How to propagate Decembrist at home: examples without roots and leaves


The Decembrist is a flower belonging to the Cactus family, but in its habits is completely opposite to other representatives of this species. Schlumberger, or the so-called zygocactus, do not have prickly needles, do not tolerate direct sunlight, and are also demanding for heavy watering. They loved to settle on the branches and trunks of South American trees in rainforests, where the maximum humidity indicator.

How to breed Decembrist

High-level breeders can create almost any combination of shades of this flower, and only a few know how to propagate Decembrists at home. The task is quite simple, if you fulfill all the requirements of the plant, the flower will successfully take root on the windowsill.

What turned into a transplanted do-it-yourself Decembrist

So that the Decembrist could take root after the transplant, it should be carried out according to certain rules. A suitable time for transplanting begins at the end of February, for cacti this period is characterized by the end of flowering and the beginning of the processes of growth of leaf mass. Optimum humidity should be observed; if the watering is excessive, the transplanted cuttings simply rot.

To reduce the likelihood of rotting, you should unscrew the cuttings from the uterine flower and dry them for several days in the newspaper. Such a simple operation will allow microcracks to heal.

Important! It is correct to unscrew the cuttings clockwise, and not to trim. When cutting, the plant is injured more, which reduces the likelihood of a successful transplant.

Be sure to maintain the optimum room temperature at around 17-20 ° C, the propagation of Decembrist in this climate will occur without drying out and decay.

An important role is played by the choice of plant propagation method from the following options:

  • using seeds;
  • Cherenkov method;
  • sheets;
  • Inoculation is also suitable for flowers.

Decembrist transplant by cuttings

It is not difficult to grow a plant in an apartment, if you choose the optimal zone for this. In the apartment, the temperature and humidity indicators practically do not change throughout the entire time, which is a favorable condition for the flower.

The most recognized and highly effective method of transplantation is considered to be the Cherenkov method. Taken cactus sprouts quickly take new roots, are not demanding for constant care and have a low threshold for fungal diseases.

Propagation options by cuttings

Phalaenopsis breeding at home: examples of children and cuttings

Cuttings are the easiest way to propagate flowering plants, which even a beginner gardener can easily cope with. After the flowering process (February - March), zigocactus pruning is required. This procedure will increase the density and volume of the uterine plant, and is also a necessary incentive for the formation of young branches. The tops are cut mainly, these segments serve as excellent material for grafting.

For your information!The propagation of the Decembrist flower by cuttings is ideal to carry out in spring time or with the onset of autumn.

The efficiency of grafting at home is almost 100%. The handle is prepared, taking into account the following rules:

  • sheets must have turgor. It is better not to choose sluggish cuttings at all, since the depleted rudiments of the future flower take root with a low probability;
  • there should be no mechanical damage, integrity should be maintained;
  • the ideal factor is the presence of small air roots on the cuttings. They appear in conditions of sufficient humidity.

Planting is better to start with a simple glass of water, as soon as noticeable roots appear, only then planted in the ground. To obtain a lush bush, several cuttings of one uterine flower should be planted in one container. When a new cactus takes root, the result is a lush bush, identical on all sides.

Step-by-step instructions for planting cuttings:

  1. Unscrew from the uterine flower several healthy cuttings.
  2. Maintain them on a newspaper or plain paper for several days for drying.
  3. Expanded clay is placed at the bottom of the cup.
  4. Special soil is poured, a recess the size of a stalk is made with a finger. Depth of landing is the boundary of the lower segment.

As a flower is planted in the Decembrists' cups, propagation by cuttings

Important! Watering the transplanted cuttings should only be after the soil has completely dried. The prepared soil already contains the optimum amount of moisture, and additional watering can cause the segment to decay.

The formation of new leaves will signal a successful procedure.

Seed propagation at home

Seeds are used mainly by professional breeders, as they experiment with the development of new shades of Decembrist. Having complete data about the Decembrist, how to propagate, what care requires, you can use this method to increase the number of home flower garden.

Gloriosa flower: home care and planting examples

Pollination of this representative of the flora occurs only by cross methods, for which it is better to acquire several uterine flowers. The ripening period of seeds after flowering is six months. Visually, the fruits are similar to rose hips. When the fetus begins to become soft, it should be carefully removed and cleaned.

Seeds prepared in this way give a small percentage of germination, since in the success of the whole undertaking, full pollination is required. This can be done using an ordinary soft brush. An ideal option would be to pre-purchase store-prepared seeds, which will significantly increase the chances of success.

Propagation of Decembrist independently at home requires proper collection of seeds from ripened fruits. When the berry softens, it must be unscrewed, inside it will be ready 30-50 pcs. seed.

Note! Visually, one seed can be compared with a poppy seed. After peeling, the dried seeds retain the ability to reproduce for three years.

Reproduction of zygocactus using seeds

Seed preparation begins with soaking in a solution of peroxide or manganese, after which you need to rinse future cacti. The best germination rates are inherent in Decembrist year-old seeds. Previously, for two weeks they are laid out on the sunny side of the windowsill and heated. After warming, soaking and washing, you can proceed to the landing.

Spring is the best time to plant zygocactus seeds. The landing procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. The washed seeds are laid out on wet soil.
  2. It is not necessary to sprinkle them with earth, and you should not cover the entire structure with glass or tighten it with a film.
  3. Seedlings should be expected in a week.
  4. Dive is carried out cyclically after three months.

Note! The method using seeds allows you to bring your own variety of cactus flowers. If you create a suitable microclimate for Decembrists, how to propagate becomes a matter of technology.

Leaf propagation options

The method of propagation of the flower using leaves is not particularly common, but it also gives positive results. First you need to prepare a flower zone for propagation. The humidity level is equalized, the temperature is brought to constant values. The season also serves as a powerful argument for the successful germination of leaves.

Strelitzia flower: examples of care and growing at home

Propagation is necessary only after flowering, so as not to cause damage to the uterine plant. Select leaflets should be given the following rules:

  • inspect for damage. Even minimal crackles, violation of the leaf structure, signs of lethargy should be taken into account;
  • fading sheets do not fit;
  • the number of segments of the leaflet must be at least three;
  • a good factor will be the presence on the leaves of air, barely noticeable roots.

In order to obtain a voluminous new flower in the future, several leaflets should be selected for transplantation and planted in one pot. Knowing the features of how to propagate the Decembrist on your own, you can use leaflets for this, without being tied to the time of year.

Note! The ideal place for the selection of children is the base of the mother's stem. At this point, minimal damage is inflicted on the plant. After tearing off the leaves, the section is sprinkled with charcoal, this limits the possibility of penetration of microorganisms.

Planting Decembrist leaflets in the ground

Preparation of selected leaflets begins immediately after their separation. Drying is two days in the absence of moisture. After lying in the newspaper for several days, the leaves are washed with peroxide and planted in glasses. They should be planted in half of the lower segment, watering additional store soil should not be. All precautions, as in the case of cuttings, are preserved.

Further care for the Decembrist

After the transplantation of a new plant into the ground, care should be taken for further care of the cacti. There is no particular difference between the procedure for caring for young flowers and working with adult maternal zygocactus. How to take a small shoot from the Decembrist and plant it is a simple matter, but in order to turn it into a magnificent huge flower, you need to try.

Proper grooming can turn an ordinary flower into a natural masterpiece

The main subtleties of caring for a new plant:

  • watering is carried out after noticeable drying of the soil. Use exclusively warm water for this;
  • sometimes in conditions of severe air dryness it is necessary to spray the cuttings with warm water. The composition of the nutrient fluid should not contain chlorine;
  • until the plant has a developed root system, any buds that appear should be immediately eliminated. The flower will spend a lot of energy to ensure full flowering, and the root system as a result will remain at the same underdeveloped level;
  • After watering, wait a few minutes and remove any remaining water from the sump. A long delay in this action contributes to the onset of decay, which can lead to complete disappearance.

Possible errors and shortcomings of the transplant procedure

Some gardeners properly care for the plants, but the end result is still negative - the plant dies. Decembrist - a flower slightly capricious. Past breeding at home, not always successfully survives.

If the stalk begins to fade, then the presence of a fungal infection may become a possible cause. To eliminate the negative factor, the plant should be treated with fungicide.

Note! If the procedure does not solve the problem, then the root system has died in the handle. The reason for this may be even a single watering of a flower with cold water or the presence of cold drafts.

A common problem for beginning gardeners is the process of decay of the Decembrist. During germination, abundant humidity is a prerequisite for this negative phenomenon. Ambulance consists in getting the cuttings from the soil, cutting the entire rotting part, further drying and planting it in a new prepared soil. The number of irrigation in this case is reduced by 2 times.

Having information on how to plant the decembrists you love, you need to provide him with further favorable conditions for living in a home environment. This representative of cacti likes a comfortable constancy of humidity, a sufficient amount of sun and maintaining the temperature regime at the same level. In summer, the plant is in an inactive state, which allows it to be placed even on the northern shadow window sills. In winter, the pot should be moved to the south side of the house, as there is an urgent need for light.

Important! For uniform growth, the cactus pot is systematically scrolled, so the amount of light and heat is distributed evenly over all the leaves.

The Decembrist blossomed in the sun and delights everyone with his attractiveness.


Many gardeners the prospect of independent propagation of the Decembrist repels and scares, but there are no certain difficulties in this. Fear appears due to lack of awareness of all stages and periods of this process. If you set a goal and get acquainted with all the subtleties, growing a new floral masterpiece will not be difficult. Each room can become an embodiment of art, if amazing floral arrangements are placed on the windowsill, coming acquaintances will be surprised at the hidden talents of the landlord.
