Faucaria - an unusual spine with bright colors


Having seen faucaria, it is difficult to look away from it. Her fleshy spiny leaves resemble the open jaws of a dangerous predator, and the bright flowers fascinate with tenderness. The people also call this succulent a wolf, tiger or cat’s jaws. This tiny plant lives in extremely dry regions of South Africa and has adapted to harsh conditions. Caring for a Faucaria will be simple, but it will become a center of attention and a universal favorite.

Plant description

Faucaria is a perennial succulent plant from the Aizov family. The rhizome is rather fleshy, but short. The plant has a very short thick stem or does without it at all. The maximum height of the curtain is 10 cm. Sometimes lateral processes form on a barely visible stalk in the foliage and a new curtain grows on the plant. Thus, the plant can completely cover the entire soil in the pot. Large, dense clumps of fleshy leaves form above the surface of the earth. Paired leaflets are placed opposite. The diameter of the outlet is 8-10 cm, it has from 3 to 6 pairs of triangular leaves. The foliage is located crosswise.

Each triangular leaf has a concave shape and a waxy, bright green or bluish surface. The leaves are monochromatic or with small brown spots. There are also varieties with embossed growths on the foliage. On the lateral edges of the leaf there are frequent hooked growths. Although the needles are intimidating, they end with soft bristles and are not capable of causing injury.

The flowering period is in the summer months. From the central part of the outlet, 1-5 flowers bloom. The bud consists of many long needle-shaped petals. The flowers are painted yellow and have a glossy surface. The diameter of each flower is 5-8 cm. The buds open only in bright sunshine. In the evening or in cloudy weather, they remain closed. Each bud lives 7-10 days.

Types of Faucaria

There are 94 species in the genus Faucaria, most of them exist only in the natural environment, but indoor specimens are very diverse. Most often found in homes brindle faucaria, in the photo and in reality it is very effective. This succulent is located on a thick stem up to 5 cm high. Sedentary leaves completely hide the shoot. Grayish-green triangular leaflets along the edge contain many short bright teeth. At the top of each curtain, a single sandy yellow flower with a diameter of 5 cm is formed.

Faucaria tiger

Faucaria cat. A larger variety is 10-15 cm high. Its triangular fleshy leaves reach a length of 5 cm and a width of 1.5 cm. Dark green leaves are covered with bristles not only on the sides, but also in the center. In this they resemble cat tongues. Solar fluffy flowers consist of many needle-shaped petals with a diameter of about 5 cm.

Faucaria cat

Faucaria is not serrate. This low succulent has longer and narrower leaves. Along the edge of bright green leaves, only 1-3 thick teeth are located. Yellow lush flowers in diameter are 4 cm.


Faucaria Candida. The plant is similar to a tiger variety, but differs in snow-white large flowers.

Faucaria Candida

Faucaria is beautiful. The view is distinguished by wider leaves thickened to the edge. Their sides are covered with many long bristles. Leaves 3 cm long are painted green and have a whitish spraying. The view is distinguished by larger colors. The diameter of the yellow open bud reaches 8 cm.

Beautiful faucaria

Faucaria wolf. The plant has lanceolate leaves and a triangular ending 4-5 cm long and 2.5 cm wide. There are whitish warty growths on the surface of the gray-green foliage. Long bristles are located on the side surfaces of the sheet. In summer, a bright yellow flower blooms up to 3 cm in diameter at the top of the stem.

Faucaria wolf

Faucaria tuberous. The plant has a fleshy stem hidden behind sessile foliage. Its height reaches 8 cm. Bright green rhomboid leaves are covered with small, pointed tubercles on the sides and in the center of the plate. Daytime yellow flowers are grouped at the top of the stem for 1-3 pieces. Their diameter is 4 cm.

Foucaria tuberous

Propagation of Faucaria

Faucaria is suitable for seed and vegetative propagation. A shallow drawer with wet sand is prepared for sowing. Seeds are distributed on the surface and slightly crushed. The container is covered with a film and kept at a temperature of + 20 ... +25 ° C. Periodically, the soil is moistened with a spray gun. Seedlings germinate within 7-10 days. When 2 real leaves appear, the plants can be dived into the ground and transplanted into small pots individually.

With vegetative propagation, lateral shoots are used. You can also grow Faucaria from an adult leaf. The cuttings are cut with a sharp clean blade, the place of cut is sprinkled with crushed charcoal. The escape is left to fade in the fresh air for 2-3 days. Then the handle is pressed a little into the wet sand and create a support. While the plants take root, it is important to keep them warm, at a temperature of + 25 ... +28 ° C. An independent rhizome is formed after 14-20 days. Rooted seedlings are very carefully moved into small pots with earth for succulents.


Transplant faucaria is recommended every 1-2 years. It is better to do this in early spring, when the plant leaves its dormant state. Pots should be wide and flat, with large openings. At the bottom lay a thick drainage layer. The soil should be light and breathable. You can use a mixture of:

  • sheet land;
  • peat;
  • expanded clay or brick chips;
  • sand;
  • turf land.

Before transplanting, the soil is dried and the roots are freed from part of the earthen coma. It is important to be careful not to break off fragile leaves or stems.

Cultivation and care

Home care for Faucaria is extremely simple. It is enough to remember about it 1-2 times a month. For the plant you need to find the hottest and sunniest place in the house. Ideal upkeep on the south windowsill without shelter from the sun. In winter, additional lighting may be required.

The air temperature can reach +50 ° C and this will not cause any negative consequences. In winter, for the formation of flower buds and normal development, faucaria are transferred to a cool room (+ 5 ... + 10 ° C).

Faucaria should be watered very moderately and in small portions. Water is distributed on the surface of the earth away from leaflets. Moisture accumulated in the curtains can lead to rotting of the leaves. Water for irrigation should stand well from chlorine and be slightly warmer than air temperature. Between watering, the soil should dry at least half. During the dormant period, watering is completely stopped. Even shriveled and limp leaves should not be scary. In the spring they will restore their elasticity.

For succulents, dry air is not a problem. They normally exist even near hot radiators. Spraying and bathing Faucaria is contraindicated. Dust is removed from the shoots with a dry soft cloth or brush.

A small portion of fertilizers will benefit Faucaria, but you should not get too carried away with top dressing. In April-October, the plant is watered monthly with a diluted cactus mineral complex. It is enough to use half of the recommended portion.

Possible difficulties

Faucaria has excellent immunity, its dense skin protects the plant from parasites, diseases and the scorching sun. With improper care (cold, damp, shadow), root or gray rot, as well as powdery mildew, may develop. Weakened shoots are attacked by aphids and mealybugs. If parasites are found, they try to collect them and treat the vegetation with an insecticide.
