Diseases and pests of cabbage: description and methods of dealing with them


Cabbage - a crop that is resistant to cold. At the same time, it is rather finicky, violation of growing technology and neglect of prevention from diseases and pests can lead to the death of all plantings.

Possible causes of withering cabbage

Plants develop best if the air temperature does not exceed +20 ° C. Seedlings may fade due to exposure to adverse factors.

They include:

  • lack of light;
  • dry air
  • lack of minerals;
  • waterlogged soil;
  • infectious pathologies;
  • high pH;
  • improper care.

After the emergence of seedlings, the boxes must be cleaned in a cool room. Seedlings are especially vulnerable in the first 10 days after planting in open ground. This is due to damage that occurs on the roots when moving. Yellowing of the foliage in most cases is caused by adaptation. To strengthen the seedlings, growth stimulants such as Immunocytophyte, EPIN, and Heteroauxin are used.

Fungal diseases of cabbage and the fight against them

Fungi often cause the loss of the entire crop. In the affected area are representatives of the cruciferous family and their varieties. Control measures are selected after the causative agent is identified. To achieve a powerful therapeutic or preventive effect, experts recommend the use of a complex consisting of folk, agricultural and chemical methods.

The list of diseases is quite extensive, it includes:

  • keel. At risk are young plants. The Plasmodiophora fungus can get seedlings during ventilation and watering. The carriers of infection are insects. The characteristic symptoms include growths in various parts of the root system, wilting, slow growth. It is impossible to cure infected seedlings, therefore they are destroyed. Empty the sanitizing holes with lime. It should be noted that the disease affects only plants from the Cruciferous family. Therefore, the soil can be used for planting other crops;
  • Fusarium In this case, the cause of wilting becomes an imperfect fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Conglutinans. After its penetration into the vascular system, leaves begin to turn yellow. At the same time, the veins remain the same saturated shade as before. The formed heads of cabbage do not differ in large size and regular shape. Plants affected by the disease are sprayed with fungicides (Topsin-M, Benomil, Tecto);
  • peronosporosis. This ailment is often called downy mildew. All species of cruciferous suffer from the fungus Peronospora brassicae Guum. The infection of cabbage is evidenced by the weak development of seedlings, the appearance of a whitish coating and yellow spots on the leaves, and the drying of the affected parts of plants. Peronosporosis progresses with increased humidity. Cabbage diseases are eliminated through drugs such as Ridomil Gold, a solution of Bordeaux mixture and Fitoftorin. Each product is accompanied by instructions for use.

To avoid the appearance of fungal pathologies, it is necessary to observe crop rotation, disinfect the soil, and weed in a timely manner. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the seed and soil moisture.

Viral diseases of cabbage: description and treatment

They are much less common fungal ailments. The distinctive features provoked by viruses include fast pathogenesis. Once in the infield, along with soil, seeds, water, insects and dirty equipment, it quickly hits the plantings. Refusing to carry out preventive measures, you can lose the entire crop of cabbage. It is almost impossible to cure cauliflower diseases. Insecticides are useless in this case.

Mosaic virus is more common than others. This "family" includes many varieties. The disease can harm many ornamental and edible crops. For example, Mosaic caulivirus infects cauliflower. The virus manifests itself only 3-4 weeks after transplanting seedlings into the ground. Among the characteristic signs, leaf necrosis, a rim of a dark green hue along the veins are distinguished. Source: poradum.com.ua

Turnip mosaic virus is a pathogen that causes ring spotting. On the underside of the cabbage leaves, light green blots form, which subsequently merge and darken. The head of cabbage does not have time to form, since the leaves affected by the disease simply fall off.

The risk of infection is increased due to the following factors:

  • negative effects of parasites;
  • sowing infected seeds;
  • direct contact of cabbage seedlings with virus carriers. They can be both insects and weeds;
  • mechanical damage.

Plants infected with viral and fungal infections will have to be destroyed.

This is the only way to stop the spread of the disease.

Treatment of the remaining should be started immediately after determining the disease that hit the cabbage.

Pests of cabbage

They are especially dangerous for young plants. Parasites violate the integrity of tissues, infect seedlings with fungal and viral diseases. In order to get a healthy harvest, preventive treatments should be carried out regularly, and if anxious symptoms appear, they should be treated immediately.

Cabbage aphid is a small insect painted in a silver-white hue. Pests eat juice, while preferring to settle on young plants. Their colonies can be found on the underside of the leaf. The result of their life is:

  • depletion and growth retardation of seedlings;
  • discoloration and curling of leaf blades.

In the absence of timely treatment, seedlings will die. Cabbage foliage is disposed of with insecticides. They include Karate, Karbofos, Spark. Experienced gardeners scare away parasites through infusions made from onion husks and garlic, pungent odors. Another effective measure is a useful neighborhood. To prevent the appearance of aphids, tomatoes and carrots should be planted near the cabbage.

Cauliflower and white cabbage can suffer from cabbage flies. The pest in appearance resembles insects, which in the warm season often fly into the house. The parasite activates in late May. Young larvae hatching from eggs that have been laid in the soil are happy to eat cruciferous roots. Because of this, the plant begins to fade, and the leaves located below lose their natural color and become gray. Planting for medicinal purposes can be sprayed with a solution of Thiophos and Chlorophos. A mixture of tobacco and lime, sand and naphthalene is used to deter pests.

Seedlings of cabbage (kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, white cabbage) are also included in the cruciferous flea menu. So called black bugs oblong shape. They live in the soil, feed on young cruciferous seedlings. Parasites are disposed of using soapy water and wood ash. Among the insecticides, Aktaru and Karbofos are isolated.

The appearance of thrips is indicated by a slowdown in plant growth and yellowing of foliage. In this case, plantings and soil cover are treated with such biological preparations as Antonem-F and Nemabakt. The most effective folk method is dusting seedlings with a mixture of tobacco dust and wood ash.

The list of mandatory preventive measures include:

  • timely removal of weeds;
  • soil loosening;
  • landing suitable neighbors. Near cabbage it is best to place apanteles, trichogramma, marigolds;
  • use of natural enemies. In this case, these are anthocoris and orius.

Gardeners who plant cabbage every year should not forget about crucifer bugs. They are distinguished by bright color and small size. To get rid of the pest, plants are treated with Actellic, celandine (in the form of a powder), dust.

Sustainable White Cabbage

Resistance to pests, fungal and viral diseases is a factor that should be considered when buying seed. It is also worth paying attention to the climate, soil composition, especially seeds. Among early ripening, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • Tobia;
  • Cossack;
  • June;
  • Rinda.

The list of the most enduring late varieties includes Mara, Aggressor, Gingerbread Man, Amager and Valentina.

Seedlings need attention and constant care. Disease-resistant cabbage is a guarantee that the gardener will receive a plentiful harvest in the fall. Knowing what planting is treated for the ailments listed above, you can save the affected plants and prevent the infection of healthy ones.


Watch the video: Controlling cabbage diseases and pests (October 2024).