Is fig a fruit or a berry? What is fig or fig


Most people know about figs. However, this culture has many other names. About what figs and other interesting facts about it are described below in the article.

What is fig

Many people wonder, figs - what is it. Figs - a plant that grows in the subtropics. It belongs to the genus Ficus and the Mulberry family.

Another question that interests many people is: fig is a fruit or a berry. It contains a lot of seeds, so it is often referred to as a berry. However, berries grow on grassy and bushy plants, and figs grow on a tree. It can also not be attributed to fruit. Figs are not a berry, not a fruit, and not a vegetable. In fact, figs are a plant of ficus carika. It has the shape of a circle or oval, as well as a very thick peel.

What a fig tree looks like

It is also not clear to some: figs and figs are one and the same, and in general figs are what kind of fruit. Figs and figs are the name of the same fruit. And about whether it is a fruit or a berry is described below.

What is called fig in a different way

The plant in question has numerous names. In every country it is called differently. In Russia it is called as a fig tree, since its fruits are fig, fruit. In another way, fig berries are called figs, and a tree is called a fig tree. Some make wine out of it, which is why another name for fig appeared - wine berry.

Common Fig

Feijoa is a fruit or berry - where it grows and what it looks like

Common fig is a woody plant. It looks like a shrub or tree tree. The leaves are large and whole. Cultivated species are a complete tree that can grow in height from 4 m or more. A distinctive feature of the plant is that its flowers are dioecious. Women have the shape of a ball, pear or a flattened shape. At the top is a small hole. When the flowers are pollinated, many fruits appear. They are nuts that are surrounded by juicy pulp. The color of the fruit can be from yellow to dark. A yellowish-green tint is common.

What does a fresh fig tree look like?

White figs

White figs have thicker skin. Its pulp is yellow or red. More delicious is the wine berry with yellow flesh. They use it in dried form, as well as in boiled in the form of jams.

What is rich in figs

Fig - care and cultivation in the open field, pruning

Figs are a plant rich in vitamins and minerals. If you use it on a regular basis, it will beneficially affect the whole body. It contains the most vitamin B6 and B5. This is beneficial for fatigue, headaches, frequent colds. It is also useful for the cardiac, digestive, respiratory systems.

However, it can also be harmful to the body. It should not be used for acute and inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines, as well as for those who suffer from diabetes mellitus, urolithiasis, obesity, pancreatitis. With caution, it should be used during pregnancy and lactation.

All About Figs

Fig - what is this plant? This is a deciduous culture, which belongs to the genus Ficus.

Which family belongs to

Fig tree or fig - description of what the fruit looks like

Figs belong to the Mulberry family. This plant is one of the oldest cultivated plants. At first it was grown in Arabia, then in Phenicia, and then still in Syria and Egypt.

What does he look like

The fig tree is a large plant that grows up to 8-10 m. The bark of the fig plant is light and smooth. A column in diameter can reach up to 18 cm. The roots grow in width up to 15 m, and in length - up to 6 m.

Fig leaves

Fig leaves are large. They can be dark green to grayish green. In length, the leaf grows up to 15 cm, and in width - up to 12 cm. They are alternate, three, five, seven dusty lobed or separate and rigid with falling stipules.

Short shoots grow in the axils of the leaves. There are two types of inflorescences in them. The first are called kaprifigi, and the second figs. They grow on various trees. Their axis grows to form a ball with a hole at the top. Inside they are hollow. Dioecious flowers develop there.

Fig fruit

Figs grow into juicy and sweet fruit. They have a pear shape and many seeds inside. Fig fruits are covered with thin skin. There are numerous hairs on it. On top of the fruit there is a hole that is covered with scales. Collapse can be from black-blue to yellowish.

For your information! Fresh fruits contain up to 24% sugar, and dried fruits up to 37%.

How, where figs grow and bloom

Fig trees are divided into male and female. Pollination is done by black wasp blastophages. In inflorescences there are small holes through which pollination is carried out. Edible fruits grow only on female representatives. Fig fruits are pear shaped. In length, they can reach up to 10 cm.

Note! Unripe fruits can not be eaten. This is due to the fact that they contain latex harmful to the body.

Ripe fruit contains from 30 to 1600 seeds. If the growing conditions are favorable, then the fig tree can bear fruit for 200 years. Flowering can occur several times a year. Fruit setting occurs at the end of the warm season from summer to autumn.

The fig tree was first cultivated 5000 years ago. His homeland is Saudi Arabia. There it is widely used in the food and medical industries. Over time, the fig tree began to spread throughout Europe and the Canary Islands. Around 1530, the fruits were tasted in England. Then the seeds were transported to South Africa, Australia, Japan, China and India. In 1560, the fig tree was grown in the United States and Mexico. Figs are also common in the Caucasus (in Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan). On a large scale, it is grown in Turkey, Greece, Italy and Portugal.

In Russia, a fig tree grows on the black coast in the Krasnodar Territory and on the island of Crimea. There he has been growing since ancient times. Fig tree bears fruit where there is a warm and dry climate.

Figs - the oldest plant

The best varieties of figs for the Midland

The varieties of wine berries that grow best in the Midlands include:

  • Crimean black. It has an average ripening period;
  • Dalmatian. It bears fruit twice a year;
  • gray early. The fruits ripen early;
  • Randino. Fruits twice a year.

Note! The ripening time of figs depends on the conditions and region of growth. The fruits ripen in two stages. On average, the first time this happens in June, and the second - in September, October.

The ripened fruits greatly increase in size and have a bright color. Nectar droplets come out on the peel.

How to collect figs: green or ripe

Ripe fruits are harvested by hand. This is due to the fact that the fetus is very tender. It has a thin peel, and inside it is very soft flesh.

Important! It is only necessary to collect fruits early in the morning and with gloves. This is due to the fact that the existing hairs on the leaves under the influence of sunlight can cause a burning sensation on the skin.

The fruits are picked carefully. It is necessary to collect only ripe, so in an unripe form it can not be used.

What does ripe figs look like

What is useful figs for women

Eating the fruits of the plant in question is useful for women:

  • a decrease in the likelihood of developing varicose veins and the appearance of spider veins on the legs. Ficin, contained in fruits, strengthens veins and blood vessels, and also improves blood circulation;
  • they contain folic acid. It is a valuable substance for bearing a child. Acid helps to maintain the placenta and has a beneficial effect on the fetus. She also treats anemia;
  • have a laxative effect. Therefore, it should be used for problems with bowel movements;
  • in nursing mothers, consumption increases lactation;
  • during menstruation, the fig tree will reduce pain.

What is the use of dried figs

Fresh fig can not be stored for more than three days, so dried fruit is most often made from it. But in dried form contains a huge amount of useful ingredients.

Important! In 100 g of dried fruit, the daily norm of vitamin B.

Dried product is used in the following cases:

  • when high blood pressure;
  • to make bones stronger;
  • with colds;
  • for the prevention of cancerous tumors.

What is useful figs for men

Men can consume the fruits of the plant in question to increase potency. Its effect on men's health is as follows:

  • production of hormones of happiness is increased;
  • prevents clogging of blood vessels;
  • restores strength after sex;
  • increases arousal.

As well as a general restorative, fruits can be consumed in the following cases:

  • the fight against anemia;
  • strengthening teeth and bones;
  • restoration of strength;
  • diuretic effect, etc.

Interesting Figs About Figs

Some interesting facts are connected with the figs:

  • It is believed that fig peach is a hybrid of fig and peach. However, this is actually not the case. Fig peach derived from wild varieties of peach trees;
  • according to many scholars, Adam and Eve did not eat the forbidden fruit of an apple, but figs, because according to the Bible they covered the nakedness of their bodies with fig trees. The opinion about the use of apple is due to the fact that it is more famous than the southern fruit;
  • a fig tree is a long-lived tree, since it can bring rafts for several hundred years;
  • A. Macedon took wine berries in military campaigns, as it quickly restored strength;
  • Fig trees can grow on the most unfavorable soils. It can grow even on rocks, the main thing is that there is a place where you can catch on the roots. It is possible to grow a fig tree even in a flower pot. The main condition for successful growth is the absence of frost;
  • Fig tree flowers are not particularly attractive. They are small in the form of balls, and at the top they have a hole;
  • Fig fruits have a unique composition. They are used to treat dozens of diseases. They are especially used to treat cough and constipation;
  • wine berry contains a huge amount of tryptophan. This substance has a beneficial effect on brain activity. It also normalizes the nervous system, improves sleep, and helps to get out of a depressed state. Tryptophan is a source of good mood;
  • figs have an unusually delicate aroma. It is used not only as a medicine, but put as a filling for pies, marmalade and jam are boiled, sauces and desserts are prepared.

Important! Fig tree is a unique plant. Its fruits have a lot of useful properties for both men and women. They use it both in raw form and as dried fruits.
