Dicenter: photos, varieties and types, planting and care


Dicenter is a herbaceous plant belonging to the poppy family. Habitat - eastern regions of Asia, northern regions of America.

Features Dicentres

Shrub plant has a fleshy root system. The stem height is from 30 cm to 1 m. Purple shoots are present on the ground. Foliage of feathery-dissected shape, light green with a bluish tint.

The shape of the buds is heart-shaped. Color - from white to red. Diameter - up to 2 cm.

After flowering, black seed capsules appear, with their timely collection, planting material for 2 years saves germination.

Types and varieties of dicentres: photos with names

For growing in garden areas, these types of dicentres are suitable:

ViewDescriptionFlowersCare Features
BeautifulHomeland - North America. Since the 19th century they have been used to decorate gardens.
Perennial, has a stem 30-40 cm high. Shoots are elastic, leaves are green, located on elongated cuttings.
Color - from pale silver to deep red. Inflorescences are racemose.The view is unpretentious, tolerates frosts well.
AuroraThe shrub reaches a height of 35 cm, in one place they grow up to 8 years. Foliage - feathery-dissected, grayish-green.Heart-shaped, color - white.At temperatures less than -30 ° C, additionally cover. The root system moves deep into the ground to search for moisture, so the flower is practically not watered.
Bakchanal (Bekkanal)A herbaceous perennial plant up to 80 cm high. The leaves are carved, bluish-green.They have the shape of a heart pierced by an arrow. The buds are pink or dark red, with a white border around the edges. In diameter about 2 cm.Unpretentious, planted in partial shade. The view is resistant to frost.
LakshariantPerennial, grows up to 35 cm. The leaves are openwork, carved, color - silver-green.Heart-shaped buds. Coloring - fuchsia.Landing is performed at partial shade.
King of heartsIt is one of the most popular varieties of dicentres, reaches a height of 25 cm. Foliage forms a basal rosette, the outer side is green, the inner one is gray.
Use in landscaping.
Heart-shaped, color - purple or pink.They are placed in an open area or in the shade. Once every 6 years a transplant is performed.
GorgeousIt reaches a height of 1 m. Homeland - China.Heart-shaped. Color pink.In severe frosts, they additionally shelter.
AlbaShrub height - up to 1 m.White.To improve flowering, they are placed in nutritious soil, which is regularly fertilized. In autumn all shoots are removed, only 5 cm are left, covered with spruce branches.
Dicentra spectabilisThe bush is about 60 cm high. The foliage is large, dissected.Inflorescences are racemose. Color - pale pink, at the tips - a white border.The view is unpretentious, but in severe frosts they make shelter.
Dicentra eximiaHomeland - North America. Has thick elongated shoots.Violet. The flower stalk is arched.The plant is frost-resistant, but in cold latitudes, cover with peat and spruce branches.
GracefulOutwardly, it is similar to a fern.Pink.Planted in partial shade, watered 2 times a week.
Golden tearsShrub up to 2 m high. Shoots are strong but flexible. The foliage is small, has an oval shape.Heart-shaped, deep yellow.Establish a support and tie a plant to it.
Golden vinePerennial up to 2.5 m high. The leaves are small, light green.Large, sunny.For normal flower growth, a support is mounted.
GlomerularDwarf species, reaching 15 cm in height. The foliage is poisonous, so gloves are used when caring for the plant. The flower is widely used in the pharmaceutical field.Pink or white.Planted at partial shade, watered once a week, timely pruning.
Golden floweredHomeland - Mexico and California. Recognized as one of the largest varieties, reaches a height of 1.5 m.Golden, have curved petals.One of the most capricious species, therefore it is watered 2-3 times a week, it is constantly covered from the direct sun, and diseases and insects are prevented.
Single Flowered (Cow's Head)It grows to 1 m. Homeland - Idaho, Utah. The peduncle has a length of up to 10 cm.Single, color - white with a pinkish tint. Petals are curved.The plant is demanding care, therefore, perform regular watering, cultivation, top dressing.
CanadianIt grows to 30 cm. Foliage - gray-green.Snow-white.Undemanding, tolerates drought well.

About 20 varieties are distinguished from these varieties, which delight with their flowering in spring, summer and autumn.

Planting dicentres in open ground

When growing plants in open soil, they control the planting time and follow the technology.

Landing time

The flower is placed in the ground in mid-spring, occasionally - in early autumn. But during the September planting, it is necessary to take into account the moment that the root system must have time to take root before the advent of frost. The site is chosen well-lit or in partial shade.

How to plant

Any land is suitable for growing dicentres, but preference is given to light, well-drained, moderately moist and saturated nutrient soil. The landing site is prepared in advance, for this the soil is dug up to the depth of one bayonet shovel and humus is introduced (per 1 sq. M 3-4 kg of fertilizer), shed with a nutrient solution.

Immediately before planting, create holes for placing flowers. Diameter and depth - 40 cm, the interval between shrubs - 50 cm. A drainage layer of gravel or brick chips is placed at the bottom. Pour some garden soil, pre-connected with compost. The plant is lowered into the pit and covered with earth from above. When the soil is heavy, it is combined with sand.

Features of the care of the center

If the place was correctly chosen, and the landing was carried out according to technology, then there will be no problems with the cultivation of dicentres. But they begin to monitor the flower after the first sprouts appear, they immediately loosen the soil to create oxygen access to the root system.

Watering, loosening, mulching

The frequency and amount of fluid introduced into the earth is related to temperature. In the warm season, the number of irrigation is 2 times in 7 days, in the autumn-winter season - once a week. The soil should not be too wet, as the roots rot.

Weeds around dicentres are recommended to be removed regularly, cut off wilted and dried branches and foliage. After flowering, all trunks are removed under the root, leaving only small stumps.

To shelter from frost, the plant is mulched. After pruning, the remaining parts of the flower are covered with a layer of peat and covered with needles. Remove protection only in the spring.

Top dressing

The plant is fed 3 times:

  • after germination - nitrogen-containing products;
  • at the formation of buds - superphosphate;
  • the end of the flowering period is the infusion of mullein.

Reproduction dicentres

For propagation, dicentres sometimes use seeds, but this method is quite laborious and unreliable. Germination is low, and often completely absent. Among the disadvantages of this method, its duration is also distinguished - growth is slowed down and flowering is expected no earlier than in 3-4 years. Sowing in the soil is carried out at the end of September, for the winter they cover with a film, and then with straw or leaves.

Many budding gardeners sprout plant seeds in the house. They are placed in special containers with soil, covered with a film and transported to a warm room. The first sprouts are expected in a period of 30 to 35 days. When 4 true leaves appear on the flowers, they are dived into the open ground. Before transplanting, the plants are hardened, for this the pots are taken out for several hours daily to fresh air.

The main methods of breeding dicentres consider the following:

  1. Shrub division. Performed every 3-4 years, in early autumn, immediately after the flowering period. In each separated part, 3-4 kidneys are present. Slices are sprinkled with wood ash, and new plants are placed in pre-prepared wells. If you abandon the division of the root system, then it undergoes decay.
  2. Cuttings. Carried out in the spring. The obtained processes up to 15 cm long are placed in a growth stimulator, and then in containers with light soil. Cuttings are covered with plastic glasses and transported to any warm room. Open soil is planted only in the middle of spring of next year.

Diseases and Pests

The flower has a high resistance to disease, but occasionally it is struck by a ring spot or tobacco mosaic. In infected dicentres, spots or stripes appear on the leaves, pale elongated rings on adults. Occasionally, signs of mycoplasmal disease appear - peduncles are curved, growth is slowed down, the color of foliage is yellow.

To prevent such damage, the dicenter is advised to properly water, since excess moisture weakens the immune system. The soil is treated with a solution of Formalin.

Of the insects, only aphids carry danger. To eliminate it, the bush is sprayed with Antitlin or Biotlin. Sometimes leaf plates are wiped with soapy water.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: a dicenter in landscape design

The plant is used in individual or group plantings, when decorating floral arrangements and holiday bouquets. The presence of a heart shape makes it the main element in decorating flower beds and an alpine hill.

If the dicenter creates favorable conditions for growth, then it will delight with its flowering and healthy appearance for many years.


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