Freesia flower - growing and gardening


Freesia or freesia (freesia) - herbaceous perennial plant of the family of the iris. Its wild ancestors grow in South Africa, on the territory of the Cape Territory. At home, the flower forms thickets on tropical moist soils among shrubs. Thanks to the descriptions of the German physician Friedrich Frieze in the 19th century, the flower became known in Europe, and the plant was named after him.

Plant description

Freesia is a flower that smells wonderful and is used to create high-end perfumes. Depending on the variety, it may smell like wood freshness, lily of the valley, peony or citrus notes. The "porcelain" design of the petals gives the flower an amazing tenderness. Most likely, it was the form that inspired the creators of the fixtures to give their brand the name Freesia Light.

What is a plant

Freesia flowers

The flowers of this African beauty are narrow-crowned, with smooth or double petals. Their color can be lilac, yellow, orange. Despite a significant number of varieties, there are common features for all of them:

  • inflorescences are unilateral, slightly expanded at the base;
  • leaves are strap-shaped, coming from the root;
  • stem from 20 cm to 1 meter;
  • smooth, branched stem;
  • the fruit is a box.

In a bouquet, freesia flowers look wonderful for 10 days, so the plant is very popular with florists as a cut crop. White freesia is used in wedding floristry. Brides often include her in a floral arrangement for a wedding ceremony.

Important! Neat, bright buds conquered many gardeners and designers. If you properly care for the plant, then it will delight its owners for a long time on the windowsill and flowerbed.

Of the known 20 types of freesia for breeding, only three are relevant:

  • Freesia Armstrong. The height of the shoot is about 80 cm. The flowers are bell-shaped in various shades: red, scarlet; 3-5 pieces are collected. It blooms from May to June;
  • Freesia Hacked. Shoots up to 40 cm, each with 3-4 inflorescences, blooms in spring. The petals are white or orange;
  • Hybrid freesia. He is a favorite of florists. Its bush is up to 1 m tall and branched. She is the product of crossing Armstrong's freesia and a broken one. Inflorescence of large, fragrant flowers of purple, raspberry, yellow.

In all three varieties there are ordinary and terry representatives. The former have one row of petals, terry freesia - 2 or more rows. Freesia mix is ​​often found on sale - this is a mixture of varieties, the so-called mix.

Important! Recently, dashed varieties have become widespread, in which thick strips of another pass over the main tone of the flower.

The following varieties of freesia are popular with flower growers:

CardinalRed flowers are not terry
BallerinaWhite Freesia Ballerina has a beige base and corrugated petals.
ApolloSnow-white petals with yellow pharynx
PimperinaLow peduncles 20-25 cm, in the inflorescence of 6 flowers of dark red and yellow flowers, the aroma is not pronounced
Freesia Double WhiteShoots up to 30 cm in height, terry petals, white
HelsinkiPerianth purple with a purple tint and a yellow mark on the bottom of the petal, middle with purple touches
StockholmRose brick petals with terracotta markings on the underside, late blooms
Red LyonThe flowers are bright scarlet with a throat of saturated color
Orange FavoriteBright orange flowers with a richer pharynx
White swanWhite flowers with cream, purple dashes

Growing Freesia from seeds

Freesia cultivation and care at home and in the garden

Freesia seeds are angularly rounded, dark brown. They ripen for 2-3 pieces in one box (pod). The ability to germinate, they retain up to 3 years.

How to grow from seed

Before planting, the seeds are immersed in a saturated pink solution of manganese and laid out to dry on an ironed napkin. Then they are soaked for 24 hours in clean boiled water at a temperature of 18 ° C and sown deep into the soil by 0.6-1 cm. For growing, it is better to use a greenhouse covered with polyethylene or film. Humidity inside should be 60-70%, and temperature - about 22ºС. Jumps of these indicators are undesirable. Airing should be carried out twice a day with a spray of boiled water. The box is placed in a humid place where twilight reigns. 10 days after planting, seedlings should appear.


Planting shoots in pots is carried out after the appearance of two leaves, the distance between them should be maintained at least 50 mm. With the onset of heat - transferred to open ground. In a residential area, sowing is done in March. A year later, by international women's day, the plant should bloom.

When growing seedlings, some rules should be observed:

  • the appearance of shoots should be accompanied by a decrease in temperature for the plant to 8-10ºС;
  • plants are photophilous, and with a decrease in daylight hours, additional illumination is required up to 12 hours / day;
  • direct sunlight should not be;
  • intensive watering recommended;
  • the plant does not like drafts.

Important! After the appearance of sprouts, freesia should be fed with ammonium nitrate (10 g per 5 l of water). Subsequently, 5 times every 2-3 weeks, a chicken manure solution is added (1:20) with the addition of 10 g of potassium nitrate per 5 l of liquid.

Outdoor landing

Fuchsia cultivation and care in the garden, in the open ground

Freesia is characterized by frost resistance. 10 years ago it was grown only in greenhouses, now it is cultivated in gardens, even in northwestern Russia. Landing of freesia and care in the open ground are quite specific:

  • you need to monitor the temperature;
  • the flow of light rays should be controlled;
  • competent watering is important.

To admire the flowers in the flowerbed at the end of summer, you need to plant the tubers in peat cups in early April. Before this, the bulbs are soaked for half an hour in 0.2% solution of foundationazole, planted 4-6 cm deep. They should be sprouted for a while on a well-lit balcony. Planted outside the premises not earlier than May, when the air temperature warms up to 10ºС.

Planting dates

Freesias are placed along the trench at a distance of 6 cm from each other, mulched with neutralized peat, to preserve moisture. Experienced florists for a better growth in the planting holes introduce a mixture of sand and crushed coal 1: 1. Fertilize the plant preferably every two weeks with superphosphate (30 g per bucket of water).

Important! The place for planting a freesia flower should not be in the wind, partial shade is desirable. Earth needs loose, well-permeable air and moisture.

Freesia is a plant that does not tolerate direct sunlight, which can cause burns. Weak stems of young shoots need to be propped up, for which they use a mesh. Planting plants at different times will provide flowering from spring to late autumn. With the onset of frost, blooming freesia can be transplanted into a pot. And in the room it will delight the owner’s eye for a long time.

Caring for Freesia in the garden

How to water a plant

Rose Freesia (Friesia) - how to care for a varietal plant

One of the conditions for the full care and cultivation of freesia is a reasonable watering of the beauty. It is important to monitor soil moisture saturation, especially the first two weeks. The earth should not be swamped; drying out is also undesirable. The most abundant watering is needed when laying shoots and when the plant begins to bloom. For preventive purposes, to prevent rot, infections, freesia flowers watered before dinner. By evening, the shoots should dry completely.

How to water

Breeding Freesia

The flower propagates with corms and seeds. In the bulb, the nutrients necessary for the future germination of a new shoot are deposited. On the old tuber in September-October, children are formed (4-5 pcs. Each), and the bulb itself is completely reborn. In the next season they need to be separated and planted separately, for growing. So with bulbous reproduction - no problems.

Freesia is propagated with seeds with a lack of seed and for breeding new varieties. This is a complex and unreliable process.

Diseases and Pests

When cultivated in the area, the flower is often attacked: aphids, spider mites and thrips. In this case, treatment with insecticides is required (Iskra, Fitoverm).

Important! No natural remedies will save your favorite plant from thrips and spider mites. It makes no sense to waste time, you still have to resort to chemicals.


The appearance of fusarium, rot or scab on the shoots means only that the plant is improperly looked after. Freesia flowers should be watered with warm water after settling. Plants should not be cramped so that the air "walks" freely, watering at night is not recommended.

Important! Viruses also often cause yellowing and death of leaves. The affected plant should be immediately removed from the total mass of flowers and burned.

Flowering care

Full blooming is possible only with strict temperature control. In the first 6 weeks, it should be about 22 ° C, and before flowering - reduced to 10-15 ° C.

Freesia flowers are quite heavy, which is why shoots need to be supported during flowering. To do this, it is advisable to stretch the twine over the beds. The optimal planting of plants is 5 cm from each other, and it is recommended to maintain at least 15 cm between rows. During this period, the most active water supply is also required. However, one should not forget that freesia is harmful in water stagnation.

Freesia after flowering

How and when to collect seeds

To collect seeds from a plant, it is artificially pollinated with a brush. After flowering, seed boxes form on it. They must be left on the plant until fully ripe, i.e. and after the petals fall. You should wait until the boxes become dark brown and fragile - this is the time of collection. Most often, they are dried in a warm place on paper or saucer, away from the sun, mixing regularly. Store seeds in a paper envelope, be sure to sign them.

Winter preparations

Within 3-5 weeks after flowering, the time comes for intensive ripening of children on the bulbs - material for the next generation of plants. When the flowers lose their attractiveness, they are torn off so that the plant does not waste nutrients in vain and seed formation does not occur, but watering is continued for up to a month.

Important! Leaves are not removed to the last, they nourish the bulbs for a long time.

Freesia tubers in Russia (especially the Urals, Siberia) do not winter in open soil. After yellowing of the shoots, they are cut, the bulbs are dug up. 2 weeks before being removed from the ground, watering is reduced and the temperature is reduced. They are stored by placing them in a linen bag at a humidity of 65% and a temperature of 28-30ºС. For the right amount of moisture in the air, a container of water is placed near the storage location. Three months is enough for the "rest" of tubers. After this period, the bulbs can be prepared for planting.

How to prepare a plant for winter


Use in landscape design

Freesia is a welcome guest in any landscape installation. It is in demand and popular in the design of lawns, rock gardens, flower beds, mixborders. Now most often used hybrid varieties. Many landscape designers, when asked which flower will add a composition of paradox and aristocracy, point to freesia. It is often planted along with herbs: thyme, lavender, rosemary. Flowers are often grown in pots, flowerpots, and taken out to decorate arbors, terraces, balconies. It is convenient that such a decoration can be hidden indoors when frost sets in.

For about 10 years, according to Dutch florists, freesia ranks sixth in the list of popularity in the flower market. All this is due to its grace, a variety of colors and a palette of aromas.
