Ophiopogon - lush bushes for the garden and home


Ophiopogon is a beautiful herbaceous plant with delicate flowers. It forms lush bushes, suitable for indoor cultivation or use in landscaping. The plant belongs to the Liliaceae family and is distributed in East Asia: from the Himalayas to Japan. Ophiopogon prefers shady rainforests. This exot is also known under the names "lily of the valley" and "Japanese lily of the valley."

Botanical Description

The root of the ophiopogon is located shallow from the surface of the earth. On the branched rhizome are small nodules. Over the ground, a dense growth of many root rosettes is formed. Linear leaves have smooth sides and a pointed edge. The color of glossy sheet plates can range from light green to gray-violet. The length of the leaves is 15-35 cm, and the width does not exceed 1 cm.

Ophiopogon in the photo is a dense shoot. He retains it throughout the year and does not drop leaves. Flowering occurs in July-September. Straight, dense peduncles about 20 cm long grow from the base of the turf. Their surface is painted in burgundy. The top of the stem is crowned with a spike-shaped inflorescence. Small flowers have a short tube of six petals fused at the base. The buds are purple.

At the end of flowering, the ophiopogon grass is covered with clusters of blue-black round berries. Inside the berry are yellowish round seeds.


There are 20 species in the genus Ophiopogonum, of which only three are used in culture. Also, breeders have bred several hybrid varieties of opiopogon.

Ophiopogon Yaburan. The plant is a rhizome herbaceous perennial that forms dense clumps 30-80 cm high. Leaf rosettes consist of many linear, leathery leaves. The edge of the leaf plate is blunted. Its outer surface is painted dark green, and relief longitudinal veins are visible from below. The length of the leaves can reach 80 cm and a width of 1 cm. A 15 cm long inflorescence is revealed on an upright peduncle. Many tubular white or light lilac flowers in the shape of a lily of the valley exude a gentle, pleasant aroma. Varieties ofopiopogona jaburan:

  • varigata - at the edges of the sheet plate has contrasting white stripes;
  • aureivariegatum - side stripes on the leaves are painted in golden color;
  • nanus - a compact variety that withstands frosts down to -15 ° C;
  • white dragon - the leaves are almost completely painted white with a narrow green stripe in the middle.
Ophiopogon Yaburan

Ophiopogon Japanese. The plant has a fibrous, tuberous rhizome. The length of the hard linear leaves is 15-35 cm, and the width is only 2-3 mm. Leaflets slightly curved towards central vein. On a short peduncle there is a loose inflorescence 5-7 cm long. Small, drooping flowers are painted in lilac-red color. Petals grow together in a tube 6-8 mm long. Popular varieties:

  • compactus - forms low, narrow curtains;
  • Kyoto Dwarf - the height of the curtain does not exceed 10 cm;
  • Silver Dragon - a white stripe is located in the center of the sheet plate.
Ophiopogon Japanese

Ophiopogon is flat-armed. The plant forms a low, but very spreading curtain. The length of the strap-like dark green leaves is 10-35 cm. The leaf plates of this species are wider and darker. Some varieties are characterized by almost black vegetation. In summer, the bush is abundantly covered with large white or pink flowers, and later - a lot of dark berries.

Ophiopogon flat-shoot

Very popular is the Ophiopogonum variety of flat-shot Nigrescens. It forms sprawling curtains up to 25 cm high with almost black foliage. In summer, the arrows of the inflorescences are covered with cream-white flowers, and in autumn the bush is completely dotted with black round berries. Frost-resistant variety, can withstand temperatures down to -28 ° C.

Ophiopogon indoor. Compact, heat-loving look for indoor cultivation. Belted, folded foliage is painted in dark green. Variegate varieties are also found.

Ophiopogon breeding

Ophiopogon is propagated by vegetative and seed methods. Vegetative propagation is considered the simplest. The plant actively forms lateral processes, which in a few months are ready for independent growth. In spring or early summer, the curtain is dug up and carefully cut into several parts. In each dividend, at least three outlets are left and immediately planted in light soil. During the rooting period, the plant should be watered carefully so that the roots do not rot. Within a few weeks, the seedling will begin to produce young leaves and shoots.

Seed propagation will require more effort. In autumn, it is necessary to collect fully ripened black berries. They are crushed and washed with pulp. Immediately after collecting the seeds, they are soaked for several days in water and then laid out on the ground in boxes. It is recommended to use a sand-peat mixture. Top seeds sprinkled with earth and watered. The drawers are covered with glass or film and kept in a cool room (+10 ° C). Seedlings will rise only after 3-5 months. When the height of the seedlings reaches 10 cm, they can be transplanted to a permanent place. In the garden between plants maintain a distance of 15-20 cm.

Growing Features

Ophiopogon in care is very unpretentious and easily adapts to existing conditions. Hard foliage well perceives bright sun and partial shade. Indoor varieties can be grown on both southern and northern windows. Even in winter, the plant does not need additional illumination.

Ophiopogon is able to withstand extreme heat, but prefers a cooler environment. From April, indoor copies can be kept on the balcony or in the garden. The plant is not afraid of drafts and night cooling. In winter, in the open ground, it hibernates without shelter and preserves the usual color of leaves under the snow under the snow.

Watering the plant needs frequent and plentiful. The soil should be moist constantly, but stagnation of moisture is contraindicated. During winter cooling, watering is reduced, drying of the soil by 1-2 cm is allowed. Soft, purified water is used for irrigation. So that the leaves do not dry out, it is necessary to maintain high air humidity by spraying. You can place an ophiopogon near the aquarium.

Once every 2-3 years, curtains must be transplanted and divided. It is important not to damage the delicate roots, so the transplant method is used for transplantation. A mixture of:

  • sheet land;
  • peat;
  • turf land;
  • river sand.

At the bottom of the pot or holes, a drainage layer of expanded clay or pebbles is lined.

Ophiopogon is not attacked by parasites, but with excessive watering, its roots and foliage can be affected by rot. Damaged areas should be removed immediately and the soil treated with fungicide.


Ophiopogon is suitable for indoor and garden cultivation. Bright curtains perfectly decorate the windowsill, and shade the composition of plants with green foliage. In open ground, bushes are used in mixborders and landscape zoning.

Ophiopogon tubers and roots are used in oriental medicine as a sedative and immunomodulator. Today, pharmacists are only studying its properties, but after a few years, traditional medicine can also take an ophiopogon into service.
