Zemklunika Merchant - a hybrid of two berry crops in your garden


Zemklunika Kupchikha appeared on the sites about two years ago. The variety was introduced to the State Register in 2017, but in a short time the fame of the hybrid has already spread throughout Russia, neighboring countries and the Internet. There are many videos, articles and reviews dedicated to this variety. The hybrid of domestic selection managed to win the hearts of many gardeners with its unique qualities.

Origin of the variety

The merchant woman was obtained by crossing strawberries of large-fruited garden and European strawberries, which is also called high strawberries, real strawberries and even nutmeg strawberries. The result was a dredge with rounded bushes. At the time of flowering, this berry looks very elegant: a bouquet of snow-white flowers rises above the dense and lush foliage. Probably, for such a luxurious look, the variety was called the Merchant Girl.

Variety Merchant justifies its name with abundant and beautiful flowering

The patent for this variety belongs to the Bryansk Agricultural University and the All-Russian Institute of Horticulture and Nursery (FGBNU VSTISP). According to the State Register, the hybrid is approved for cultivation in all regions of the Russian Federation.

Description of the variety Tradeswoman

The bush of the Merchant is spherical, dense, 20-30 cm high. The leaves are rounded, concave with a smooth and shiny surface. On the edges there are large and blunt teeth. Each leaf consists of three lobes, the middle petiole is longer than the side stalks.

Characteristic features of the Merchant class: rounded shape of leaves and cloves on them, leaf blade concave, bush bush

On the leaves, pubescence is negligible, but the petioles are densely covered with hairs directed downward. The mustache of the Tradeswoman grows little, they are medium in size, have a red tint. And this variety is very generous for berries, even first-year-olds give up to 10 peduncles, each with 10-15 berries.

Video: Merchant in the first year after landing

By maturity dates zemklunik refers to mid-season. The date of the first collection depends on weather conditions and the region of cultivation, in the middle lane it falls at the beginning of July. The first berries are the largest, up to 6 cm long, average size - 3 cm, weight - 3.7 g, maximum - 17 g, however, gardeners also received larger ones - 20-30 g each. From one bush, you can collect 500 g of berries. Their shape is elongated, oblate, some berries resemble a scapula.

The very first berries are large, asymmetrical

The surface of ripe berries is dark red with a purple tint, the flesh is also red, slightly succulent. The taste is sweet, without sourness, but not sugary, there is a bright strawberry aroma. Tradeswoman received the highest tasting score - 5 points. The berry is tasty and at the same time dense, well stored and tolerates transportation. The variety is slightly affected by pests and diseases. Tradeswoman is quite resistant to drought and hardy to cold.

Landing of dredging Merchant

The yield of any crop depends on the quality of planting material and what place you will assign to the new settlers on your site. Soil preparation is also important. The poorer the land, the more fertilizer needs to be applied.

Seat selection

It is customary to choose a sunny place for berry crops, but the Merchant can grow in partial shade. Neighborhood with a spreading pear or apple tree will not harm her, on the contrary, part of the day the dredging bushes will be protected from the scorching sun. In such conditions, the berries ripen longer, but grow larger.

Landing of the Merchant in poorly ventilated places where the earth does not dry out for a long time after melting snow or rains is not allowed. In dampness, even on a disease-resistant Merchant, fungi of gray rot, white or brown spotting can settle. In addition, if you plant young plants after potatoes or tomatoes, there is a chance of infecting them with late blight. Avoid the neighborhood with raspberries, dredges have the same diseases and pests.

Often for strawberries they build beds with boards made of boards or bricks.

Planting dates, soil preparation and seedlings

Dredges mustache from their own beds can be planted the entire warm period: from spring, as the ground thaws, and until autumn. The main thing is that they have time to settle down before the first frost. Keep seedlings bought in the store in early spring on a cold and bright window sill for the time being, until return frosts stop. These plants were stored in the basement or in the refrigerator at freezing temperatures during the winter; they are absolutely not adapted to street conditions, in particular, to temperature changes. It is very likely that they will die at the first freeze.

The soil under a strawberry bed needs to be dug up, previously scattering 1-2 buckets of humus or compost and 2 glasses of ash on 1 m² of land. It will be useful to water with a solution of potassium permanganate (1 g per 10 liters of water) or copper sulfate (100 g per 10 liters of water). So you disinfect the soil from fungal diseases.

Put seedlings with an open root system in water for 2-3 hours, with a closed one - water abundantly. It can be treated with root stimulants: dust the roots with root powder, spray before or after planting with an epin solution (1 ml per 5 l of water).

Video: the nuances of planting garden strawberries

Scheme and landing rules

Plant a merchant woman according to a 50x50 cm pattern. The first year of the planting beds seem empty, so plantings can be densified with garlic, onions, dill, parsley, beans, lettuce, radishes, marigold or low marigolds.

Landing Stages:

  1. Make a hole corresponding to the size of the roots.
  2. Place the seedling in the hole, straighten the roots. If you bought a dredger in cups, that is, with a closed root system, then transplant it with transshipment, with a lump of earth, without disturbing the roots.
  3. Fill the roots so that all petioles with leaflets and a heart (a kidney in the center of the bush) remain on the surface. Tamp the ground lightly.
  4. On the periphery of the bush with the back of your palms or scoop, make a groove 3-5 cm deep and water it. In this case, you will not fill the heart, it will not drag on dirt.
  5. Level the watering hole. Cover the whole land in the garden with mulch from rotted sawdust, hay or dried grass cut.

Zemklunika planted correctly: hearts are not covered with earth, the entire surface of the bed is covered with mulch to preserve moisture

Caring for the Merchant

Garden dredging can be grown in one place for no more than 4 years. Over the years, bacteria and pests accumulate in the ground, the bushes wither away, and productivity decreases dramatically. But until this period, the Merchant will please with a rich harvest, especially if you provide her with good care.

Watering and feeding

Tradeswoman tolerates heat, but not drought. Ideally, the soil under the mulch should be constantly moist. In the heat, it is advisable to water the leaves. Sprinkling is prohibited only during loading and ripening of berries. At this stage, in order not to provoke an outbreak of gray rot, water under the root. Under one bush, spend 1-2 liters of water. Water it every time the ground dries under the bushes. In late summer and autumn, when the rainy season begins, there is no need to water. Pre-winter charging watering is needed only in the absence of rain, its rate is 1.5 times more than usual.

The drip system will help to solve the problem of regular watering.

The frequency of fertilizing depends on the composition of the soil in your area. If the Merchant woman grows well: the bushes are tall, dense, the leaves are large, dark green, then four top dressings are enough for the season:

  1. In spring, immediately after thawing the soil: 50 g of urea per 10 liters of water or 1-2 tbsp. l liquid ammonia per 10 liters. You can use complex fertilizers specially created for strawberries and wild strawberries: Gummi-Omi, Fertika, BioGumus, etc.
  2. In summer, during flowering: 50 g nitroammophoski per 10 l of water or infusion of nettles and weeds (diluted in a ratio of 1: 5 with water, plus a glass of ash per bucket). Or repeat top dressing with complex fertilizer.
  3. After harvesting, repeat the previous dressing.
  4. In early August, when flower buds are laid for next year, spray or water the leaves with a solution of urea (50 g per 10 l).

Any fruit and berry culture during flowering is responsive to boron feeding. Dissolve 2 g of boric acid in 1 liter of water and spray the dredges according to their colors.

All of the above top dressings can also serve as foliar, that is, you can not be afraid of their getting on the leaves. Consumption per bush - 0.5-1 l. If your Tradeswoman grows poorly, leaves are small, bushes are low, petioles are thin, then feed with complex fertilizers every 10-14 days until the plants begin to delight you with their healthy appearance.

Video: green weed and green manure fertilizer

Diseases and Pests

Bushes of the Merchant woman can grow poorly not only due to nutritional deficiencies, often caused by diseases and pests. Their most common symptoms are: spots on leaves, edges twist, leaves dry out, ovaries fall off, berries are dry or rot, plants lag behind healthy ones in development.

Table: the most common diseases and pests of strawberries and strawberries

Disease / pestDescriptionMethods of struggle
Brown spottingBrown spots of various shapes and sizes appear between the leaf veins.All three diseases are fungal, therefore they are treated equally:
  1. For prevention in spring, after snow melts, before and after flowering and after harvest, treat with phytosporin concentrate (2 tbsp. Per 10 l of water), bright pink potassium permanganate solution, milk serum (1 l per 10 l), iodine or brilliant green (40 drops per bucket of water).
  2. At the first symptoms, spray with any copper-containing fungicide: HOM (40 g per 10 l of water), copper sulfate (50 g per 10 l), 1% Bordeaux liquid, a solution of Skor (2 ml per 10 l). Repeat 1-2 more times with an interval of 10-14 days.
  3. Remove the infected berries and leaves from the garden and burn them.
White spottingThe leaves are covered with round spots of white color with a red or purple border.
Gray rotA gray fluffy coating appears on the berries, the flesh beneath it becomes watery and brown.
Strawberry Raspberry WeevilThese beetles can be recognized by a long proboscis, which is called the rostrum. Pests come out of the winter, eat foliage, mate. Females pierce buds, lay each egg. Petiole at the base of the bud, they gnaw. The first buds suffer, from which the largest berries could grow. The larvae eat away the contents, the buds dry out and crumble.
  1. At the time of the peduncle extension and after harvest, treat with an insecticide: karbofos (60 g per 10 l of water), actara (2 g per 10 l), intavir (1 tablet per 10 l).
  2. In autumn, when the daytime temperature is below + 10⁰C, loosen the soil between the aisles and under the bushes to destroy the wintering places.
Strawberry miteThe pests are very small, not visible to the eye, so their presence can be determined by the condition of strawberries:
  • do not develop, do not unfold young leaves emerging from the heart. They are strongly corrugated, the edges are twisted inward, have a yellowish tint;
  • berries are small and dry;
  • bushes freeze in winter.

During the warm season, 4-6 generations of strawberry ticks can grow.

  1. In early spring, fill the beds with hot water (55-60⁰C).
  2. In spring or after harvesting in hot weather for 2 days, cover the garden bed with a film so that air does not get under it. The temperature under the film will rise to 60-70⁰C, the mites will die, the leaves of strawberries will burn, but new, healthy ones will grow from the hearts.
  3. From the moment of getting out from under the snow to flowering with an interval of 10 days, spray with acaricides: actelikom (2 ml per 2 l of water), fufanon (10 ml per 10 l), etc. Repeat the treatment after harvesting.

Photo gallery: diseases and pests dangerous to the Merchant

If most bushes are affected by diseases and pests, then after harvesting, mow the entire garden, leaving only hearts. Burn the leaves, and treat the dredges with drugs from diseases and pests, feed them. By autumn, new healthy bushes will grow.

Picking berries

Harvest dredgers harvested in several stages, every 1-2 days. The Merchant has a dense berry, it does not flow, does not crease, it can be transported, stored in the refrigerator, and even at room temperature for up to 5 days. Berries of this variety are delicious fresh, they are rubbed with sugar and eaten with cream, added to ice cream and decorate pastries. Excess crops are frozen, dried, jam, stewed fruit, jams are prepared. Tradeswoman is also suitable for winemaking. It produces aromatic liquors and tinctures, liqueurs and cocktails.

Video: about the dangers and benefits of strawberries

Shelter for the winter

Whether it is necessary to shelter a Tradeswoman for the winter depends on the region where she is grown. The winter hardiness of the variety is medium, which means that in frosty and snowless winters the bushes can die. There is no need to worry about shelter if snow falls in your area sooner than severe colds come (below -20⁰С).

A good protection against frost is the spruce branches. You can still prepare lush branches of birch, maple, bird cherry, aspen, etc. in the summer. Stems of dill, raspberry, shoots of fruit trees and shrubs obtained after pruning are suitable. Many use agrofibre, folded in several layers. The main thing is that the shelter passes air and does not rot in the garden. In the spring, immediately after the snow melts, all the excess from the dredging needs to be removed, and the soil must be loosened and covered with fresh mulch.

Zemklunika is covered with a spruce for the winter - this will save the plant in severe frosts

Reviews about the hybrid Merchant

The zemkulnik Kupchikha planted last summer planted me, a lot of berries, very tasty, but one thing - it is affected more than others with gray rot. The taste is sweet, without sugaryness and without acidity, not watery, therefore it is good to transport and store. The berries are very large.


The merchant woman should be put IN SHADOW. In the sun, everything dries and mummifies, but it will go to compote ... In the shade, everything ripens and spikes, large (up to 25 g) and sweet.


100% pollination, excellent taste, never sick, does not freeze, is not interesting to ticks, the berry does not rot even in the rain. It turns out to pick an environmentally friendly berry without any treatments. Today I counted the number of peduncles on a two-year, well-developed bush. It turned out 29 !!! And all with berries. One friend had up to 40 peduncles per bush. I will watch this bush, I want to calculate the real productivity. Last year, he dried the berries, then grind the dried ones on a coffee grinder, added winter tea and cookies to the tea. The fragrance is just a bomb !!!. None of my familiar strawberry or strawberry varieties give such a flavor.


It’s very beautiful when the ranks of the Tradeswoman bloom - just a white floral carpet, and it all fits in with a berry - of different sizes, but it’s still easier and more convenient to collect it than, for example, small fruits - there I usually cut off inflorescences and then pick them off ... Berries Merchants do not flow, they are rather dry in structure, although when you bite, the flesh is quite tasty and pleasant.

Luda Avina//forum.vinograd.info/showthread.php?t=11716

Merchant can be called a variety for the lazy. If the dredger is planted in fertile soil, on a site that is well ventilated and heated by the sun, then care is reduced to watering and removing the mustache. With minimal investment of effort and time, the crop grows rich, the berries are tasty and fragrant.
