How to grow pelargonium from seeds at home: a guide for a beginner grower


Pelargonium is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and unique healing properties. The plant purifies the air in the room, soothes, leaves can be used as a wound healing agent. Pelargonium is suitable for growing on window sills, balconies, loggias, it is often planted as a garden plant.

Features of seed propagation and sowing dates

There are two ways to grow a flower - from seeds and cuttings. For a long time, the second method of reproduction was the main one. But now there are a lot of hybrids that convey the best qualities only in the first generation (the F1 mark is on the seed packaging).

Pelargonium seeds are large, have a rich brown color. New varieties are distinguished by their beautiful shape, varied colors of flowers and leaves.

Plants grown from seeds at home are healthy, viable and more attractive than those obtained from the cuttings. In addition, varietal qualities are lost from generation to generation when grown by cuttings at home. Propagating a flower with seeds is economically viable. They are inexpensive, several dozen plants grow from one sachet.

Good days for sowing and transplanting pelargonium according to the lunar calendar in 2019:

  • March: 1, 2, 9-13, 15, 17-19, 26;
  • April: 1-3, 7-12, 16-18, 25;
  • May: 2, 3, 8-15, 16-18, 25;
  • June: 5-10, 12-15, 23-25;
  • July: 4-9, 11-14, 22-24.

Popular varieties with photos

Among the species that can be grown at home, there are zonal, ivy, royal and fragrant pelargonium.


Zone pelargonium has the largest number of varieties. The name of the species comes from the "zone" - the area on the leaves, painted in a different color. This is a direct herbaceous plant with many leaves and flowers, which are collected in brush-umbrellas. Plants of this species have a strong odor.

Breeders bred undersized varieties. Depending on the number of petals in the flower, they are divided into such groups:

  • terry (more than 8 petals);
  • half-terry (6-8 petals);
  • non-double (5 petals).

April snow

April Snow belongs to the category of pink varieties. This is a small plant with pink flowers.


Pelargonium Fandango is a star species. Flowers of a gentle coral hue have petals with fuzzy, torn edges.


Pelargonium pelargoniums have creeping or drooping shoots up to a meter long. The color and shape of the flowers is diverse.


Such pelargonium is an excellent option for decorating a veranda or a balcony. Inflorescences are painted in dark pink, raspberry and purple shades.


Variety Rhapsody has burgundy flowers with wavy petals. The leaves of this pelargonium are glossy.


Royal pelargoniums are powerful, up to half a meter tall plants. A distinctive feature is large flowers, often corrugated or fringed. Coloring involves stripes or spots. Leaves have sharp teeth.


Angels have a small leaf size and ampelous type of growth. They are less demanding of conditions, tolerate drought well, and grow rapidly.


Fragrant pelargonium is a group of varieties that are famous for their unique flavors. They do not have beautiful flowers, grow up to a meter high. But the smells of plants of this species have many shades. The leaves of such pelargonium exude the aroma of pineapple, apple, verbena, nutmeg, mint, wormwood, and pine needles.

Preparing seeds for sowing

In order to successfully grow pelargonium from seeds at home, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the seed, expiration dates, and the appearance of the seeds. Each of them needs to be cleaned of the leathery shell. Experienced gardeners recommend rubbing the seeds with a knife or sandpaper.

Many firms sell seeds already prepared.

Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in warm water for three hours, and then treated with Epin or Zircon.

Soil preparation

Despite the unpretentiousness of the growing conditions, pelargonium needs good soil. You can use the mixture for indoor plants purchased in the store. For self-preparation of the mixture, you can take peat and perlite in equal proportions or two parts of turf and one peat and sand.

Sowing seeds

When sowing in one container, the distance between the seeds should be at least 5 cm.

There should be a drainage hole in the landing container. Seeds must be laid out on the surface of the soil and sprinkled on top with a thin layer of earth. Then it is worth moistening the crops with a spray bottle and cover with a film. The temperature should be at room temperature, direct sunlight should not fall on plants.

Once a day, the film should be opened for oxygen. After two weeks, the first shoots appear, but the germination process can be delayed for a month.

Seedling Care

After sprouting plants, it is important to monitor moderate soil moisture. Watering can be done with a syringe, pipette or spray gun.

It is necessary to monitor the absence of moisture on the plant to avoid rot. At the first manifestations of the black leg, pelargonium must be treated with an antifungal agent.

In a too warm and dark place, the plant stretches. It is necessary to lower the temperature (gradually) by a couple of degrees and provide additional illumination. Feeding enough conventional fertilizer for flower seedlings.

Open transplant

After the appearance of 2-3 leaves of the plant, you need to dive: carefully, without damaging the root system, transplant into a larger pot. If this is a permanent place of growth, then it is worth choosing a clay container that will protect the roots from overheating or dehydration.

It is important to introduce long-acting fertilizer for pelargonium, so that it blooms in summer - Clean sheet, TerraSol. When planting in open ground per 1 square. 5 plants are placed in a meter. Pelargonium feels great on the windowsill, balcony, in hanging planters.

In open ground, the plant can be kept until the first frost. In regions where the temperature does not drop below zero, pelargonium is left in the flowerbed and covered with film for the duration of the cold snap. Before the onset of frost, crops can be transplanted into pots and brought into the room.

Plant care

In open ground pelargonium should be fed once a month. In containers, this should be done once every two weeks to achieve abundant flowering. Any flower fertilizer is suitable.

The plant does not tolerate transplantation; the level of flowering is reduced. If pelargonium grows in a pot, it is enough to transfer it to the room. To form the correct shape of the crown, pinch the top.

The pot on the windowsill should be regularly rotated by the other side for uniform development.

With obvious unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention, pelargonium is sometimes sick. At elevated temperatures, it ceases to bloom. Excessive watering may cause swelling, or water pads. Yellowing leaves indicates a lack of watering.

Gray mold appears as a result of heavy watering. A good result is the treatment with antifungal agents and the removal of diseased leaves.

Pelargonium is attacked by weevils, whiteflies and aphids. To control pests, any insect repellent is suitable - Actellik, Neoron, Decis.

Pelargonium is a beautiful unpretentious plant. It does not require special conditions, bright, suitable for growing in different climatic conditions. Florists with experience and ordinary amateurs will succeed in growing these plants if they follow the recommendations for planting and caring for pelargonium.
