Violet Fairy - description and characteristics of the variety


Fairy violet is one of the varieties of culture, which is distinguished by its delicate color and shape of flowers. Despite the fact that there are many varieties, it stands out from the rest. But for this Uzumbar violet to bloom steadily and fully develop, it is necessary to study the basic rules of care and maintenance, as well as to familiarize yourself with what problems you will encounter.

What does Violet Fairy look like?

This plant, like other species, has its own characteristic differences. But, according to experienced gardeners, Saint Fairy is suitable for anyone who wants to create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth in the house.

Violet Fairy (T. L. Dadoyan)

Fairy, like other varieties of Uzumbar violets, is a perennial herbaceous crop with creeping rhizome. The plant forms an even, compact rosette of basal leaves. Its height reaches 15 cm.

The main stem is short, 1.5-2 cm in diameter. The leaves of the Saint Fairy are straight, regular in shape, quilted. The surface of the plates is glossy, along the edge they are slightly wavy.

Violet Fairy is one of the representatives of the Gesneriaceae family. Her close relatives are such plants:

  • gloxinia;
  • koleriya;
  • eskhinantus;
  • synningia;
  • gesneria.

For reference! In botanical directories, the plant can be found under the name saintpaulia fairy.

Fairy variety stands out with its flowers

Briefly about the history of the appearance

This variety was officially announced in 2012, when it was first presented at an exhibition in Moscow. The presentation of the new variety was made by Russian breeder Tatyana Lvovna Dadoyan.

Initially, she was engaged in the breeding of new species at the amateur level. But when I heard the opinion that all the possible options in the selection had already been tried, I decided to prove the opposite.

As a result of her work, not only the Fairy variety was obtained, but also 10 others. They all differ in incredible shades of colors and a beautiful appearance of the outlet.

Features of the care of violet Fairy Dadoyan at home

Despite the fact that the care for uzambar violets is the same, the Fairy requires certain rules to be observed when growing. They are best studied in advance so that subsequently there are no problems in growing this variety of senpolia.


Violet Radiant bell - variety description

The description says that for the full growth and flowering of the Fairy, the temperature of the content must be in the range of 16-23 degrees. At the same time, sudden changes should not be allowed.

At a temperature of +15 degrees, the growth of violets completely stops. With a further decrease in the tissues of the plant, irreversible changes occur. Fairy and fever are poorly tolerated. If the content mode is higher than the maximum allowable mark, the general appearance of the plant becomes dejected, the violet stops blooming, the leaves may turn yellow.


The fairy needs good lighting, since not only her growth, but also the color of the flowers depends on it. Experienced growers recommend placing this variety on the eastern, western and northern windows, but at the same time exclude direct sunlight.

Advice! Fairy can be successfully grown on shelves with artificial lighting.


Watering should be carried out as the top layer of the soil dries. To do this, use settled water at room temperature.

Humidification can be carried out in the following ways:

  • purely in the pan, pouring several times so that the substrate can be saturated with water;
  • lowering the pot into another container with water for 15-20 minutes;
  • directly under the root with a watering can.

Important! The use of cold water for irrigation causes rotting of the root system.

When watering, it is important that water does not fall on the leaves


Fairy's leaves, like other types of violets, are slightly pubescent. Therefore, spraying the plant is not recommended unless there is an urgent need. When moisture gets on the leaves, ugly yellow spots appear, which negatively affects the general appearance of the outlet.


A favorable humidity level for the growth of Violet Fairy Dadoyan is in the range of 50-60%. If the value is below this mark, then it is recommended to place additional containers with water near the pot.


Fairy prefers a substrate with high acidity, the basis of which is peat. It is important that the soil is loose, moisture- and breathable.

Important! When planting in heavy clay soil, this violet may die.

Top dressing

Fairy needs regular feeding. During the period of active growth of leaves and rosettes, it is necessary to use fertilizers with a high nitrogen content, and during the formation of buds and flowering - phosphorus-potash.

Top dressing from March to the end of September should be carried out every 10 days, and in the rest of the year 1 time in 2-3 weeks.

When and how it blooms

Fairy refers to a bunch of plant species. During flowering, it forms a hat of flowers in the center of the rosette, which confidently towers above the leaves.

Domestic violet bullfight - flower description

Fairy's hue of flowers is white with a pink tint in the center and a fuchsian openwork border. But depending on the lighting, it can change. Most often, the bud during opening has a white tint, and bright colors are added only with time. In some cases, when there is a lack of light, the flowers open with dark purple.

Important! The Fairy variety is considered unstable and therefore often gives violet-sport, that is, when propagated, it is not possible to breed a plant with the characteristics of a mother bush.

Flowers of this variety can be of various shapes. During the first flowering, they consist of 5 serrated petals, while the lower one is much wider than the rest, and the side ones are directed downward.

As the rosette grows, the flowers at the Fairy become terry. In their form, they are very similar to the Actress variety.

In the presence of favorable conditions, this violet can bloom year-round. But most often, due to lack of light, only from March to October.

In the case of hot summers, Fairy flowering stops until the temperature drops to the required level.

Sometimes the shape of the flowers in the Fairy may resemble

Changes in flowering care

During flowering Fairy can not be rearranged to a new place.

Also during this period it is necessary to water the plant more often and make sure that there are no drafts.

How does Saintpaulia Fairy breed?

Description of the flower variety violet Duchess of luxury

This variety propagates by leafy cuttings. They must be cut from the second or third tier of the outlet at an oblique angle. After this, the stalk needs to be dried (2 hours), and then planted in separate cups filled with earth. Cuttings should be buried in the soil by 3 cm.

In the future, at the base there will be small baby sockets. During this time, the cuttings should be regularly watered and monitored so that the substrate does not dry out in the container. Rooting occurs after 3-4 weeks, and young plants appear 2-3 months after that.

Transplant after purchase and during reproduction

Transplanting the Fairy is necessary as the outlet grows. To do this, you can buy the substrate in the store or prepare it yourself.

The soil mixture should consist of:

  • 2 parts of turf;
  • 1 part peat;
  • 2 parts of leafy soil;
  • 1 part coniferous litter;
  • 1 part vermiculite.

The pot for planting also matters, its diameter should be 2 cm larger than the previous one. It is important that drainage holes are made in the bottom, which eliminates stagnation of moisture.

Important! When transplanting to the bottom of the pot, you need to lay pebbles with a layer of 1 cm. Then sprinkle it with a layer of earth. The field of this take out the violet without disturbing the earthen lump. Center it, and fill the resulting voids with earth. You need to deepen the plant to the first leaves. After that, the violet must be watered.

Possible problems in growing

Saintpaulia Fairy requires special attention. However, she does not respond well to any errors in care. As a result, plant immunity is reduced.

Leaf problems

The appearance of yellow spots on the leaves may be due to 2 reasons. In the first case, water during irrigation fell on them, and in the second, burns appeared under the influence of direct sunlight.

Important! To correct the situation, it is necessary to adjust the conditions of detention.


Fairy can suffer from pests. In this case, the growth and development of the plant will be slowed down. In addition, the violet will not be able to fully bloom until the problem is completely eliminated.

Main Fairy Pests:

  • Spider mite. You can recognize the defeat by the slow growth of the central part of the outlet. In addition, the leaves are covered with a light yellowish bloom, and subsequently a thin cobweb. To destroy the pest, it is necessary to spray the violet twice with a frequency of 7 days with “Actellik” or “Fitoverm”.
  • Thrips. Small harmful insects that feed on leaf juice. As a result, the plates are deformed, and their edges are tucked down. To combat thrips, it is recommended to use Inta-Vir or Spark.


A fairy can also suffer from various diseases. The most common ones are:

  • Powdery Mildew It manifests itself as a white coating on the leaves, which subsequently acquires a brown hue. As a result, the process of photosynthesis is disrupted. The leaves eventually fade completely. For treatment it is recommended to use: "Topaz", "Skor".
  • Root rot. It develops as a result of stagnation of moisture in combination with a low temperature of content. You can recognize the disease by the loss of turgor in the leaves, which indicates malnutrition. You can save the plant if you timely root the top of the outlet or leafy cuttings.

Signs of improper care

When growing Fairy violets, the basic culture requirements must be observed. Otherwise, lush flowering will not come.

Common signs of errors in care:

  • depressed view of the outlet;
  • the buds dry out without opening;
  • sluggish leaves;
  • the surface of the plates is not shiny;
  • slow growth or its complete absence;
  • deformed sheet plates.

Violet Fairy is an unusual variety that, when properly cultivated, amazes with the beauty of its flowers. But in order to achieve such a result, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the rules of care. Otherwise, flowering may never come or it will be very scarce, and a lover of indoor plants will not understand why this happens.
