Chubushnik pruning - anti-aging, shaping


Chubushnik (garden jasmine) is a shrub with abundant flowering with small white flowers. After transplantation, he begins to please the eye with an active vegetative period after 2.5-3 years. Flowering occurs in late May - early June. Cutting of mock up after flowering and before the dormant period is necessary to give the bush a shape and the formation of new shoots.

The need for timely trimming

The bush is sensitive to temperature changes. He loves warmth, so during harsh winters he can freeze if poorly insulated. This is expressed in the death of the processes, which is why they are removed during the first pruning after winter. Sometimes this has to be done almost completely, with the exception of a few shoots.

Jasmine Bush Pruning Process

The task of cutting a mocker depends on the type of haircut:

  • sanitary;
  • anti-aging;
  • formative.

Each of these procedures pursues its own goals, and therefore has different deadlines. The first is carried out at least once a year, in the spring, but can be repeated in the summer and autumn. Forming haircut is required depending on the growth rate of new shoots and is carried out once every 1-3 years. The rejuvenating procedure involves the complete replacement of all shoots sequentially, in 2 stages.

If you do not trim the mock-up, then the new shoots grow in different directions, the old branches dry. From the remaining living sprouts, up to hundreds of new ones are formed.

Interesting! A plant loves light. To ensure its penetration into the middle, you need to free up space.

The formation of mock-up is required due to the fact that it grows rapidly. If you promptly shorten the formed shoots, then the bush will be magnificent. Depending on the type of pruning, the shrub is reduced in size for the purpose of rejuvenation. This type of procedure is required once every several years.

Shoot pruning principle

When to Cut Jasmine

The question of how to form a mock nut is of interest to gardeners several times a year. The first procedure is carried out almost immediately after transplantation. Immediately indicate the form of growth of the bush, remove damaged and non-viable shoots, inspect for improper growth. Pruning is carried out to a level where 2-3 strong shoots remain without signs of damage.

Thuja hedge - pruning and shaping

It is recommended to rejuvenate shoots either before the sap flow begins, or before wintering. Thin out and form shoots optimally after flowering, in the summer.

It's important to know! The first pruning is carried out at any time of the year, in spring or autumn, depending on the time of planting.

The procedure is carried out with a sharp instrument, enough secateurs. The slice is carried out at an angle of 45 degrees, the place is treated with garden var. Due to this, the risk of damage by fungus and other pests is locally excluded.

Do I need to trim the mocker in spring

The first mowing of the mock-up is carried out in the early spring. The optimal time is right after the snow has melted, while the buds have not yet swollen. Spring pruning is carried out in mid-March, but in terms of time it can be moved up to the flowering period. This procedure is called sanitary.

At this stage, the removal of processes older than 10 years, as well as those that thicken the bush. Thanks to this, the shoots received this year will bloom next year. When the plant is 2-3 years old, cut off all the shoots that are able to obscure the crown.

In the spring they also carry out sanitary pruning, removing all dead and dry shoots. If the stem is sick or partially dry, then it is cut to the level of a healthy (live) shoot.

On a note! The optimal place for the cut is at the mouth of the leaf, where the sleeping kidneys are located. If an incision is made at the level of the upper leaf, under the flower buds, then the plant will not have time to bloom and die to the level of the next knee.

Having noticed that the plant does not tolerate wintering well, thinning of the stems should be carried out not in the summer, but in the spring. Then, until the fall, jasmine will have time to regain strength.

In spring, the tops of the branches are not removed so as not to cross flowering. If the owner believes that the bush is too tall, then shortening should occur in the summer, after an active period.

Shrub pruning sequence

Summer pruning

Chubushnik blooms until mid-summer. Then the elements begin to gradually fade, which gives the bush a sloppy appearance. The question arises when the mocker has bloomed, what to do next?

After an active vegetative period, pruning is performed in the summer in order to remove wilted flowers. This is necessary to preserve the decorative shrub. How to prune mock up after flowering? The procedure is slightly different from the standard. All wilted elements are removed using a secateurs, in this case, it is not necessary to treat the cut points with an antiseptic.

Note! There is a pattern: the longer the shoot bloomed, the less it will grow in length. Every 6-7 years, you need to eliminate it. In summer, young shoots are removed at the base of the bush, but they always leave lateral shoots.

During this period, a second sanitization is done. Do not forget about forming pruning. A similar haircut is carried out throughout the year.

Autumn pruning

In autumn, the plant falls into a dormant period. At this time, cutting the shoots is not prohibited. Before winter, the procedure has other goals:

  • rejuvenation of the bush;
  • thinning of the crown;
  • health improvement;
  • shaping.

Which branches are pruned

The more years a bush, the more old shoots in it. Over the years, the number of flowers decreases, the shoots stick out in different directions, spoil the external properties of the bush. Sprouts formed over the summer leave, only if necessary, remove the extra length. Old shoots cut off almost everything, leave 3-4. The next year, when new sprouts form, the remaining old ones are cut out.

The central part of the shrub often lacks light. Because of this, garden jasmine begins to form fewer buds.

It's important to know! If the plant consists of a large number of large and small shoots, then all the nutrients that it receives throughout the year are spent on their growth. Trace elements are not enough for copious flowering.

Garden jasmine builds green mass unevenly. Therefore, it is necessary to remove shoots densely formed on one side in a timely manner. You must have time to carry out the autumn haircut before the thermometer column drops to 2-4 ℃ above zero so that the stem does not have time to freeze.

Forming Cut

This type of pruning is carried out in the summer, after flowering. By nature, the bush forms a spherical shape. Therefore, pruning is carried out according to this template throughout the year. The formation of the bush is carried out when the plant is older than 5 years.

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Correction of the appearance of the plant is required in several cases:

  • if the shoots grow quickly;
  • the bush loses its regular shape;
  • the crown is thick.

Additional Information! The answer to the question, is it possible to mow the mock up with the aim of forming a bush, if the bush does not tend to grow quickly, rather a negative. In this case, the forming pruning is carried out no more often than every 3-4 years.

How to form a garden mock up? To correctly conduct the formation of the bush, you need to follow the scheme of actions:

  1. Elongated shoots cut in half.
  2. Old shoots thickening the bush are cut to ground level.
  3. The number of fast-growing processes is halved.

Care after shrubs

Chubushnik Shneysturm - description, landing and care

After resolving the issue of how to trim the mock up with a sanitary, anti-aging or formative goal, you need to properly care for the shoots. The plant needs regular watering. If precipitation is insufficient, water is introduced into the basal part. From the end of spring to the end of summer, it is enough to make 10 liters of liquid once a week. If the weather is dry, then watering is doubled twice.

In addition to moisture, the mock-up needs feeding. Complex fertilizers for garden crops are suitable for him. In spring, jasmine needs fertilizer with a high content of potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus. Thanks to this, the plant will please with abundant flowering. In addition, a solution of mullein or chicken droppings is added 2 times a year.

What does a jasmine bush look like after a haircut

After flowering and pruning in the fall, the plant is fertilized with a complex mineral fertilizer. The absorption of nutrients occurs by roots and leaves, so the type of application of top-dressing foliar. The bush is fertilized by spraying. Mineral substances to the bush are served as a mixture of potassium sulfide, phosphates and urea.

Note! A year after the planting of jasmine, organic fertilizers begin to be applied. The most useful environment for shrubs is ash diluted in water. Organic substances should be alternated with the mineral type of substances. Pure manure in the root zone can not be entered so as not to earn a burn.

Jasmine bush before and after shearing


When providing plant care, it must be remembered that the need for additional substances depends on the initial soil composition. Jasmine grows best in loamy, fertile soil. This should be a site located in a high place so that water does not stagnate. Jasmine does not like excess moisture, which is why watering should be moderate.

If at the planting site soil with high acidity, then it is extinguished by the application of lime. The remaining deficiencies are corrected using appropriate substances.
