Plectranthus - juicy shoots of mint


Plectranthus is a perennial plant with beautiful delicate leaves and flexible shoots. It belongs to the family Lamiaceae. The birthplace of the plant is the subtropical zone of Australia, Africa and Latin America. Some scholars argue that initially plectrantus grew in the delta of the river. Limpopo The flower is so loved by the inhabitants of Scandinavia that it is often called "Swedish ivy". In our country, it is better known under the names "home or indoor mint", "spore flower". An elegant plant with decorative leaves is quite unpretentious and loved by many gardeners.

Plant description

Plectranthus is an evergreen shrub or herbaceous plant 60-80 cm high. Branched shoots can grow vertically or spread along the ground. The fibrous root system is shallow. The ribbed stalk is bare or pubescent; it is covered with bright green or brown-red skin.

Opposite leaflets on short petioles grow in pairs crosswise. They are quite meaty and have an ovoid or oval shape. The leaf plate is bare or densely pubescent. The edges of the leaves are covered with small teeth. On the surface, the vein relief or colorful pattern is clearly visible. Thanks to the aromatic glands, the leaves of the plectrantus exude a pleasant mint or spicy aroma.

Flowering occurs in the summer. Short but dense paniculate inflorescences are located at the ends of the shoots. Bisexual flowers consist of five petals that grow together at the base into a tube. The two-lipped nimbus is painted white, lilac, blue or purple. In the center are miniature stamens and ovary. After pollination, fleshy fruits ripen. Inside them is 4 nuts. The ripened fruit opens independently.

Types of Mint

In the genus of plectrantus, there are more than 250 species of plants, which, at times, are completely different from each other.

Plectrantus is koleusovidny. Shrub with erect shoots up to 1 m high is covered with ovoid shiny leaves. The plant has tetrahedral shoots. Stems and soft petioles pubescent. The leafy leaves are painted bright green with white spots or stripes along the edge.

Plectrantus Coleiform

Plectrantus Ertendahl. A herbaceous perennial with creeping shoots up to 40 cm long is used as an ampel plant. Petiole opposite foliage about 6 cm long has an ovoid or rounded shape and is painted in dark green color. On the surface of the leaf there is a silver ornate pattern along the veins. Below the leaves are covered with reddish short villi. In summer, raceme blossoms up to 30 cm long bloom at the tops of the shoots. Each individual bell of light purple or white color grows to 1.5 cm in length.

Plectrantus Ertendahl

Hybrid variety is very popular. plectrantus Mona Lavender. The upright shrub with brown-brown stems is covered with large ovoid leaves of a dark green color. The surface of the serrated leaves is glossy, and on the back is covered with a purple pile. In early September, grow long dense inflorescences with large tubular flowers of a violet-blue hue with blue specks.

Plectrantus Mona Lavender

Plectranthus is oak-leaved. Plants have fleshy erect stems, covered with serrate, leathery leaves, which in shape resemble oak foliage. The leaves are painted dark green and covered with a short silvery pile. If you rub them between your fingers, a rich coniferous aroma will remain.

Plectrantus oak

How plectrantus breeds

At home, indoor mint reproduces vegetatively. You can carry out the procedure throughout the year, but most often the plectrant is cut in the spring, during pruning. Cuttings quickly take root in water or in moist soil. You can put them first in warm purified water and after 4-7 days the first roots will appear. Then the plants are planted in light, loose soil and watered with care. A rooted flower grows quickly and does not cause trouble to the owner.

Landing and care

Plectranthus planted in medium-sized pots by transshipment, so as not to damage the rhizome. If the condition of the plant is not too good, it is necessary to clean off part of the soil and check the roots for rot. All damaged areas are cut off. The pot must have openings for draining water, and drainage material is poured into the bottom at 1/4 of the height of the tank. Planting soil should be light and breathable with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. It can be composed of the following components:

  • sod (2 parts);
  • deciduous humus (1 part);
  • sheet land (1 part);
  • coarse sand (1/2 part);
  • peat (1/2 part).

Subsequently, the transplant is carried out a year later in early spring.

Lighting. Plectranthus does not like direct sunlight on the leaves. It grows well in partial shade. In autumn and winter, rarely needs additional illumination. Even during the flowering period, only a few hours of sunlight are enough for him.

Temperature. Mint prefers moderately warm contents. During the season of active vegetation, the indoor air temperature should be + 18 ... + 25 ° C. It is recommended to take the plants outside in the summer, but reliable protection against drafts is necessary. In winter, a cool dormant period should be ensured at a temperature of + 12 ... + 16 ° C. Without such cooling, additional illumination is required.

Humidity. Plektrantus feels good with normal humidity. In winter, especially near radiators, periodic spraying of leaves is recommended. Several times a year, a flower is bathed under a warm shower from dust.

Watering. The flower must be abundantly and often watered. However, between irrigations, the soil surface should dry by 1-2 cm. Stagnant liquid is unacceptable. Water for irrigation must be thoroughly cleaned and defended.

Fertilizers In spring and summer, plelectrans are fed twice a month. Use mineral and organic top dressing for decorative and deciduous plants. The fertilizer solution is applied to the soil. In winter, one mineral supplement per month is sufficient.

Pruning. Plectrantus shoots grow very quickly. At the same time, their lower part can be exposed and lose their decorative effect. To keep the flower beautiful longer, it must be cut regularly. Pruning is combined with a transplant. Shorten the shoots at least half, also regularly pinch the tips of the processes for greater branching.

Diseases and pests. Plectranthus is resistant to plant diseases, but suffers from root rot due to excessive watering. Only occasionally spider mites settle on its leaves, which can be quickly eliminated with the help of insecticides.

Benefit and Superstition

In addition to an attractive crown, plectrantus helps to strengthen health. It serves as an effective diuretic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant, and also helps calm the nerves. For therapeutic purposes, the tops of young shoots with buds are used. Medicinal tea is brewed from them.

Plectrantus fragrant leaves are used as seasoning for meat, poultry and sauces. Leaflets of different types smell like mint, thyme and oregano, which allows you to make the whole composition.

The rich aroma repels some insects; it is not for nothing that the plectrantus is also called the "mole tree". Bags with dry leaves are placed near clothes to prevent the appearance of moths. If you rub the skin with fresh plant juice, mosquitoes will bother much less.

People who believe in signs and superstition recommend plectrans for indoor cultivation. Since the leaves of some species resemble small coins, the plant is called the "money tree". It is believed that it attracts wealth into the house, and also protects the household from insomnia, anxiety and bad thoughts.
