Pelargonium pelargonium - how to care for geraniums


Pelargonium rosacea is a group of hybrid varieties of room geranium, characterized by lush flowers resembling roses. These species are harder to grow than classic ones. To achieve their flowering, it is important to observe special conditions of detention.

Pelargonium Pelargonium - Botanical Description and Classification

Pelargonium came to Europe from Africa thanks to travelers and colonizers. According to the description, it belongs to the Geranium family. Various varieties of plants are adapted for growing indoors and outdoors.

Pelargonium reticulum

Due to the variety of flower varieties, as well as many hybrid varieties, there is currently no clear classification. Most often, these types of pelargonium are distinguished:

  • zonal;
  • soft or ampelous;
  • royal;
  • Angels
  • unique ones;
  • fragrant.

Rosacea geranium, also called Rosaceae, arose due to an accidental mutation in the 18th century. Subsequent breeding work was carried out purposefully, as a result of which a huge variety of varieties of pink pelargonium were bred.

Varieties of indoor plants

How to care for ampel geraniums at home

Geranium varieties are distinguished by splendor of flowering and a wide palette of colors. Not only flowers, but also leaf plates of some varieties can have a decorative look.

A huge number of pelargonium rosebounds

  • Rose of amsterdam

"Rose of Amsterdam" is one of the miniature fast-growing varieties. Terry inflorescences are painted in white and pink shades. With age, plant buds become more vibrant.

  • Suprim

"Rosebud Supreme" is distinguished by rich raspberry bushy flowers with a white underside of the petals. Under proper conditions, flowering can continue year-round.

For reference! Supreme is characteristic later, in comparison with similar varieties, the entry into the flowering season.

  • Apple blossom

"Apple Blossom Rosebud" is one of the oldest varieties of pelargonium. It has, as the name suggests, a delicate color of the color of a green apple with a rich pink fringing.

The variety is quite whimsical, requires shading, frequent fertilizer and pruning.

  • Vectis

"Vectis Rosebud" - a miniature zonal variety with large wine-red buds and a light inside of the petals. Lush disheveled inflorescences hold for a long time. Leaves are dark green.

  • Red Pelargonium "Rosebud Red"

Pelargonium Rosebud Red with rich red flowers. Inflorescences are densely packed; they form almost continuously throughout the year. It does not require molding.

  • Beverly park

Pelargonium with terry, apricot-colored buds with a lighter, almost white edging. Leaf blades are green, darkening towards the center.

For reference! Beverly Park - suitable for those who prefer a custom red gamut.

  • Princess mary

Compact early flowering variety. The leaves are uniformly green. The inflorescences are dense, painted in a greenish-white color. As they bloom, the petals turn pink.

  • Rushmoor golden rosebud

Rashmur golden is distinguished by bright pink, not too densely packed flowers. The leaf plates are light, golden green in color.

Home Care for Pelargonium Pelargonium

Varieties of geraniums - what lemon and field geraniums look like

Pink geraniums require special treatment, care should be taken, observing certain rules. Adhering to them, you can achieve long magnificent flowering.

Watering should be regular and moderate

Illumination and temperature

Pelargonium pelvicum well tolerates bright sunlight and partial shade. In a personal plot, it can be planted on an alpine hill, placed in a hanging planter or set a flowerpot in the shade of trees.

Note! With a deficit of lighting, the geranium foliage is highlighted and may fall, the stems are elongated, flowering is delayed or does not occur at all.

The flower does not tolerate heat too well. Maximum permissible temperature 28 ° C. Otherwise, the plant will become sluggish, and the flowers will crumble earlier than expected.

Watering rules and humidity

Pelargonium bushes should be watered moderately. A flower tolerates drought much easier than excessive moisture and stagnation of water.

The plant almost does not respond to lower levels of humidity in the room. In rare cases, drying of the edges of the leaves may be observed.

Spraying pelargonium is not desirable. The accumulation of moisture on the fleecy leaves can cause them to rot. Humidify the air using a tray with pebbles and water.

Top dressing and soil quality

When caring for home-grown geranium soil, you can buy it in specialized stores or mix it yourself. Taking a universal soil mixture, perlite and sand can be mixed with it to achieve better air permeability.

Self-preparation of the soil involves the following proportions of the components:

  • peat - 2 parts;
  • soddy soil - 4 parts;
  • river sand and perlite - 1 part each;
  • humus - 2 parts.

It is recommended to feed the flower from the end of February. The application of nitrogen-containing fertilizers will allow the bush to gain green mass. Closer to the onset of the flowering period, potassium and phosphorus are added to top dressing.

Pelargonium rosebug requires nutrition

Flower Tank Size

The pots for pink geraniums are selected small, from unglazed ceramics. Soil in such a container will be better to dry, and the roots receive enough air.

Pruning and transplanting

Pruning pelargonium is carried out twice a year. In autumn, old shoots that have dropped leaves are cut off, elongated stems are made shorter by no less than a third. In spring, only careful pinching is carried out, otherwise the plant may not bloom on time.

The transplant is carried out as the bush grows, but at least 1 time in 2 years. You can understand that a change of cache-pot is required by the roots knocking out through the drainage holes.

Also, a transplant can be carried out for the purpose of reproduction, separating independent young bushes. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the spring.

Features of flowering plants

Caring for ampelous geraniums or pelargonium sympathetic: diseases and pests

Without its luxurious inflorescences, geranium looks unattractive. You can achieve abundant flowering from it by providing suitable conditions.

Usually, the flowering time of pelargonium occurs in the spring-summer. Only the plant for which the optimal lighting mode has been created will bloom with the onset of the autumn-winter period. When kept on a southern or western window, inflorescences may not leave the bush throughout the summer. But it is worth considering that without proper rest, they will gradually become smaller, become less lush and vibrant.

In appearance, the inflorescences and the flowers of rosebud geraniums themselves may differ depending on what varieties and species were used to breed this particular plant. The buds of some hybrids are very dense and look like roses, as in the red roseous pelargonium. In other varieties, the buds may be more disheveled and loose.

Flower propagation methods

Rose geranium propagates as well as any other variety. Most often, two methods are used: cuttings and sowing seeds.

Cuttings can be immediately planted in the ground

Propagation by cuttings

This method can be used at any time of the year. For germination, lateral processes with 2-3 leaves are cut from the bush.

A cut of the handle is dipped in crushed activated carbon and placed in a shaded place for several hours. After this procedure, the stalk can be placed in water to germinate the roots.

Seed propagation

Propagation of geranium by sowing seed material is a rather laborious process. But in this case, you can get a lot of young viable plants.

Seeds are planted at a distance of 5 cm from each other, having stood in a growth stimulator. A greenhouse is built above the crops, put on a lighted window sill, after which ventilation and irrigation are regularly carried out.

Additional Information!To accelerate the appearance of sprouts, seeds can be rubbed on sandpaper.

Growing problems, diseases and pests

Geranium can look unhealthy for several main reasons, which are listed below. To protect the flower resort to its regular inspection:

  • Yellowing leaves indicates excessive dryness of the air in the room and lack of lighting. You can cope with the problem by rearranging the cache-pot with geraniums in a suitable place.
  • The lethargy of leaves and stems means an excess of moisture at the roots of the plant. In such a situation, it is important to adjust the watering.
  • Rosette flowers dry and wither when a plant is affected by a fungal infection. Twice treatment of the bush with Fitosporin with a weekly interval can help.
  • When a bacterial disease occurs, the leaves of the geranium are covered with brown spots. The solution is an emergency transplant into disinfected soil, treatment with fungicides and regulation of the irrigation regime.
  • Although the plant repels most insect pests, it can be killed by aphids or whiteflies. Get rid of them using appropriate insecticides.

Pink geranium blooms very luxuriantly


With proper care, the grower will not have to face problems when growing pelargonium.

The beauty of the flowers of rose-shaped geraniums, similar to miniature, almost toy roses, is unique. The view of the lush inflorescences of the pink pelargonium justifies and covers all the efforts that were made to grow the plant in a house or apartment.
