3 best dressings for cucumbers that will help to get a chic crop


Properly selected top dressing will help to get a rich harvest of cucumbers. Many summer residents prefer not mineral fertilizers, but folk remedies. They are highly effective and do not lead to the accumulation of nitrates in the fruit.

Yeast top dressing

Fertilizing cucumbers with yeast increases the resistance of plants to diseases and saturates bushes with nutrients. Due to this, the crop productivity increases.

To prepare the fertilizer, 500 grams of rye crackers or bread crumbs are dissolved in 10 liters of warm water. Then add 500 grams of green grass and pressed (live) yeast. The liquid is infused for 2 days, and then used for root watering.

Ash feeding

Wood ash saturates the soil with microelements, and also increases the yield and taste of the fruit. Most of all, the bushes need such nourishment during the formation of ovaries and lashes.

There are several options for using ash top dressing for cucumbers:

  1. To prevent disease, the seeds are soaked for 6 hours in an ash solution. For its preparation in a liter of water dissolve 3 tbsp. l ash and insist a week.
  2. When sowing seeds in each hole, pour 2 tbsp. l ash to stimulate growth.
  3. Ash infusion (the composition is the same as for soaking seeds) is used for root watering after flowering begins. The procedure is carried out every 10 days, but no more than 6 times per season.

To better absorb nutrients, watering is carried out in the morning or in the evening, when solar activity is reduced.

Onion husk dressing

Onion peel contains many vitamins and essential minerals for cucumbers. Carotene increases immunity and resistance to fungi, volatile plants destroy pathogens, and B vitamins stimulate the growth of green mass and the formation of ovaries. In addition, the husk contains vitamin PP, which improves oxygen absorption and absorption of nutrients.

To increase productivity and extend fruiting, bushes are fed with onion broth. To prepare it, 2 large handfuls of husk are poured into 10 liters of water. The liquid is brought to a boil and insisted day. The finished broth is diluted in a proportion of 2 liters of solution per bucket of water and used for root watering.

The same drug will help saturate fading bushes with useful substances to restore fruiting.
