11 serious mistakes you make when growing seedlings at home


The seeds did not germinate, the seedlings grew weak and sick - and now the hands of a summer resident are falling. Do not be discouraged, it is better to study the main mistakes when growing seedlings, so as not to repeat them in the future.

Improper seed storage

After the purchase, it is important to observe the storage conditions of the seed so that it does not lose germination. As a rule, the humidity should be 55-60%, and the temperature up to 10 ° C. Seeds cannot be stored in plastic bags; they may become moldy. It is better to use glass containers or paper bags.

Lack of seedbed preparation

Preparing planting material will help grow healthy seedlings. Self-collected or purchased unprocessed seeds should be decontaminated and stimulated germination. To do this, they are kept for some time in a fungicide, manganese solution, aloe juice, growth stimulator or other drug.

Excessive seed treatment before sowing

Trying too hard is also not necessary. If the seeds are already processed, additional measures will not improve, but worsen their quality. Always look at the packaging of seeds - the producer indicates if they do not require preparation. In addition, do not overdo it with growth stimulants, follow the instructions for use of the drug.

Hardening of hatching seeds

Hardening of seeds carries a risk of partially losing them in the process. Therefore, if the seedlings grow warm, there is no need to carry out the procedure - they still will not retain immunity from hardening.

Another thing is if the plants will be in a cool place. Then, before sowing, put the hatched seeds in a bag, soak for 6-12 hours and leave to dry for half a day at a temperature of 15-20 ° C. Then refrigerate for 12 hours.

Sowing dates not met

It is necessary to select the right time for sowing. If plants are planted very early, they will not receive enough sunlight, which will make them thin and weakened. And those planted too late will lag behind in development and will not bring a crop. In order not to miscalculate, use the sowing calendar of your region.

Improperly prepared soil

In order for the seedlings to be healthy and take root in the open field, it must be grown in high-quality soil, with enough nutrients and moisture. You can buy a finished substrate or make it yourself.

The soil should be disinfected, loose, containing useful substances, well permeable to moisture. You can not sow seeds in a sick land containing industrial waste, affected by fungus and harmful microorganisms.

Wrong seedling bowl

The seedling tank is pre-disinfected to protect plants from diseases. For the normal development of the root system, choose not too large, but at the same time quite spacious containers with good drainage.

Watering the soil after sowing

A mistake due to which the seed can not rise for a long time, or not rise at all. The fact is that after watering the seeds will go deep with soil with water. To avoid trouble, water the ground immediately before planting, and if you decide to do it later, use a spray bottle.

Belated Dive

After a while, the seedlings become crowded and transplanted into a more spacious container. You need to do this after the appearance of the second real leaflet. The main thing is not to be late with a pick, otherwise the plants will slow down in growth and begin to hurt due to lack of space for root development.

Incorrect feeding

Seedlings, especially planted in small containers, need nutrients. Top dressing begins a few days after a dive and is subsequently carried out every week.

Before the procedure, the plants are irrigated with water, and then the necessary product is used. You can do it yourself, but it’s easier to get it in the store. The main thing is not to overdo it with fertilizers, read the instructions on the package and monitor the condition of the plant.

Non-compliance with preventive measures

In order to save yourself from unnecessary trouble with diseased plants in the future, carry out preventive measures to protect them from diseases and pests. Disinfect the soil with Phytosporin or Trichodermin, monitor its moisture. To prevent putrefactive processes, crushed coal can be added to the soil.
