks. A transplant is needed once every two years. This is done in spring, after a period of rest. The pot is chosen plastic, with a height of not more than 10 cm, of a light shade, with drainage holes. After extracting from the old soil, the new one is sprayed with distilled water, a flower is planted in a recess. The sundew needs a week to adapt, traps for this period will not be shown.

Soil is necessary with an acidity of pH 4-5 from moss, peat, sand (2: 1: 1).

Rest period

In winter, growth is slowed down, the leaves fall off, a dormant period sets in. The flower is placed in a cool place. Reduce watering, but leave the lighting bright. With an increase in daylight, the flower awakens. Then the predator is transplanted into another soil, resume care.


The plant propagates by dividing the bush, cuttings and seeds.

The collected seed is placed in a mixture of sand and peat, sprayed. Cover with a film or glass, contain at a temperature of +25 ° C and bright light. Shoots form after a maximum of five weeks. When four sheets appear, dive.

Vegetative way - the outgoing outlet is separated from the mother, seated in a separate container.

Leafy cuttings - the cut leaf is kept in wet sphagnum moss. Create a mini-greenhouse, as for seeds. The appearance of sprouts is waiting two months. Then transplanted separately. A simple way - root the cuttings in a container of water. Planted after the appearance of roots.

Diseases and pests of sundew

The plant is rarely attacked by pests, it affects diseases from improper care:

  • Root rot - growth slows down, the stem, leaves turn black. The reason is waterlogging and low temperature. Rotten roots are cut off, transplanted into a disinfected pot with new soil.
  • Gray rot - remove affected areas, treat with fungicides.
  • The dew on the leaves has disappeared - there is little moisture or inappropriate soil. Increase humidity, change the soil.
  • Aphids - stems and leaves are deformed, growth stops. It is treated with garlic infusion or insecticides are used (Fitoverm).
  • Spider mite - when it appears, Actellik is used.

The healing properties and application of sundew

The insectivore has beneficial properties. Ointments are prepared from it, drugs for diseases of the pulmonary system. Juice is used to get rid of warts, freckles. Decoction treat pertussis, cough, pharyngitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchial asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis.

Dewdrop is a part of drugs that have a diuretic, antiseptic, bactericidal effect. Her infusions treat atherosclerosis, diarrhea, dropsy, dysentery, headaches.

The plant is poisonous, so self-medication is dangerous.

Contraindicated in case of allergies, pregnancy, breastfeeding. Harvested during flowering, cleaned, dried.
