Lemon should be yellow, not its leaves


The bush or lemon tree of the house is pleasing to the eye with juicy greens and bright fruits. And the smell of flowering lemon gives a good mood for a long time. And it is very disappointing when the leaves begin to turn yellow for no apparent reason. But in this way the tree tries to signal its problem. To help him effectively, you need to know the causes of yellowing of the foliage.

Why do lemon leaves turn yellow

With even yellowing of one bottom sheet, do not worry. This means that the plant decided to replace it. He will disappear, and in his place a new one will appear. If the color of the leaf is not bright yellow, but the remaining leaves are pale or yellow, urgent need to take action. And there can be many reasons for yellowing of foliage.

Nutrient deficiency

Lemon is a plant in which periods of rest and fruiting alternate. But at home, few flower growers create a favorable environment for this. Therefore, the tree quickly exhausts all the micro and macro elements, even from properly selected soil.. And since the pantry of the nutrient reserves of the lemon in the leaves, with a lack of nutrition, the plant empties it. This is the main reason for yellowing foliage.

Yellowing foliage during fruiting indicates a lack of nutrition

To avoid this, it is worth using complex fertilizers for citrus once a month and according to the instructions. In winter, this is potash-phosphorus fertilizer, and in summer - nitrogen-containing. Feeding is best done in the form of aqueous solutions during irrigation.

Lemon requires regular feeding

If the foliage has already turned yellow, water the plant with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate and perform foliar fertilizing with iron-containing fertilizers.

During flowering and fruiting, foliar application is carried out carefully, trying not to get on the flowers and fruits. Put the sheet on your gloved hand and spray on both sides of the spray bottle.

If the lemon leaves turn yellow due to a lack of nutrients, you need to pour it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate

Unfortunately, you think about feeding the plant when the lower leaves begin to turn pale. And once I had to leave for 3 months and assign a neighbor to water the flowers. Upon arrival, it was discovered that the regularly watered lemon tree dropped its leaves. They urgently started looking for information about his resuscitation and found out that the lemon needed a rest period. After the measures taken (transplanting into new soil, watering with fertilizers, spraying the crown twice a day), our lemon tree was covered with leaves, bloomed gratefully and gave an abundant crop, the first in all of its 15 years of life.

Temperature and humidity conditions

Even a slight cooling means for the plant a change of seasons, especially if the lump of earth is cooled. Therefore, with a cold draft, lemon stops the movement of juices from the root and switches to leaf nutrition, which leads to their yellowing. To prevent a home "fall", observe the following rules:

  • The temperature of the earth coma should not drop. If you want to ventilate the room, and the temperature outside the window is lower than room temperature, insulate the pot with a lemon tree or bush if you cannot transfer it briefly to another room.
  • Do not change the position of the pot from high to low, for example, from a windowsill to the floor. In this case, there will also be a temperature drop in the direction of lowering.
  • For any rearrangement, for example, from room to room, also check the temperature. It should not be downward.

If yellowing of the foliage due to the above reasons, water the plant in the next watering 2 degrees above room temperature and make foliar application.

In the south, where lemons grow in nature, air humidity is higher than in an apartment with central heating, so do not forget to spray the lemon regularly. Otherwise, the lemon will begin to lose leaves.

If the lemon is standing on the window above the hot battery, do not forget to spray it regularly

Light mode

A change in the light regime, as well as the temperature regime, in the direction of decrease also stops the movement of juices from the root. And if the tree at this time blooms and bears fruit, then yellowing of the leaves is provided. The addition of daylight using cold light bulbs (to protect the plant from burns) will solve this problem. To highlight the lemon, it is better to take LED or tungsten lamps.

To highlight a lemon, it is better to take LED or tungsten lamps

Root system damage

Another reason for the outflow of nutrients from leaves is a broken root system. If measures are not taken in time, the plant will die.

Drying of roots

This is due to insufficient watering or strong drainage. The soil in the pot should be moistened constantly, but without waterlogging. As soon as the earth has dried 2 cm, it is moistened. With the right soil and the size of the pot in the summer, the plant is watered 2 times a week, in the winter - 1 time in 7-10 days.

The soil in a pot of lemon should not dry out

If there is a lot of sand or soddy soil in the ground, then the water passes quickly, without having time to dissolve the nutrients in itself. Such soil should be replaced.

To find the right soil for lemon, you can buy ready-made soil for citrus fruits.

Root damage

Roots are damaged due to diseases or pests (root aphids). The procedure in this case:

  1. Remove the plant from the pot.

    To process the root system of a lemon, you need to remove it from the pot

  2. Rinse the root system in a fungicide solution (the dosage is recommended on the packaging), then in clean water (so that the fungicides do not harm the beneficial flora of the new earth).

    The roots of the plant must be washed in fungicide, and then in clean water.

  3. Transplant into new soil.

Root loss

This can happen during a transplant (for example, they did not moisten the soil in advance) or in case of accidental damage (a pot with a plant broke). To restore the balance between the aboveground and underground parts, you have to do unscheduled pruning. What percentage of the root system was lost, this part of the crown is cut off.

Trim part of the crown equal to the part of the lost root system of the lemon

Root rot

Root rot occurs due to waterlogging of the soil as a result of constant overflow or poor drainage.

Rot, starting from the roots, gradually destroys the plant

The problem can be solved as follows:

  1. The plant should be removed from the pot, shake off a lump of earth (small rotten roots will fall off along with the earth).

    When waterlogging the soil from the roots of a lemon, you need to shake off the earthen lump, and then trim the damaged areas

  2. It is necessary to carefully cut off damaged large roots with a sharp knife to living tissue.
  3. Then you need to rinse the lemon in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  4. The plant should be transplanted into new soil.
  5. At the end, it must be poured with water at room temperature with the addition of nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

After all manipulations with the plant, be sure to spray it with water from a spray bottle to relieve stress. And for lemon, this procedure is required because of its tropical origin.

Diseases and pests in which leaves turn yellow and fall

If your lemon was green, received timely top-dressing and watering, enough light, but still started to turn yellow, then look for the cause of the disease or pest attack.

Methods of infection and methods of control

The plant itself cannot get sick, so you need to establish the source of infection.

Infection from new "neighbors"

If the lemon is infected by other plants, proceed as follows:

  1. Inspect all nearby plants and find the source of infection.
  2. Process it first, and then your lemon. Look carefully to see if parasites or diseases have switched to other plants.
  3. Since the lemon does not like to change its geography, then rearrange other plantings away to avoid a second wave of infection.
  4. Wait 2-3 weeks. Then you can return the neighbors if your design requires it.

Remove other plants for the duration of the treatment and leave the lemon in the same place.

Window infection

In rare cases, infection can occur through an open window. The actions in this case are the same: we send the lemon “to quarantine”, we spray the plants and the earth with preparations.

Ground contamination

Changing or adding soil with viruses, harmful bacteria or pests is also a source of infection. In this case, you can either change the soil again and process the plant, or use fungicides and insecticides for both the earth and lemon. During budding and fruiting should be used preparations bearing the mark "BIO", that is, harmless to humans.

If the lemon gets infected when changing the soil, you can change the soil again

Definition and treatment of diseases

The right diagnosis is the right treatment. To determine the disease, carefully inspect the tree or bush.


This is a fungal disease in which foliage turns yellow and falls. Characteristic features:

  • branching off;
  • falling buds;
  • the appearance of reddish spots on the fruit.

For health, cut off dead branches, remove spoiled fruits, spray the plant 2-3 times with an interval of 4 days by Fitosporin or 1% Bordeaux mixture.

With anthracnose, leaf segments turn yellow and dry


Violation of the formation of chlorophyll in the leaves can lead to the death of the plant. Characteristic features:

  • yellowing starts from the edge of the leaf, while the veins remain green;
  • the shapes of the bud and flowers change;
  • the size of new leaves decreases.

For healing, the plant is watered, and the leaves are sprayed according to the instructions:

  • Ferovit;
  • Antichlorosis;
  • iron chelate.

With lemon chlorosis, it is difficult to wait for the crop

If the dosage for spraying the foliage is not indicated on the labels, then the dosage for irrigation is taken and diluted with water (2 parts of water per 1 part of solution).

Video: why room lemon turns yellow and flies around


This is chlorosis, possibly due to the fact that the soil is not pleasant, or due to excessive moisture, the soil is acidified and the lemon cannot fully absorb the necessary nutrients from the acidified soil.



Does chlorosis arise from gulf and acidification of the soil? I hope that the plant will get out, now I will water much more moderately, especially since there is a dormant period.



I regularly use Ferovit. When growing citrus fruits, mistakes and errors in care are inevitable (for example, my plants are often exposed to extreme watering - they do not water for a long time, and then a lot at once), in addition, being in a limited amount of soil, the fruiting plants are depleted, a universal preparation is needed, stimulating tissue respiration.



I had the same situation: I crossed it into an oversized pot, the earth did not have time to dry out and was still heavy. The roots began to rot, I saw by removing a lump from a large pot. He took another earth, reduced the pot. The leaves, which began to turn yellow a little, eventually all, of course, fell away.



Yellowing of the leaves most often indicates the transition of the tree to internal nutrition (with the exception of viral diseases and pests). Find out the cause of such a reaction, and only then proceed to "eliminate the consequences."
