Dollar tree or Zamioculcas - celibacy flower


There are many plants shrouded in myths, legends and folk signs. Florists are pretty superstitious people, so most of them listen carefully to such things. However, these "tales" and "tales" are not always true. It is known that for some reason many people do not like the completely harmless flower Zamioculcas. There are several interesting reasons for this dislike.

Name Features

Zamioculcas is a beautiful evergreen plant that attracts attention with brilliant light green leaves with a pleasant to the touch velvety surface. Perhaps because of the hard-to-pronounce the name of the flower, amateur flower growers have come up with a large number of other, simpler and more sonorous names, for example:

Zamiokulkas is known to all Russian flower growers

  • dollar tree (not to be confused with the "money tree" - fatty, or krasul);
  • currency tree;
  • "woman's happiness";
  • "celibacy flower" or "old virgin flower".

The plant is very popular among Russian lovers of indoor floriculture for its unpretentiousness and long life expectancy. It does not need to be watered abundantly.

The "dollar tree" has many other popular names, quite original

What does a dollar tree look like?

How to propagate a dollar tree at home

Knowing a dollar tree is not at all difficult. Zamioculcas is easy to distinguish from other plants by characteristic signs:

  • A large number of thinner shoots depart from the powerful, well-developed trunk;
  • Each branch from the base to the top is strewn with small oval-shaped leaves of light green color;
  • The trunk is strong, solid, with a slight thickening in the lower part;
  • Shoots actively stretch upward, forming a magnificent crown.

There are several varieties of zamioculcas. Each of them has its own scientific name and characteristic features. The prettiest look looks most beautiful.

How the dollar tree blooms

Unlike leaves, Zamioculcus flowers are quite invisible and do not represent aesthetic value. They are narrow arrows with a cob in a green "wrapper" resembling corn. The color of the inflorescences may vary. The following colors are considered the most common:

  • White;
  • Cream;
  • Light yellow;
  • Beige.
How to transplant a dollar tree: the choice of soil and pot

Flowering in natural habitats does not differ in duration. This phenomenon is extremely rare, but quite possible.

Interesting. Zamioculcas blooms very rarely in an apartment; these are almost isolated cases. However, botanists know that the flowers of the plant have a very peculiar shape. Perhaps it was because of this form that the people formed a belief that this harmless bush pushes all the stronger sex out of the house.

Types of Dollar Tree

Bread tree - where it grows and why it is called

Caring for a dollar tree is easy. However, its different types require a different approach. Some varieties need more intensive watering, some - better tolerate drought. The same goes for top dressing. The following varieties are considered the most unpretentious:

  • The black;
  • Equal to
  • Variegated;
  • Zamifolia.

These species have good immunity to diseases, pests and parasites.

Zamioculcas black

This is a small, compact dollar tree. Sometimes this species is called Black. Its height at home does not exceed 1.5 m. The young flower has light green leaves, over time they begin to darken and acquire a dark color. Because of this, this species got its name. The birthplace of Zamioculcus black is Madagascar. In domestic flower shops, it is almost never found, so it is not easy to plant it. Proper maintenance is timely watering and pruning.


This variety is more common in Russia than Zamioculcas black. Zenzy zamioculcas is unpretentious and easily adapts to any conditions, this is a real long-lived plant. Domestic florists love this view for its compact crown shape and the spectacular appearance of dark green, emerald openwork leaves. He cannot bloom at home.


Zamifolia zamioculcas blooms at home somewhat more often than other species. However, to increase the likelihood of flowering, it is necessary to pay great attention to the plant: regularly feed and prevent the soil from drying out (or waterlogging). This variety comes from Africa. Florists love Zamifolia for a spreading crown and a cascade of elegant elongated leaves.

Zamifolia does not like wind and drafts


Raven (or “Crow”) zamioculcas has a sprawling, lush crown and needs regular pruning for its proper formation. Pruning should only be done with protective gloves so that the milky juice from the damaged parts of the flower does not cause skin burns. The color of the leaves is very dark, saturated, their shape is oblong.

Zamioculcas variegate

With proper care, the height of the adult specimen at home can reach 1.5 m. The leaves are oval, light green, with slightly pointed ends, on the branches are arranged in groups of several pieces. The plant loves good lighting and does not tolerate shade, partial shade.


This is a fairly rare type of dollar flower. It got its name due to the fact that it looks a bit like a zame - a rare plant from America. The leaf cuttings are thick and have the ability to accumulate moisture, so the plant tolerates even prolonged drought. This species has the most powerful root system, it also has an amazing ability to absorb and accumulate moisture.

Zamielistny zamiokulkas loves fertile soil and always responds well to mineral fertilizing. With a deficiency of fertilizers, the flower begins to develop worse. One of the main disadvantages of this variety is its very slow growth. Because of this, gardeners often prefer other types of dollar tree. The amygelous species often turns yellow leaves, usually due to an excess of moisture, but there may be other reasons (poor soil, low temperature in the apartment, death of the root system). Take care of this species very carefully.

Dollar tree in the house: signs and superstitions

A dollar or currency tree is a plant overgrown with myths, legends and superstitions. The following are the most common ones:

  • The plant drives out of the apartment all the representatives of the stronger sex (a similar superstition is associated with the Phalaenopsis orchid);
  • If the leaves of Zamioculcas start to fall, this portends a large financial loss (for example, theft or loss);
  • A healthy, strong flower, even if it cannot bloom, attracts financial well-being, happiness and good fortune to the house;
  • Zamioculcas helps unmarried girls find and retain a suitable partner.

Is it worth believing these signs, each grower makes his own decision. However, to date, none of the above signs has been proven by science. Most likely, the origin of most superstitions is associated with the unusual appearance of Zamioculcus.

At the same time, scientists have proven that this flower cleans the air well and, despite the toxicity of the juice, does not poison the atmosphere when grown at home. These beneficial properties speak for themselves. Owners of ornamental plants stores claim that various types of zamioculcas are stably in high demand among customers.

Many superstitions are associated with the flower; not all of them should be trusted.

Why Zamioculcas is called the celibacy flower

In many countries, Zamioculcas is considered to be a celibate flower. The main reason is the peculiar form of its flowers. However, you should not believe this sign, if only because the plant has another, directly opposite, popular name - "female happiness." Supporters of the second name believe that the plant, on the contrary, attracts love to the house and helps young girls successfully marry.

A large number of signs associated with material well-being. It is believed that the appearance on the dollar tree of a new leaf of pale green color (and this happens quite often) attracts luck in money. Proponents of this sign argue that after the appearance of a fresh leaf, you should expect a major win in the lottery, receive an increase in salary or bonus in rubles (dollars). However, with poor care, new leaves appear rather rarely due to the slow growth rate of the flower, so it is quite difficult to verify this hypothesis at home.

Interestingly, Zamioculcas is considered to be a "dollar" tree. Perhaps due to the light green color of the leaves of most varieties. Another variant of the money tree, the Crassula (Crassula), on the contrary, is called "ruble", for the similarity of small thick leaves with shiny coins. Both species are very popular with Russian flower growers, and both are unpretentious. However, carrying out the correct pruning of zamioculcas is much easier.

Zamioculcas poisonous or not

It is impossible to call a plant poisonous in the literal sense of the word, in itself it does not pose any danger to the health and life of people. However, with mechanical damage to the trunk and branches (for example, during pruning, transplanting or reproduction), milky juice begins to stand out from the “scar”. It has an irritating effect on the skin and mucous membranes of a person. The most characteristic symptoms of the lesion are:

  • Tingling sensation;
  • Redness;
  • Itching
  • Burning.

Typically, these symptoms quickly disappear after the termination of skin contact with the flower. However, in children and adults prone to allergies, contact with the poisonous juice of the plant can cause eczema or hives, in severe cases, Quincke's edema may occur, requiring immediate medical attention.

Poison juice is especially dangerous for children under three years of age. However, there is a plus in the poisonousness of a flower: zamioculcas is very rarely affected by pests and parasites. To minimize the release of toxic juice during pruning, carry out the procedure with sharpened scissors or a special secateurs. Fresh slices must be sprinkled with powdered charcoal, so they will heal faster and harmful juice will not stand out.

Attention! If it gets into the eyes, the poisonous juice of a dollar tree can cause severe burns to the mucous membrane, as well as profuse lacrimation and redness of the eyelids. If such a nuisance did occur, rinse your eyes urgently with clean water and in no case rub them, so as not to aggravate the situation.

Zamioculcas juice can cause burns


Is it possible to keep at home

Zamioculcas houseplant has both loyal fans and desperate haters. It would be wiser to stick to the "golden mean." This flower is one of many indoor plants common in Russia. If the grower is not embarrassed by the slow growth and lack of flowers, you can safely plant a gentle-green dollar tree on the windowsill. There will definitely not be any harm from it, only the improvement of indoor air.

There is nothing wrong with keeping Zamiokulkas’s house


In the 21st century there are hardly any people who blindly believe in signs. However, it is still worth it to be wary of the dollar tree, the main thing is to understand why. The reason is not “a bad influence on men in the house”, but the poisonous properties of a flower in a pot confirmed by science. A dollar tree is perfect for decorating offices and lounges. However, not everyone is recommended to keep it at home. If at home there are small children and pets, it is better to plant another, more harmless flower in the interior.



Watch the video: Замиокулькас. Долларовое дерево уход в домашних условиях (October 2024).