Pelargonium Knight Salmon - a description of the varieties of the Salmon series


Among the variety of indoor plants among flower growers, flowering varieties are especially popular. An honorable place in this list is occupied by pelargoniums, which the inhabitants are better known under the name "geranium". Breeders have bred many varieties with the most varied color and shape of inflorescences. Thanks to the work of German scientists, a whole group of Salmon varieties has appeared, all of which are so decorative that they definitely deserve attention.

Pelargonium belongs to the Geranium family. Homeland Flower South Africa. The name of the plant comes from the word pelargos, which in Greek means crane. And indeed, after flowering has ended, an overgrown column of pestle resembles a beak of a crane. Outwardly, all varieties are similar and have some common characteristics.

Appearance and features of pelargonium


An adult pelargonium plant is a herbaceous perennial with beautiful pubescent leaves and simple or double flowers collected in inflorescences.

Leaves in shape and color differ depending on the variety. The color of the leaf plate in most varieties is dark or light green. Some new varieties, for example, representatives of the Salmon group, have a darker color of the leaf plate with pronounced veins. Sometimes a brown or burgundy edging runs along the ribbed edge.

Flowers can be simple or double. In all varieties, they are collected in umbrella inflorescences. The color of the petals can be very diverse - from snow-white to maroon.

For reference! In some varieties of pelargonium, 2 colors can be present in coloration at once, usually the middle of the flower is colored in one, and the second is present on the rest of the petals.


Pelargonium has certain characteristics that relate to the cycle of their development and conditions of detention. There are several such moments:

  • All varieties are characterized by long flowering. Sometimes inflorescences appear year-round with small interruptions.
  • These flowers do not need spraying at all and, moreover, they are contraindicated. Due to the pubescence of the leaf plate, moisture is retained on its surface, which can lead to its decay.
  • For full development, a period of rest is necessary. It falls on the winter period and requires compliance with certain conditions of detention at this time.
  • Plants tolerate pruning well, which allows you to form plants and give them a compact and attractive shape.

It is also worth noting that pelargonium can be planted in the ground in the summer. This is very beneficial for the appearance of plants and flowering activity.

Attention! These plants are not afraid of night cooling and are not particularly sensitive to climate change. This is what allows them to grow quietly in the open ground in summer.

Popular varieties of Salmon

Pelargonium PAC Salmon Komtess (PAK Salmon Komtess)

Among the many species and varieties, the pelargonium groups of Salmon deserve special attention. Along with unpretentiousness, they pleasantly surprise the beauty of inflorescences.

Pelargonium Night Salmon F1

Compact zonal pelargonium with simple flowers of a delicate salmon color with a pinkish tinge. The leaves are dark green, with brown veins and a brightened edge. There is a variety of brocade with a dark brown leaf plate.

With proper care, it blooms almost continuously.

Night Salmon F1

Pelargonium PAC Salmon Queen

A distinctive feature of the variety is the spectacular color of the flowers. The petals at the base have a bright salmon hue, which goes peach to the edge. Leaves have a dark brown fringing. With this combination of pelargonium, Park Salmon Queen compares favorably with a spectacular appearance.

Pac salmon queen

Pelargonium PAC Salmon Komtess

The flowers of this variety are terry and rather large, collected in inflorescences. Petals are pink and cream in color.

For reference! It blooms before all other varieties of the Salmon group - in early April.

PAC Salmon Komtess

Pelargonium Priory Salmon

Pelargonium Priori Salmon is notable for a very original form of inflorescences that resemble pompons in shape. This effect is created thanks to the terry colors of a salmon shade with narrow petals.

Despite the high decorativeness, the variety is very unpretentious.

Priory salmon

Pelargonium PAC Salmon Princess

Large inflorescences of this variety consist of terry flowers, the petals of which are cream in color at the edges and pale pink at the base. Thanks to this shape and color, the plant looks very attractive during flowering.

Pac salmon princess

Landing and further care

All representatives of the Salmon group are unpretentious and the same care applies to them as for the other varieties of pelargonium. This implies regular moderate watering and fertilizing from spring to late autumn with a frequency of 2-3 weeks.

Peony Etched Salmon (Paeonia Etched Salmon)

For planting, standard soil is used, which can be purchased at the store, or you can mix garden soil with sand and peat in a ratio of 2/1/1.

Attention! Mandatory is the presence of a drainage layer. Plants do not tolerate waterlogging and stagnation of moisture.

Pruning is done before or after flowering. Peduncles are removed and shoots that are too long are shortened.


Pelargonium Elnaryds Hilda and other varieties of the Elnaruds series

Knight Salmon and other varieties from this group can be propagated by cuttings. For this purpose, parts of shoots that were cut off during pruning are usually used. Cuttings take root quickly and easily.

We also apply the method of dividing the bush, which can be used during transplantation of an adult plant. After extracting from the pot, the root system should be carefully divided and the resulting specimens seated in separate pots.

Propagating by cuttings is simple and quick.

Diseases and Pests

With proper care and compliance with the requirements for the conditions of pelargonium rarely get sick. Most often, problems arise due to improper watering schedules, lack of light or lack of nutrients. If the condition of the flower worsens, care should be analyzed and measures taken.

Attention! If pests are found, treatment should be carried out immediately. It is best to use chemical insecticides right away.

Also, for any diseases and parasite attacks, isolate the infected plant from the rest of the flowers.

Pelargonium Night Salmon (Night Salmon) and the rest of the representatives of this group belong to the lush and unpretentious indoor plants. With proper care, the plant will delight with active growth and prolonged flowering.


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