Transplanting and breeding guzmania at home


This plant is otherwise called gusmania. It got its name in honor of the Spanish zoologist A. Guzman, who discovered it in South America. A flower was found by him in 1802 on a hillside. Now the plant is grown at home. The main feature of the flower is that with proper care it blooms for a long time - 2-3 weeks. The bud looks like a cone; after flowering, it dies.

When is it time to transplant a flower

Planting in a new pot is done only once - after the purchase, in order to create favorable conditions for the growth and development of guzmania and not to bother it anymore. In other cases, only children are transplanted at home for further reproduction.

Types of flowering

Important! It is necessary to transplant the plant carefully by transshipment from the previous place into a new pot. It is important to keep the earthen clod around the roots as much as possible, since the roots of the plant are very thin and fragile.

How to propagate guzmania

Guzmania: plant transplant and home care

Seating a flower can be done after the plant fades. Around the base, lateral sprouts (children) are formed on which a separate root system appears. As soon as the root length has reached 1.5 cm, the sprout must be cut with a very sharp tool and the cut treated with garden varieties or chopped activated carbon. The second variant of reproduction is with the help of seeds.

Root system

Guzmania - Transplant

Monstera - home care, transplantation and reproduction

If necessary, transplant the plant at any time. But it is better to choose for this the spring months of the year so that the plant blooms in summer.

What will happen if the children are not jailed

After the uterine plant has flowered and the children are formed, the death of the main plant begins. You need to wait until it finally dries, and remove it, and the children will take root in the existing pot, if its dimensions are allowed to do so.

The death of the mother plant

Transplant Preparation

In addition to buying a pot, before transplanting, you must carefully process the plant and prepare the soil.

Pot selection

A massive capacity is needed so that the bush does not turn over, because the upper part can become heavier than the lower part over time. The depth of the pot should not be more than 12 cm, and the diameter should be up to 15 cm, that is, a low but wide capacity is needed. The deeper it is, the greater the likelihood of decay of the soil, to which the root system does not reach.

Drainage preparation

Drainage is 1/3 of the entire pot. It serves to absorb excess moisture. For this purpose, you can use expanded clay, coal from wood, polystyrene or a mix of these substances.


It is best to use more coal, it will act as an anti-infectious agent. The rest of the pot filling should consist of chopped moss, peat or an old tree, because this is the natural habitat of the flower.

Plant treatment

When transplanting an adult plant, you need to remove old, dry or spoiled roots and process the places of cuts. The roots of children that are separated from the main plant are best treated with a growth stimulant.

How to transplant guzmania at home

Guzmania - home care, transplantation and reproduction

In order for the transplant to go quickly and without problems, you need to prepare in advance everything that will be necessary:

  • a sharp knife, pre-treated with alcohol;
  • shoulder blade;
  • growth agent;
  • pot.

To transplant an adult plant, it is cleaned of old roots. Then they process and slightly dry the earth. Guzmania is transferred to a new container and fresh soil is added.

Plant transplant

How to transplant children of guzmania:

  1. Carefully separate the children from the main plant with a knife.
  2. Transfer them to paper and allow to dry for one hour.
  3. Pour a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot in the amount of 1/3 of the total volume. Sprinkle on top with a small amount of soil and place a young sprout in the center.
  4. Carefully spread the roots and cover with the rest of the prepared soil until the roots are completely covered.
  5. Tamp, but do not water the soil, but only slightly spray from the spray gun.

Note! The soil cannot be poured so that the roots can get used to the new habitat and do not deteriorate at an early stage.

For best results, children need to be planted in a separate pot filled with soil for orchids. Place it in a warm room and cover with polyethylene to create increased humidity.

Plant care after transplantation

In order for the works to give a result, it is necessary to observe proper care after transplanting guzmania.

Location and content

In winter, spring, the room should be no more than 21 degrees heat, humidity - not lower than 60%. The pot should be placed away from direct rays and a heat source. In summer and autumn, the plant needs a temperature of + 20 ... +25 degrees, humidity - from 65 to 80%. Direct sunlight should not reach guzmania only after lunch. To keep humidity at the right level, place the pot on a stand with moistened moss.

How to water and fertilize

Water should be filtered and at room temperature. Watering is done not on the ground, but inside the plant. If at the same time the liquid remains inside the outlet, it must be drained or wet with a napkin. To prevent decay, in the summer, watering should be done 2 times a day, in the winter 1 time per week is enough.

How to water guzmania

Gusmania does not need fertilizer, since the composition of the soil is already feeding it. But you can make top dressing to continue flowering. Any of the selected products must be dissolved in water.

Note! The dose should be reduced 4 times from what is indicated on the package.


There are 2 ways to breed a flower - by seeds and by separating processes. The plant lives up to 3 years, and when buying an adult plant you need to be prepared for the fact that it will soon wither. During this time, it will be necessary to propagate guzmania with the help of children. Breeding with seeds is more painstaking work.


To achieve the flowering of a new plant and further propagation, pay attention to possible errors:

  • The plant does not bloom. If the children do not form a flower at home after transplantation, it means that there is not enough light for it and the room is not humid enough.
  • Decay. To correct the situation, you need to reduce the frequency and abundance of irrigation.
  • The death of children. Immediately after transplanting, the flower may wither and dry. It is necessary to check the temperature in the room, it must meet the above criteria.
  • Guzmania quickly fades. The reason - when watering, moisture remained on the petals. Solution to the problem - during flowering, you need to water the soil.
  • Escape is slowly growing. It depends on the quality of the water. It should be warm and filtered.
  • The disease. They can occur only if the sections were not processed during transplantation.
  • Drying out the plants. This occurs if the root has not yet been formed during transplantation.
  • The tips of the leaves are dry. This is a sign of increased dryness of the air in the room. After transplanting children, they need to be sprayed more often.

The tips of the leaves dry on the flower


These are the most important guidelines for caring for guzmania. To avoid diseases and death of the flower, they must be observed very carefully. Otherwise, you will have to grow the plant again until you get the expected result.
