Venus hair - description and care at home


Venus of hair - so poetically called one of the varieties of fern, widely distributed among flower growers. This plant not only decorates the house with its carved leaves, but also neutralizes pathogenic fungi.

What does venerein hair look like, to which family it belongs

Venus of hair (Adiantum capillus-veneris) is usually attributed to the genus of ferns, the Pteris family. This perennial is characterized by the fact that its leaves are able to repel water.

Adiantum Venus Hair

In appearance, the flower is a herbaceous plant 30-40 cm tall with a thin creeping rhizome and openwork leaves painted in a bluish or bright green color. Leaf blades on a long brown petiole (25 cm long) can be arranged alternately or opposite. The sheets have a strongly dissected plate with many soft segments.

On a note! With good care, the flower can live at home for more than 10 years.

Common varieties

The most popular types of adiantums for keeping in homes:

  • stop-shaped;
  • gentle;
  • small hair;
  • Ruddy
  • beautiful;
  • caudate.

Healing properties

The leaves of the flower are used to prepare powders and syrups that have an expectorant, antipyretic and antimicrobial effect. Tincture is used to treat psoriasis, and with the help of a decoction of adiantum, dandruff is eliminated.

Briefly about the history of the appearance

The distribution area of ​​this fern is considered Brazil and the forests of South America. Wild species in vivo can be found in the Caucasus and Crimea. Home plants are common around the world.

Features of home care

A distinctive feature of the flower is its rapid growth. This is easy to achieve. Venus of hair is a flower that does not place high demands on care.


Akalifa - home care and description

The optimum temperature for good flower growth is + 16 ... +20 ºС. The plant can endure cold snap up to + 10 ºС, but lower temperatures lead to the death of the leaves.

Additional Information. Pot with fern should not be placed near radiators and heaters.


The abundance of the sun negatively affects the growth and condition of the flower. In the wild, ferns are most often found in shady places. At home, windows facing east or north will be suitable conditions for arranging the flower. In rooms facing west, it is better to clean the flowerpot from the windowsill in the depth of the room.

Flower Lighting Venereal Hair


The frequency of watering depends on the season and temperature. On summer days, watering the flower is necessary 3 times a week. It is important to ensure that the soil always remains slightly moist, while stagnation of water should not be allowed.

Important! Full drying of the soil leads to the death of the adiantum.


If the humidity is within normal limits, then the hair does not need to be sprayed with veneres. Additional humidification is necessary only if extreme heat sets in and air humidity is lowered. In this case, you can regularly spray the flower with warm water. Another effective way to control humidity is to place wet stones next to the flower pot.


Ferns adapt well to the conditions in the apartment. They can tolerate a decrease in air humidity of up to 20%, but it is best to maintain this indicator at around 50%. In dry air, the plant needs additional moisture.


Venus of hair belongs to those types of flowers that prefer loose nutrient soils. If you prepare the soil yourself, then mix 2 parts of peat and 1 part of leafy soil. A small amount of sand can be used to improve looseness.

Important! In order to prevent stagnation of water and decay of the roots, a drainage layer is necessarily laid on the bottom of the pot.

Top dressing

During the period of active flower growth (starting from spring), fertilizers are used 2 times a month. Experienced growers recommend alternately adding mineral and organic fertilizing.

Features of winter care, rest period

Portulacaria afra - home care

Starting in October, fern growth slows down, the plant enters a dormant period. At this time, it is important to provide him with rest. Watering venereal hair in the autumn and winter months is necessary once a week. Fertilizers in the soil do not recommend.

When and how it blooms

Alocasia - home care, a description of the varieties Polly and Amazonian

Venus of hair belongs to the class of ferns. Such plants do not have flowers both in the wild and in indoor conditions. Reproduction in them occurs through spores.

Spores of a Venereal Hair Plant



Cut the adiantum only if it is necessary to remove dry, yellowed or rotten leaves. The procedure must be carried out with a sharp tool.

How is venerein hair propagated?

To get a new plant, apply such methods of reproduction:

  • they divide an adult plant into several parts;
  • plant seeds (spores).

They vary in effectiveness and duration, so before you start, you should study both methods.

Spore germination

Before planting, you need to prepare the soil and the spores themselves. The soil is poured into a low wide tank, compacted a little and spilled with boiling water. Do this to eliminate pathogens and bacteria. Spores are placed for a while in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, which increases the resistance of future shoots to negative environmental influences.

Step-by-step instructions for planting adiantum seeds:

  1. Spores are evenly sprinkled in a box. They do not need to be dug, as this will make the germination process longer and reduce the chance of biting.
  2. A film is pulled over the container, due to which the greenhouse effect will be achieved. Once every few days, the film is opened to spray and ventilate the soil.
  3. The seed box is set in a warm and bright place. It may take time for seedlings to appear. In some cases, the sprouts appear after 2 weeks, sometimes it takes more than a month.
  4. After the appearance of the shoots, the film is removed and the container is placed in a well-lit place (not under direct rays).

Strong growing seedlings can be moved to a pot in a permanent place.

Venereal Hair Landing


Bush division

Propagating adiantum fern by dividing the rhizome is best in spring. For this, a lump of land should be removed from the flower pot and thoroughly inspected the rhizome. It is important to check for rot and damage on it. When they are found, the bad parts of the roots are cut with a sharp knife.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the number of growth points. If there are not enough of them on the mother bush, the plant should not be divided. There is a high risk that the flower will not take root.

Immediately after dividing the bush, the roots in the places of cuts must be treated with charcoal. Then all the shares are planted in prepared pots with soil.


It is best to engage in a flower transplant in spring even before a period of active growth has begun. If a young bush is transplanted, then the pot is best taken shallow. For adult plants, in contrast, the flowerpot should be large enough.

Possible problems in growing and disease

With improper care, the flower begins to dry and die. If you notice these changes on time, adjusting the conditions of detention will help restore the plant.

Leaves turn pale

Venus of hair can change the color of leaves. The color changes from bright green to whitish or yellowish. Reasons for such changes:

  • excess light or exposure to direct sunlight;
  • lack of fertilizer;
  • too frequent watering or stagnation of moisture.

The tips dry on the leaves

If the tips of the leaves become dry, this indicates intense heat and lack of moisture. To eliminate the symptoms, you need to spray the plant more often.


Adiantum is relatively rarely exposed to disease and pest attack. Such a feature can be explained by the fact that its leaves have a bactericidal property. Of the insects on the plant, scabies and fern aphids can settle. To eliminate parasites, the flower should be treated with insecticides for indoor plants.

Signs and superstitions

Settling venereal hair is best in the women's bedroom. According to superstition, this fern enhances female energy. However, in any other house or office, it will also have to be in place, since the flower eliminates the negative and gives the inhabitants of the room calm and self-confidence.

The plant looks gorgeous and without flowers


Venerers of hair are not suitable for flower growers who are looking for flowering plants, since fern does not form buds. However, this feature does not affect the beauty of the perennial. An unusual look is provided by carved leaves.
