We grow a pear Klapp's darling


It is interesting to get acquainted with a pear that appeared far in America more than 160 years ago. Why, at a time when several hundred varieties of this culture have already been received, is Klappa’s Favorite firmly in his position and not backing down from them? Should I give her preference when choosing a variety for planting and how to grow it?

Description pears varieties Lyubimitsa Klappa

This variety was obtained back in 1860 in Massachusetts USA by breeder T. Clapp seedling from the seeds of Forest Beauty. It has a second name Clapp's Favorite. In 1947, it was zoned in the Northwest region, as well as in the North Caucasus and Lower Volga region. In addition, it is common in the republics of Central Asia and the Baltic states, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus.

The tree has medium and high growth power with a wide pyramidal, rare crown. It blooms in the medium terms for a long time and is beautiful. The flowers are large. Clapp's favorite is self-infertile. Pollinators are pear varieties Forest Beauty, Williams, Bere Giffard, Olivier de Serre. High winter hardiness and drought tolerance of the variety are its strengths. But in dry years, the fruits are smaller and heavily damaged by the tinnitus. There is no immunity to scab, it is severely affected in raw years. Fruiting quite late - on the 7-8th year after planting. The maximum yield of 150-300 kg / ha is reached by fifteen to twenty-five years of the tree's life.

The term of consumption is summer. The fruits reach mature maturity in late July - mid-August, depending on the region of cultivation. The fruits are very sensitive to the time of picking - when overripe, they quickly crumble, and those taken prematurely have a bad taste. The optimal harvest time is ten days before consumer maturity. Transportability is good, keeping time is 10-15 days. Mostly consumed fresh, as well as stewed fruit and dried.

Short-pear-shaped fruits weighing 140-200 grams. The skin is smooth yellow, with numerous subcutaneous dots. On the sunny side is a bright, thick, carmine blush. The flesh is juicy, tender, melting of a great sour-sweet taste.

The fruits of Klapp's Favorite have a bright, dense blush

Video: a brief overview of the pear Favorite Klappa

Planting pear varieties Lyubimitsa Klappa

When choosing a place for planting a pear, you need to consider the characteristics of the variety. It is noted that the variety Lyubimitsa Klappa is absolutely not demanding on the composition of the soil, but on the lungs it comes into bearing earlier than on clay ones. It does not accept boggy, flat-drained, saline soils. It grows well on the southern slopes, especially on sheltered from the north winds. The acidity of the soil should be in the range of pH 5.0-6.5. It can also grow on more acidic soils, and on alkaline soils, the scab susceptibility increases sharply. He loves the sun, grows normally in the shade, but bears bad fruit. It is also worth noting that the distance from buildings and neighboring trees should not be less than four meters.

Based on these features, they choose the optimal place for planting the pear of Lyubimits Klapp. And do not forget about pollinators. If there is no place for them in the garden, but you still want to plant a pear of this variety, you can plant 2-3 branches of pollinating varieties in the crown and thus solve the problem.

You need to plant a pear in the spring, because over the summer the young tree will gain strength, take root well and will calmly tolerate its first winter. When growing a tree in the southern regions, you can plant it in the fall. But in both cases there should not be sap flow, and the seedling should be planted in a sleeping state. This rule does not apply to seedlings with a closed root system (ZKS), which can be planted at any time from April to October.

In any case, it is better to buy seedlings for planting in the fall and it is recommended to do this in specialized nurseries. Best take root and grow faster in plants at the age of 1-2 years. Seedlings with ZKS can be older - up to 5-6 years. As usual, when choosing, they give preference to plants with well-developed roots, smooth, healthy bark. If the seedling needs to be kept until spring, it is dug in the garden or lowered into the basement. The roots are pre-coated with a layer of mullein made of mullein and clay, in the process of storage they need to create a moist environment. Basement temperature should be between 0-5 ° C.

A step-by-step instruction for planting a pear looks like this:

  1. 3-4 weeks before the planned landing date, a landing pit is prepared with a depth and diameter of 70-80 centimeters (in the case of spring planting, this is done in the fall). If the soil is clay, a drainage layer of improvised materials is laid at the bottom of the pit. This can be crushed stone, expanded clay, broken brick, etc. On sandy soils a pit is made with a volume of at least 1-1.5 m3, and a layer of clay is laid on its bottom to hold water.
  2. After that, the pit is filled with humus, peat, chernozem and sand, taken in equal parts. And also add 300-400 grams of superphosphate and 2-3 liters of wood ash.
  3. A few hours before planting, the roots of the seedling are soaked in water with the addition of root stimulants. You can use Heteroauxin, Epin, Kornevin and the like.

    A few hours before planting, the roots of the seedling are soaked in water

  4. A part of the soil is removed from the pit and a small mound is formed in the center, and a small wooden peg is driven in at a distance of 10-15 centimeters from the center. The height of the peg should be between 1-1.3 meters above the ground.
  5. When planting a seedling, it is convenient to use a wooden lath or stick, which is laid across the pit. The root neck of the seedling should be at the level of the lower edge of the rail. It is more convenient to carry out this operation together: one person holds a seedling, and the other falls asleep in the pit, carefully spreading the roots and tamping the soil in layers.

    The root neck of the seedling should be at the level of the bottom edge of the rail

  6. At the end of this operation, the sapling is tied to a peg with soft material in the form of an “eight” and a trunk circle is formed around it.

    The sapling is tied to a peg with soft material in the form of an "eight"

  7. Water abundantly, achieving a good fit of the soil to the roots and the elimination of air bubbles.
  8. The next day, the soil is loosened and mulched.
  9. The central conductor is cut off at a level of 60-80 centimeters above the ground, and the branches are shortened to a length of 20-30 centimeters.

Features of cultivation and subtleties of care

The unpretentious Clapp's Favorite does not require special attention. Abandoned gardens grow in old gardens and often the owner recalls it only during the ripening period. They will be smaller, they will be smaller, perhaps wormy - but they will be. Of course, this approach is wrong and cannot be recommended.


As already noted - in conditions of drought, the fruits of Klapp's Pet are smaller. Therefore, the pear still needs to be watered sometimes. Watering is especially needed in dry years, as well as for young trees with an underdeveloped root system. The first time this is done before flowering, the second time - after flowering. Further, several more times during the ripening period. The frequency of watering depends on the amount of rainfall. At the end of the season, pre-winter water-loading irrigation is mandatory. When watering, you need to control the depth of soil moisture. It should be 25-35 centimeters. After the soil dries, it should be loosened. If the trunk circle is mulled, then loosening is not required.

At the end of the season, pre-winter water-loading irrigation must be carried out

Top dressing

Starting from the fourth year after planting, the pear begins to be fed. This will provide good shoot growth and large yields of large, juicy fruits.

Table: how and when to feed a pear

The timingTypes of fertilizersDosage and route of administration
OctoberSuperphosphateFor digging, 30-40 g / m2annually
AprilAmmonium nitrate, urea or nitrophos
Humus, peat, compostFor digging, 5-7 kg / m2once every 3-4 years
MayBoric Acid SolutionDissolve 0.2 grams in one liter of water and spray during flowering to increase the number of ovaries
JunePotassium Monophosphate, Potassium SulfateDissolve in water when watering. Consumption 10-20 g / m2.
June - the first decade of JulyLiquid Organic FertilizerAn infusion of two to three liters of mullein in 10 liters of water is prepared. It is watered with diluted water in a ratio of 1 to 10. Two to three top dressings with an interval of 10-15 days.
Complex mineral fertilizers, including the necessary set of trace elements, are used in accordance with the instructions

Pear trimmings Klapp's favorite

Unpretentious in everything, this pear also does not cause much trouble with trimmings. It is important only to correctly form the crown of the tree in the first years of life. Traditionally, they give it a sparse-tier form, widely known and repeatedly described in the literature.

Krone Lyubimitsy Yakovlev is given a sparse-tiered formation

Due to the fact that Klappa’s favorite has a rare crown, she won’t need adjusting trimming. Only the sanitary ones remain, which are carried out in late autumn by removing dry, diseased and damaged branches, as well as supporting ones. They are carried out in the first half of summer, shortening young shoots by 5-10 centimeters. This stimulates their fouling with fruiting branches on which flower buds are laid for the next year's harvest.

Diseases and Pests

Given that the pear Lyubimitsa Klappa was obtained at a time when many modern diseases were not there, then she does not have immunity to them. Therefore, the implementation of prophylaxis and the implementation of mandatory sanitary work is especially relevant. They consist of harvesting and burning fallen leaves, digging tree trunks in the fall, lime whitewashing of trunks and branches, processing the crown and soil with a 3% solution of copper sulfate. All these works are carried out in autumn, thus preparing plants for winter. In the spring, hunting belts are installed, trees are treated with DNOC and Nitrafen according to the instructions.

The diseases to which the pear is favorite Klappa

Almost all diseases to which the variety in question is susceptible are fungal. For their treatment, fungicides are used. You should be aware that these drugs are addictive to the fungus, so you can use them no more than three times per season.


This is the most common pear disease, especially in areas with a humid climate. The spores of the pathogen winter in the cracks of the tree bark, fallen leaves, and the upper layers of the soil. In spring, the disease begins with the appearance on the underside of the leaves of small brown-olive spots. By mid-summer, the spots grow, darken and already affect the fruits and shoots. Cracks, scabs, putrefactive spots form on the fruits. The flesh beneath them hardens and becomes stony. Such fruits are already unsuitable for food.

With scab, cracks, scab, putrefactive spots form on the fruits

At the initial stage, the systemic fungicide Horus helps to cope with the fungus. It is effective on young leaves and shoots at temperatures from +3 to +22 ° C. In later stages, the Strobi fungicide is recognized as the best drug.


The causative agent of this disease can also winter in the leaves and cracks of the bark. In the spring, as a rule, spores are introduced by bees during the collection of nectar. At the same time, the disease is affected by flowers, then shoots and leaves. They fade, blacken and look charred. Therefore, the disease is also sometimes called a monilial burn. Such shoots need to be cut and destroyed, and the crown should be treated with the copper-containing preparation Abiga-Peak.

In June - July, moniliosis affects the fruit with gray rot. At this time, it is better to use Strobes for treatments. And also helps in the fight against moniliosis biofungicide Fitosporin. It can be used throughout the season, it does not cause addiction. The processing interval is two weeks, in rainy weather - one week. In addition to the therapeutic effect, the drug increases productivity and increases the shelf life of the fruit, which is relevant for the favorite Klappa.

In June-July, moniliosis affects the fruit with gray rot


In the spring, immediately after flowering, small greenish-yellow spots begin to appear on the leaves, which increase by the middle of summer and acquire a bright brownish-orange color, reminiscent of rust. On the underside of the leaves, tubercles form in which the spores of the fungus are located. In the raw years, the disease develops rapidly and the defeat can reach 100%. If leaves are found to be affected on the pear, they should be cut off, and the crown treated with the fungicides Skor, Strobi, Abiga-Peak, etc.

By mid-summer, spots increase and acquire a bright brownish-orange color, reminiscent of rust.

To prevent the disease, you should avoid the neighborhood with juniper, as well as carry out a series of preventive works.

Photo Gallery: Pear Disease Medicines

Klapp's Pests

This is a fairly large detachment of insects.

Pear Thorns

This leaflet is common throughout the world. Its size does not exceed three millimeters, a flea can fly and jump. She does harm by eating the juice of young shoots, buds, ovaries, leaves. As a result, they dry out and fall off, the tips of the shoots curl and turn yellow. Fruits affected by the tinnitus become small, hard, stony. Harvest disappears. The honey dew secreted by the leaf cloud provokes the disease with a soot fungus.

The pear parsnip can fly and jump

In addition to the usual preventive measures, before flowering, you can treat the pear with the Commander.


These small insects are brought to the tree by ants. They do this in order to subsequently feed on honeydew, secreted by aphids. She eats the juice of leaves and tips of young shoots. You can find it by twisted leaves. If you expand such a sheet - inside you can find a cluster of insects. You can prevent the defeat by installing hunting belts that block the way for ants, expelling ants from the garden, as well as using insecticides. Preparations and methods for fighting aphids are the same as with a tinnitus.

Ants feed on aphids

Pear sawfly

It is also common in areas with a humid climate. It is a fly 5-6 mm long, the flight of which occurs during the beginning of pear flowering and lasts from one to two weeks. Then the fertilized female lays eggs one at a time in the receptacle of each flower. To do this, she makes an incision at its base. After 10-14 days, larvae appear that, not reaching the surface, eat out the rudiments of the fruit seeds. Then they move to neighboring ones. Within a month, each larva infects 3-4 fruits, which darken and fall. After that, the larvae leave for the winter in the soil, where they are located at a depth of ten centimeters.

The pear sawfly is a fly 5-6 mm long

To prevent problems 5-6 days before flowering, the crown should be treated with Metaphos or Fufanon. After flowering, two more treatments are carried out.

Photo Gallery: Pear Processing Insecticides

Gardeners reviews

Re: Favorite Klappa completely agree, the variety is undeservedly deprived of attention. From the summer, in my opinion, one of the best. Properly consumed fruits will give pleasure to both lovers of gnawing hard ones and lovers of gentle melting flesh. I really like the taste qualities of ripened fruits. For our zone, it is quite winter-hardy, of the drawbacks - some sensitivity to scab, but tolerable even without heavy chemical protection and after abundant fruiting should be unloaded.I will not say about business, but for myself - I highly recommend having it.

nuitoha, Sumy


Re: Clapp's Favorite Tanned one in the sun alone (photo 1,2). And so, this year pleased with the harvest (photo 3). Its peculiarity is that it must be torn still in a solid state so that it reaches maturity at home in a couple of days. Then the flesh melts in the mouth. If left to a soft state on the tree - the flesh loses its juiciness and melting texture, and later the inside may deteriorate (brown).

mekena, Donetsk region


SORT Favorite Clapp ...

Pear Clapp's Favorite

Oleg Filippov, Volgograd


Re: Favorite Klappa Quote: Originally Posted by Anatoly Planted a summer pear Favorite Klappa and would like to know about her negative qualities. Of the negative - severely affected by Septoria. Like all summer pears, Lyubimits needs to tear off a little overgrass. I lay on ripening in a cool garage for a couple of weeks. Ripe choose!

Lena, in the summer pear segment in the "taste + winter hardiness" complex, Lyubimitsa has no competitors today!

I have everyone else just froze

Gusenitsa, Kharkov


This year I had the first fruiting of a klapp's favorite. I am very glad. Large, elegant fruits, with excellent taste that the whole family liked. The tree of the fourteenth year of planting, gave almost a bucket of pears. The ovary was three times more - in June had to form. And our climate is milder than Kiev. Somehow I didn’t feel the main disadvantage - re-ripening of fruits. I think that on a half-dwarf it will turn out to take the crop on time and not let the crop disappear. I like this variety.

Loha, Kremenchug


Klapp's favorite. Photo unfortunately did not. A tree grows in a suburb of Minsk with a friend. Fruits 150-170 grams. Oily flesh, very tasty, rated at 4.7 points. The disadvantage is the short term of use: a maximum of two weeks.

Sarat, Minsk


The variety Klappa's Favorite is worth having on the site for personal use. An undemanding pear will annually give two weeks of summer enjoyment of magnificent juicy fruits. And to extend the pleasure, you can close a number of cans with compotes, as well as dry dried fruits.
